Undercurrent emerges rapidly

“Speaking of the inspector, Bai Hao, who kills people without blinking an eye, he is cruel and merciless, and extremely crazy.”

“He loves to win wives, deceives others, flatters and flatters shamelessly, and the giant ghost king was deceived by him.”

“He is good at ransacking houses. Wherever he passes, not a single blade of grass grows. He ransacked eighteen houses in a row in the Kui Dynasty, and he is cruel.”

“He is treacherous, practicing evil skills, devouring vitality, and people who are sucked away by him can be seen everywhere in Kuihuang City.”

All kinds of voices kept spreading in this wilderness. The Bai Hao in those words was already heinous. Even in some tribes, they began to use Bai Hao’s name to scare disobedient children, and the effect was surprisingly good.

Bai Xiaochun, who is in the process of retreating and refining fire, doesn’t care about all of this, but his disciple Bai Hao cares. When Bai Xiaochun is retreating, Bai Hao often goes out. As a ghost cultivator, he can change ever-changingly. He is Bai Xiaochun’s soul servant, as long as he keeps a rigid appearance, outsiders will not only be unable to see the clues, but also dare not provoke him. In addition, under Bai Xiaochun’s order, the corpse puppets will also follow Bai Hao as protection.

And Bai Xiaochun’s refining fire was too costly, even if he ransacked his home and got an amazing harvest, it still couldn’t hold up to his consumption, after all, every refining needed ten rounds of fire of seventeen colors.

As a result, not only Bai Hao, but even Zhou Yixing often went out to help Bai Xiaochun collect souls outside, and to maintain his fire refining plan with all his strength.

So when he was out here, what Bai Hao listened to the most was the secret discussions of countless people. Every time he heard it, he felt weird. He realized again and again that his name was really given by his master. broken

At the same time, this kind of rumor spreading throughout the wild also made Bai Hao vigilant.

As for Bai Xiaochun, under this kind of consumption, his mastery of the eighteen-color fire is also increasing day by day. He is confident that if he continues to try this way, he will be able to truly refine the eighteen-color fire in a short time.

He was very anxious. Bai Hao’s vigilance was also his vigilance. At this moment, he also suddenly realized that his behavior on the day of ancestor worship had increased his power and reached its peak, but also put himself in an extremely dangerous situation. situation

Bai Xiaochun understood that he had to beware of the great celestial master’s bird’s bow, although in the previous cooperation, Bai Xiaochun acted as a sharp knife in the great celestial master’s hand, and the blade was invincible everywhere. But now, with the Great Celestial Master returning to the peak and suppressing everything, the meaning of the existence of the Supervisor is almost gone. The world is peaceful, what’s the use of a knife

At this time, Bai Xiaochun was very worried that the great celestial master would push him out to calm down the repression and hidden anger of the dignitaries of the Manchu Dynasty. Fortunately, the two of them, the master and the apprentice, had discussed it long ago. Facing this kind of cultivation base with Bai Xiaochun, There is a huge danger that cannot be resisted, Bai Xiaochun has only one choice here, and this is the only thing he can do at present.

That is to become an earth-grade soul refiner

Only by becoming an earth-grade soul refiner can you be able to fight at the most critical moment., reversed the world, turned the tables in one fell swoop

“However, according to my analysis with Hao’er, the great celestial master should not throw me away as an abandoned child so soon. Maybe all of this is because I worry too much. The great celestial master will treat me because of my merits. It is more appreciated and relied on, and he is now at the peak of power, according to Haoer’s judgment, his mentality will change.”

“Especially when I ransacked my house before, I strictly divided 90% of the wealth, and every time I gave it to the Great Heavenly Master personally, I don’t believe that after he saw it again and again, he would not realize that those of the Tianhou family The wealth is so great, not to say that it is incomparable to a country, but it is also astonishing.” Bai Xiaochun whispered in his heart while looking at the fire ball in his hand in the closed-door retreat.

“These are all my foreshadowing. If nothing happens, let it go. Once there is a sign, I can use the poisonous plan that Haoer gave me at the right time. This will buy me some time, but this poisonous plan is too much.” It’s damaged, although I don’t care about reputation, but if I can’t use it, I’d better not use it.”

“However, if the great celestial master really wants to push me out as a last resort, I can only use it.” Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath to calm down, lowered his head and continued to refine the fire.

At the same time that Bai Xiaochun was vigilant and kept speeding up the refining of eighteen-color fire, in Kuihuang City, there was a pair of eyes, like poisonous snakes, staring at Bai Haohun

A piece of news about Bai Hao’s soul, in an extremely secret way, continuously gathered in Kuihuang City, a secret room that looks inconspicuous from the outside

“This soul has no name, and it follows Bai Hao all the year round.”

“The investigation of the giant ghost city is over, no one knows the origin of this soul”

“The first time it appeared was in Bai Hao’s Spirit Refining Shop”

“On weekdays, he is dull and numb, no different from ordinary soul servants”

In this secret room, there are thirteen phantoms floating quietly in the surrounding darkness. Their appearance is vague, and even their aura is unpredictable. They are all watching calmly at this moment. Beautiful woman, this woman is slowly opening her mouth at this moment, talking about the results of the investigation on Bai Haohun.

This woman, if Bai Xiaochun was here, she would be recognizable at a glance, she is Miao Lin’er

In the soul refining pot, this girl was defeated by Bai Xiaochun. At the same time, after Bai Xiaochun came to Kuihuang City, she also secretly attacked, but in the end she hid herself.

“After Bai Hao became the inspector, this soul rarely appeared, and the internal protection of the inspector was so strict that outsiders couldn’t see the slightest trace.”

“However, this soul has gone out several times in the past three months, and each time it seems to follow Bai Hao’s order to buy the soul.”

“The last time it appeared was three days ago. According to my prediction and judgment, within half a month, this soul will definitely appear again.”

“It’s just that there are hundreds of corpse puppets following him all the time. In fact, it’s not just this soul. It’s also the same when Zhou Xing went out that day.” Miao Lin’er spoke calmly, and her words were clear and organized. It is no longer exposed, but normal dress.

“So, I suggest that the next time this soul appears is when we do it.” After finishing speaking, she cupped her fists and bowed to the thirteen phantoms around her.

The thirteen phantoms around were silent, and after a while, one of the phantoms suddenly spoke.

“You are sure that this soul possesses intelligence and all the performances before it is extremely high are all intentionally revealed to confuse outsiders”

“Although I have only seen this soul a few times, I am absolutely sure.” Miao Lin’er said immediately without hesitation.

The surroundings were silent again, and after a while, another phantom spoke hoarsely.

“After all, this soul is the soul servant of the mad dog Bai Hao. If it is what you said, even Bai Hao cares about it very much. So, you have to be sure that with this soul, you can really refine eighteen colors. fire”

Miao Lin’er did not answer immediately, but took out thirteen bone slips from the storage bag, and with a flick of the thirteen bone slips, they flew towards thirteen people around.

After being caught by them one by one, they looked at it one by one. Soon, their eyes shone with light. Obviously, the content of this jade slip was enough for them to be sure that what Miao Liner said was true.

“The eighteen-color fire is the most difficult part for our lineage. As long as there is a fire seed, my grandfather can refine it without this kind of soul after he is promoted to an earth-level soul master. Eighteen colors of fire”

“As for the promise to seniors, each family’s Eighteen Color Fires and formulas, my grandfather has sworn oaths as evidence.”

“Also, all the seniors have obviously seen that Bai Hao’s good days are coming to an end. The reason why the Great Heavenly Master is still hesitating is because he hasn’t found a suitable opportunity. No matter what, this Bai Hao is already a tiger without teeth. , if he can’t help but get violent, we don’t need to take action, just add fuel to the flames, and the great celestial master will kill him to quell public anger and further consolidate this monstrous power, thus perfectly ending the bloody storm before.”

“The current Great Heavenly Master needs stability. The so-called bow is hidden when the bird is gone. There is no reason why the bow is still there after the bird has died.” Miao Lin’er smiled slightly, and spoke softly, and the surroundings were silent again.

Miao Liner is not in a hurry. She stands there, waiting for everyone’s reply. She is confident that there will be no accidents this time. In fact, when she first saw Bai Haohun, she didn’t pay much attention to it. After all, Bai Haohun Following Bai Xiaochun, protected by the power of a mask, no one can detect the difference between him and ordinary soul servants, and Bai Hao also hides himself, Only in front of Bai Xiaochun did the agility appear.

Until the last fire refining between Bai Xiaochun, Sun Yifan and Sima Tao, Bai Xiaochun successfully refined a trace of eighteen-color fire

It was at that moment that Bai Haohun’s mood fluctuated violently, and without the protection of Bai Xiaochun’s mask for a while, Miao Liner realized that Bai Haohun was unusual, and the reason why she could detect it was related to her special cultivation technique. .

Miao Liner’s family is not Tianhou, let alone Tiangong, but a land-grade family where there have been earth-grade soul refiners

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