: Ancestral Worship Day

“Say.” Da Tianshi’s expression returned to normal, he couldn’t see any emotions, he just swept Bai Xiaochun’s body, and spoke lightly.

Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath and said immediately.

“I can create an opportunity for the Great Celestial Master. This opportunity will allow the dignitaries of the Manchu Dynasty to express their attitude in front of you, the Great Celestial Master.”

“The low-level eyesight is not good, so I can’t see what those old foxes are really thinking in their hearts, but the Great Heavenly Master’s eyes are like a torch, maybe he can see a thing or two through their words and spirit fluctuations.” When Bai Xiaochun said this, he thought carefully in his mind. After some deduction, I feel more and more that my strategy is feasible, and I can’t help but feel elated.

“The strategy of the humble job can be said to be shocking, and it can be called a killer move. Once this move is made, people can learn from it.” Bai Xiaochun slapped his chest, feeling extremely proud in his heart, just waiting for the great master to ask him what the strategy is .

But after waiting for a long time, the great celestial master remained calm, which made Bai Xiaochun a little embarrassed, so he coughed dryly, scratched his head, and continued to speak.

“However, if I want to use this ultimate move, I need all the dignitaries in the court, even the Kuihuang, to use it. Great Heavenly Master, I don’t know if there will be a grand ceremony that requires everyone to attend in the near future.” Bai Xiaochun was looking forward to it but Still holding the key, he looked at the Great Heavenly Master.

Da Tianshi took a deep look at Bai Xiaochun, closed his eyes, opened them after a while, and heard a hoarse voice.

“In a month’s time, you are sure about the ancestor worship. On the day of the ancestor worship, let the old man see your so-called killer move.” The Great Heavenly Master did not ask Bai Xiaochun what kind of strategy this is. Now that he finished speaking, his sleeves With a flick of it, Bai Xiaochun felt a blur in front of his eyes, and when it was clear, he appeared outside the palace again.

“Don’t even ask

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Do you think I’m talking big?” Bai Xiaochun raised his head a little unconvinced, looked in the direction of the Heavenly Master Hall, and snorted inwardly.

“Once I, Bai Xiaochun, make a move, I’ll be afraid. At that time, let the Great Heavenly Master and everyone else see how scary I am.” Bai Xiaochun was full of confidence in his heart, and when he thought of his plan, he couldn’t help it. Full of anticipation, a series of fantasy images could not help but appear in my mind.

The more he thought about it, the more elated he became. In the end, he was almost laughing out loud, and he brought those thousands of corpse puppets back to the Supervising Mansion with a triumphant smile all the way.

After returning to the Supervising Mansion, Zhou Yixing also rushed to return, but was quickly sent to other areas of the Supervising Mansion by Bai Xiaochun, while he was retreating in the main hall.

As for Song Que, Bai Xiaochun didn’t have time to pay attention to it right now. He was full of his own plan at the moment. In the main hall, Bai Xiaochun took out the soul tower to let Bai Hao show his body, and immediately told him his plan.

As Bai Hao listened, his eyes almost popped out. He stared blankly at the master in front of him, and took a long time to take a deep breath.

“Master, you really came up with this move.” Bai Hao asked with some uncertainty.

“Of course I came up with it for my teacher. How about it? Is he great or not?” Seeing Bai Hao like this, Bai Xiaochun was even happier, bragging and patting his chest.

“This move is too ruthless, especially if the Emperor Kui is here, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty will probably go crazy. But the point is not the strategy itself, but the judgment of the great celestial master.” Bai Hao admired it sincerely, and helped Bai Xiaochun perfect it. , making this strategy more and more complete, Bai Xiaochun became more and more proud.

“Time flies too slowly. I really hope that I will worship the ancestors tomorrow.” Bai Xiaochun looked excited, and it took him a long time to suppress his excitement, thinking that he had just copied Li and Chen, and there was probably a lot of rumors outside at the moment. , it is not suitable to continue to act, so I decided to retreat for a month.

Especially his seventeen-color fire, when he gambled with Gongsun and his grandson, he had a lot of understanding in the fire-melting state, and later tried to refine it a few times, and accumulated a lot of experience, just borrowed this month It’s time to refine it properly.

A month passed quickly. During the period of Bai Xiaochun’s retreat, there was a lot of noise in Kuihuang City. The Tianhou of the Li family and the Chen family were taken down by the great celestial master, and the family was copied. This incident caused a very strong storm.

The entire Kuihuang City was stirred up, and all the princes of heaven became nervous, even Tiangong. They already smelled the bloody storm launched by the Supervisory Office back then.

In fact, when Bai Xiaochun was appointed as the inspector, the dignitaries of the Kui Dynasty already had a premonition, but they never expected that Bai Xiaochun’s move would be so fast

Moreover, the decisiveness of the Great Heavenly Master turned out to be like a thunderboltUsually, in less than two hours, the two great heavenly lords are not only in danger of protecting themselves, but also their families are confiscated, and all members of the clan are taken into custody.

And the name Bai Hao is also in Kuihuang City, causing a stir again and causing a sensation in all directions. People with good deeds found after researching that it seems that since Bai Xiaochun came to Kuihuang City, the whole Kuihuang City has changed.

“Is this Bai Hao really a disaster star?”

“It’s so ruthless. I saw with my own eyes that Bai Hao ransacked the house. Wherever he went, he scraped the ground three feet away, and not a single blade of grass grew.”

“I don’t blame that Bai Hao, it’s really the friction between him and those dignitaries. With each touch, it becomes more and more intense, to the point of life and death.”

All kinds of remarks not only appeared in Kuihuang City, but also gradually spread throughout the wilderness, and in the cities of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Those arrogances who had conflicts with Bai Xiaochun in the soul refining pot were all shocked. Li Tiansheng’s misery made them empathize with them, and they couldn’t help being honest. They were even strictly restricted by his family from going out easily. At this moment, Bai Xiaochun could deal with it secretly, but he couldn’t confront him openly.

This scene, while shocking, was also like the death of a rabbit and a fox. It made everyone tremble with fear, their vigilance became stronger and stronger, and the hidden murderous intent towards Bai Xiaochun became stronger and stronger.

They didn’t dare to offend the Great Heavenly Master, so they could only lock their murderous intent on Bai Xiaochun. For the nobles of the Manchu Dynasty, although they usually fought with each other, at this time, they were unusually united.

Regardless of whether the heart is for the emperor or not, this kind of incident of killing Tianhou at every turn makes everyone nervous and worried. Some dignitaries pay homage to the great celestial master, but there are also many people who want to secretly kill Bai Xiaochun. fight back.

It’s just that Bai Xiaochun didn’t go out at all this month, and those people who had ill intentions towards him didn’t dare to enter the supervisor’s mansion at all. They could only watch the time go by, and the ancestor worship came slowly.

The entire wilderness attaches great importance to ancestor worship, whether it is in every family or tribes of all sizes, and for the Kui Dynasty, ancestor worship is even more grand.

On this day of worshiping the ancestors, the Emperor Kui will also appear. Even though the Emperor Kui of this generation has become a puppet, he will still appear in the palace square on this day.

Similarly, all the dignitaries, if there is no accident, must also show up to worship the ancestors together.

Only the Four Heavenly Kings will not come. In fact, it is not just for ancestor worship. Unless something earth-shattering happens and the dynasty can be changed, otherwise, the Four Heavenly Kings will not come to Kuihuang City.

They can’t come. After all, the relationship between them and the great celestial master is extremely delicate, and it is considered to be in a balance. If they arrive at Kuihuang City, if there is an accident, the impact will be too great.

Although they don’t come, their descendants will represent them and appear in the ancestor worship.

Because the ancestors of the Kui Dynasty worshiped the generation of Kui Huang who created the dynasty. Even though too many years have passed, for the people of the Kui Dynasty, the generation of Kui Huang is still the supreme existence in their minds.

At the same time, this ancestor worship seems to have a certain relationship with the Underworld Emperor. Every time the ancestor worship, the heaven and the earth will be torn apart, and the Styx River will be revealed, spinning into a huge vortex.

This vortex is so big that it covers the entire Kuihuang City, and there are also a large number of souls that will descend from the sky on the day of worshiping the ancestors. They are regarded as the people of Fuze. Anyone can harvest the souls that descended on the day of worshiping the ancestors.

According to the legend, once, there was even a time when the souls of heaven and man descended from the sky, which made the day of ancestor worship not only attended by the dignitaries of the Kui Dynasty, but also a grand event for all the people of Kui Huang City.

However, as far as the dignitaries of the Kui Dynasty were concerned, although they would also try to capture the descending soul, they didn’t pay much attention to it, just as a good omen.

With the arrival of the day of ancestor worship, on this day, the entire Kuihuang City was filled with a solemn atmosphere. Every family walked out of the house and bowed to the sky on this street. The whole city.

All the lords of heaven, lords of heaven, all wore court clothes, walked out calmly, and flew to the square outside the main hall of the palace.

At the same time, Bai Xiaochun also walked out of the retreat hall. The moment he walked out, there was joy in his eyes that couldn’t be hidden. After raising his head, he looked at the sky, with excitement and anticipation in his eyes.

“The seventeen-color fires have finally been refined, and the ancestor worship will also begin.” Bai Xiaochun let out a long breath, and leaped out.

Thousands of corpse puppets followed.

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