: It’s Not Difficult To Kill You

Bai Xiaochun was short of breath, he had forgotten himself for a long time, he didn’t think about how many times he succeeded, and he didn’t pay attention to the result of this assessment, his eyes were bloodshot, and there was only one thing on his mind at the moment, and that was how to make himself the next time he opened the furnace, Can have full grasp.

Not sure, never open the furnace

He likes a steady personality, and he has brought it to the extreme in refining medicine.

But after thinking about it so far, he found that no matter how he tried to solve the problem, he couldn’t solve the problem, unless he could fix the ink element in the black spirit fruit, but in this way, although it was not a change in the prescription, it was still a subtle adjustment, Bai Xiaochun There was a moment of silence, with determination in his eyes.

“I can only jump out of the prescription and adjust it as needed.” He crushed the Mo Lingguo in his hand.

With a click, countless juices spilled, but did not fall into theThe pill furnace was condensed in mid-air, and under Bai Xiaochun’s control, it was continuously fused together according to the degree of intensity he needed.

Others didn’t think anything about this scene, they were just surprised, even Bai Xiaochun himself didn’t think there was anything strange, he just thought it would be safe to do so, that’s why.

But Elder Xu opened his eyes abruptly, and the depths of his eyes showed shock for the first time. You must know that even if Bai Xiaochun succeeded seven times before, he was just surprised, but now, this kind of shock is much higher than before.

“This Bai Xiaochun, he actually tried to adjust the prescription, this son is not bad, no wonder the master asked me to pay attention to this son before going out last month.” Elder Xu thought thoughtfully.

After a while, Bai Xiaochun waved his right hand violently, and after driving away the excess ink, leaving only a part the size of a fingernail, threw it into the alchemy furnace, then took out other herbs, put them in one by one, and opened the eighth furnace

The alchemy furnace turned red visible to the naked eye, and it didn’t even last an hour, that is, about two sticks of incense.

Elder Xu looked into the alchemy furnace at a glance, and immediately saw a ten-inch-sized Mo Lingxiang inside, black with purple in color

“Almost medium grade” Elder Xu’s eyes showed a strange light.

Bai Xiaochun also saw the difference in the Mo Lingxiang refined this time, his expression was in a trance, and at this moment he suddenly understood why all the elixir he refined before were inferior.

“Prescriptions don’t have to be refined according to one’s own needs, so that it is possible to refine an elixir above middle grade.” Bai Xiaochun suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment, and his spirits were quite uplifted. opened the ninth furnace

At this moment, everyone around was short of breath, and no one was talking anymore. They were completely shocked. Although they had expected it before, everyone felt unbelievable after witnessing Bai Xiaochun’s eight consecutive successes.

This not only surpassed Zhou Xinqi, but also was on par with Wang Qingshan who is now a disciple of the inheritance

Before everyone around could recover from the shock, Bai Xiaochun’s refining speed was a little faster this time, and it took only one stick of incense. The pill furnace vibrated loudly, and the fragrance became even more intense. The ninth furnace succeeded again


“No one has ever hit nine times, especially this is Mo Lingxiang. Although this Bai Xiaochun has been thinking for a long time, his success rate is also appalling.”

Xu Baocai’s mind kept buzzing, and he was completely stunned. Du Lingfei only felt endless waves in his mind, and couldn’t help but think of the scene when the other party told about grafting plants and trees back then.

On the contrary, Han Jianye heaved a sigh of relief. Although there was bitterness, he was no longer mad. If Bai Xiaochun was just a little more than him, he would still be more serious, but now, he has accepted it.

“There is one last time left. Senior Brother Bai has created an unprecedented one. Will he be able to create a miracle?”

“It’s worth it this time, even if I stay here for several days, it’s worth it”

Everyone here, at this moment, all focused on Bai Xiaochun, their breathing was heavy, and their eyes showed strong anticipation, even Elder Xu couldn’t take their eyes off, and the shock in his heart was even greater.

Soon, Bai Xiaochun moved, with a serious look on his face, he took out the last piece of ingredients, sorted them one by one, put them into the alchemy furnace according to different time and matching, and made a formula with both hands to stimulate the ground fire.

Time goes by, the surroundings are silent, and people can even hear their own heartbeats. In this waiting, after a stick of incense,

A loud bang suddenly came from the alchemy furnace. The mist from the failure did not disperse, but there was no fragrance of the medicine, which made everyone around feel aroused.

“Did it fail?” Xu Baocai felt his mouth dry.

Bai Xiaochun also froze for a moment, having some guesses in his mind, his eyes suddenly brightened.

At this moment, everyone around immediately saw that there was a colorful light in the pill furnace, which spread out along the gap. Following the appearance of the light, Elder Xu suddenly stepped forward, looking at the purple inside of the pill furnace, Mo Lingxiang, who was only one inch in size, showed ecstasy in his eyes.

“Medium grade”

Elder Xu laughed loudly, and with a flick of his sleeve, all the alchemy furnaces, pockets, and the refined Mo Lingxiang were all in his hands.

“In this assessment, five people including Bai Xiaochun, Han Jianye, Du Lingfei, Chen Ziang, Zhao Yiduo, and you were promoted to Medicine Apprentice, and Bai Xiaochun won the first place with 5,000 contribution points.”

As soon as his words came out, the people around him suddenly erupted, and the roaring sound spread all over the place.

“Ten times, ten times all succeed”

“The last refinement was actually a middle-grade medicine. As a medicine student, I was able to refine a middle-grade elixir.”

Whether it was Xu Baocai, Du Lingfei, or Han Jianye, everyone was shocked at this moment.

Bai Xiaochun was a little helpless, he hadn’t carefully observed the only mid-grade elixir he had refined, and seeing that it was taken away by Elder Xu, he stood up feeling very dissatisfied, but seeing the other party’s appearance, it was clear that there was no possibility for him.

Bai Xiaochun sighed. At this moment, he was exhausted. He walked down the square. All the people around looked at him with fanaticism and admiration. At this moment, they naturally saw that Bai Xiaochun succeeded ten times. It was not a fluke. Thinking for a second time is not something ordinary people can do.”Congratulations to Senior Brother Bai for creating a miracle and achieving unprecedented achievements.”

“Brother Bai, admire, admire”

“Brother Bai, my little sister is a bit confused here, can senior brother Bai help my little sister?”

Bai Xiaochun blinked, he was too involved in alchemy just now, seeing the appearance of everyone, he immediately knew that he had made a big fuss, but when he found that the fellow disciples around him were so enthusiastic, Bai Xiaochun was moved, and quickly clasped his fists at everyone.

He was very happy in his heart, when he was a little turtle, he didn’t find a chance to stand out under the attention of everyone, but now he finally found some feeling of being sought after.

For those female disciples who asked him to help, Bai Xiaochun nodded in agreement without hesitation, and from time to time reminded those disciples who called him Senior Brother Bai that his name was Bai Xiaochun, for fear that others would not know.

Read Section 33

Just when he was proud, he suddenly saw a young man in the crowd, staring at him fiercely. Bai Xiaochun immediately recognized that the other party was actually one of Zhou Xinqi’s admirers. , leave quickly.

Bai Xiaochun trotted all the way, and when he returned to his wooden house, he only felt dizzy. After several days of refining medicine, his mind was exhausted, and he fell asleep on the bed.

This sleep lasted for two days.

At noon on the third day, Bai Xiaochun opened his eyes, his tiredness and dizziness were gone, and he remembered that the only middle-grade elixir he had refined was just taken away by Elder Xu. Bai Xiaochun sighed, checked and found It was a little comforting to have 5,000 more contribution points in my identity token.

With the contribution points, Bai Xiaochun was going to continue refining medicine and practice his immortality skill, so he went out and exchanged seven or eight prescriptions in the sect, and chose one of them to replenish vitality, and exchanged a lot of herbs.

The process was quick, but he was terrified. He found that some people along the way changed their expressions when they saw him. There was even one who was Zhou Xinqi’s admirer. .

Bai Xiaochun was nervous, after changing the herbs, he didn’t go back to the yard, he went straight to the Alchemy Pavilion, bought a year’s time with the remaining contribution points, and got in.

“I was careless this time, wait for me to come out, I will not die after I come out, if anyone comes to provoke me, I will pinch one, and if ten come, I will go to the head of the seat.” Bai Xiaochun snorted coldly, in this elixir In the room of the pavilion, instead of going out, start refining medicine.

He himself could guess that during those two days of deep sleep, the news about what happened when he was promoted to a medicine student must gradually spread, and it is conceivable that it will spread throughout the entire Xiangyun Mountain in a short time.

In fact, this is indeed the case. In the sect at this moment, some people already suspect that Bai Xiaochun is the little turtle

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence, all plants, trees, spirits and beasts are all masters, especially Bai Xiaochun who has refined the middle grade, and has been promoted to refine medicine ten times successfully.

Zhou Xinqi’s admirers were even more mobilized, and even Du Lingfei’s admirers joined in, but they didn’t expect Bai Xiaochun to be so vigilant, and instead of going back to his residence, he stayed in the Medicine Refining Pavilion, especially when they asked When someone found out that Bai Xiaochun actually bought a year of refining time, everyone became angry.

It’s just that they didn’t dare to break into the Medicine Refining Pavilion, and Bai Xiaochun’s identity also made them a little scrupulous. After all, they didn’t dare to do anything to Bai Xiaochun for such a disciple, but after a hard lesson, the sect still wouldn’t I don’t care, after all, the skills are not as good as others, so I can’t blame others.

But right now there is no other way, everyone can only leave bitterly, but there is a young man with a pockmarked face in the crowd, looking coldly at the Alchemy Pavilion, with a gloomy expression slowly showing at the corner of his mouth.

“Do you think that if you hide here, I will have nothing to do with you? Just beat my cousin Fade Chen, and bully my beloved Junior Sister Zhou, and my favorite Junior Sister Du, even the one I recently fell in love with. Martial sister Hou is always talking about you, Bai Xiaochun, although you have some talent, it is not difficult for me to kill you.” The young man sneered in his heart, he was the inner disciple named Qian, Qian Dajin

Bai Xiaochun was leisurely in his room in the Medicine Refining Pavilion. He either refined medicine or practiced the Immortal and Longevity Kung Fu every day. Day by day, his Immortality and Longevity Kung Fu was improving by leaps and bounds.

The skin of the whole body is tougher, and the speed and strength are also higher than before.

“In two more days, my Immortal Iron Skin will be fully completed.” Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath, his eyes showing high spirits.

But at dusk of this day, suddenly, a blue light flew out from the sect’s mission, went straight to the elixir pavilion, ignored the protection of the attic, and instantly appeared in the room where Bai Xiaochun was.

Bai Xiaochun was taken aback for a moment, and after a closer look, it was a piece of token

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