The World

One day later, when the first spirit stone in the boat was consumed, Feng Yan retracted the wind sail, and the three of them landed on a mountain top. It was dusk, and the setting sun could be seen faintly in the distance, and the earth gradually became dark.

There is a jungle at the foot of the mountain, the sound of birds and beasts can be heard from time to time, and there is a lot of moisture around.

“After passing this forest, we are resting, what do you think?” Feng Yan said lightly, looking at Du Lingfei and Bai Xiaochun.

“It’s getting dark, there may be some ferocious beasts in this jungle, let’s fly there with wind sails.” Bai Xiaochun suggested.

“If you want to rest, you can rest on your own, it’s just a jungle.” Du Lingfei snorted coldly, couldn’t understand Bai Xiaochun’s fear of death, swayed his body, and rushed out first.

Contempt also flashed deep in Feng Yan’s eyes, but on the surface he smiled at Bai Xiaochun, and ran down the mountain as well.

Bai Xiaochun frowned. Seeing the two of them like this, he sighed and became more vigilant. Following the two of them, he went down the mountain and rushed into the jungle.

The jungle is even more humid, and you can even see some swamps from time to time. All kinds of birds and beasts come and go from time to time, but the three of them are Qi Condensation monks, with flexible bodies and fast speeds. Forward.

Time passed, the sky gradually darkened, and when the moon was high, the three of them had already walked halfway, and they didn’t encounter any fierce beasts along the way, and it went smoothly. The appearance of being able to jump up made Du Lingfei feel even more contemptuous.

“Be careful,” Bai Xiaochun said suddenly, his footsteps paused, and his expression showed anxiety.

Du Lingfei sneered, and was about to ridicule.

But at this moment, suddenly, there was a gust of wind blowing all around, and there was a fishy smell in the sound of the wind. Du Lingfei’s complexion changed, and when he looked up, he immediately saw countless pairs of eyes appearing in the forest in the distance.

Those eyes were all crimson red. Almost the moment they saw these eyes, the sound of flapping wings came out suddenly, and bats the size of a palm but with two heads flew away in groups. come out.

“Double-headed bats, their minions are highly poisonous, and they are hemolytically sealed”

“Let’s go separately and gather at the top of the mountain on the other side of the jungle.” Feng Yan’s complexion changed, and he immediately exclaimed, his body swayed and changed direction, and his speed suddenly exploded.

Du Lingfei also narrowed her eyes. When she waved her hand, a piece of talisman appeared in front of her. It slowly burned and emitted blue light, turning into a light curtain covering her whole body. The same speed increased, and she changed direction and quickly separated. When she turned around, she was stunned for a moment and found shouldBai Xiaochun, who should be at the end, has long since disappeared.

Here, Bai Xiaochun backed away instantly the moment the wind blew up. He likes to be safe, and he is even more careful, so he has a kind of sensitivity to danger that is beyond ordinary people.

When retreating at this moment, the approaching bats split into three groups with a buzzing sound, chasing the three of them respectively.

In the jungle, Feng Yan showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and quickly took away a piece of incense in his hand. The reason why these bats appeared was caused by this incense, and the reason why he chose to stop here and shuttle through the jungle was precisely because he once went out to perform a mission , I noticed that there was this kind of double-headed bat in this jungle.

“Any one has a cultivation level not weaker than the third level of Qi Condensation, Bai Xiaochun, don’t blame me, someone wants you to die.” Feng Yan smiled lightly, patted the storage bag, took out a black piece of wood, With a slight blow, the wood burned and emitted black smoke, and the bats chasing after him made sharp noises one by one, as if they were disgusted by the smoke, and scattered away.

Feng Yan smiled, walked forward very easily, and gradually disappeared.

In the jungle, Bai Xiaochun was very fast. The bats behind him roared and chased after him, but no matter how fast these bats were, they still couldn’t catch up with Bai Xiaochun. It didn’t take long before Bai Xiaochun completely opened the distance. The bat screeched and fell.

Bai Xiaochun trotted all the way, stopped after a stick of incense, looked behind him, but frowned.

“These bats are so strange.” Bai Xiaochun went back along the original path while pondering, picked up a bat that he had killed with his flying sword, looked carefully, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

“This is not a two-headed bat, this is a purple-patterned bat. Although it is equally poisonous, its teeth are the main material for refining the second-level elixir, Burning Blood Incense.”

“This kind of material is in the sect, and only 50 contribution points can be exchanged for one share.” Bai Xiaochun was immediately pleasantly surprised. This is the content of the fifth

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