Surprise Change

It’s just that this kind of slowness is relatively speaking. It’s only slightly slower than when the sea of ​​fire was five feet wide. If it were someone else, it would be hard to see the difference at first glance. Bai Xiaochun was also immersed in the sea of ​​fire for a long time. In the speed of change, you will feel more clearly.

But no matter how clear it is, the speed of color change in the four-foot sea of ​​fire is still so fast that he can’t catch it in an instant and immediately blast into his consciousness. At this moment, his body is trembling, his eyes are bloodshot, and he is looking for that many At the same time as the color is revealed, his cultivation base and his mind are also about to reach the extreme due to the compression of the sea of ​​fire for a long time.

But he didn’t compress it again, but kept the sea of ​​fire within four feet, and kept looking for it. Once, twice, and three times in a short time of a stick of incense, he saw it clearly fourteen times.

“My judgment is correct. It is indeed better than before. Last time I was in a stick of incense, I could only see clearly nine times, but now, I can see clearly fourteen times.”

Bai Xiaochun was refreshed. Although he had seen clearly more times, he also had regrets. He found that he still couldn’t do it. The moment he saw clearly, he burst into consciousness. In the end, Bai Xiaochun sighed, gritted his teeth, and gave up. Condensed the eighteen-color fire in the four-foot sea of ​​fire, but chose to compress it again

The sea of ​​flames roared, and under Bai Xiaochun’s compression, it seemed as if a pair of invisible big hands pressed hard on the surroundings, and immediately the four-foot sea of ​​flamesIt began to fluctuate, and for the first time there was a sign of instability, Bai Xiaochun immediately increased his control, which made the instability, and after it was slowly suppressed, the range of the sea of ​​fire also shrank from four feet to three feet.

A lot of sweat dripped from Bai Xiaochun’s forehead, and as soon as the sweat appeared, it was directly turned into white gas by the high temperature emitted from the sea of ​​fire, rising up.

Seeing the three feet, Bai Xiaochun’s breathing was extremely tense. He didn’t want to compress the sea of ​​fire within the three feet range unless it was a last resort. This kind of compression really consumed his mind. At the moment of compression, it was like pouring fire on the fire. Oil is generally crazy.

He can’t hold on for long, and the most important thing is that after too many attempts, he realized that he belongs to his current limit

It’s not that he can’t compress to two feet, but that once he does, his fire refining will fail.

Many previous attempts have failed in this link, Bai Xiaochun knows it well, although in principle, this sea of ​​fire can be compressed to two feet or even one foot, but he has tried before, as long as it reaches two feet Within ten feet, although the speed of the color change was slow enough for him to capture and blast into his spiritual consciousness, after the spiritual consciousness merged, in the end, it could only be the same as when he competed with Sima Tao and Sun Yifan back then. What appeared were only flames, not complete the fire

The flame can be hidden under the power of his mask, which is why he has practiced fire in closed doors for the past few months, but outsiders don’t know about it.

But what Bai Xiaochun wants is not flames, but a complete eighteen-color fire

“Sanzhang, is my final bottom line.” Bai Xiaochun panted heavily, his eyes showed persistence, he knew he couldn’t hold on for long, at this moment all his mind was in a sea of ​​flames, and soon, he saw what was happening inside again. s color.

But he didn’t act rashly, but continued to wait, not long after, the second, third and fourth times, when he saw the extra color clearly in the colors in the sea of ​​fire, Bai Xiaochun didn’t hesitate at all, he At this moment, his consciousness exploded.

His eyes burst out with brilliance, and the speed of his consciousness was indescribable, as if merging with his eyes, he blasted directly into the three-foot-long sea of ​​flames in front of him in an instant, and the extra color caught by Bai Xiaochun, Melted together in an instant.

With the fusion, the consciousness exploded crazily, and the extra color, also because of the integration of the consciousness, suddenly became brighter to the extreme, and it seemed to be competing with the other seventeen colors, and the sea of ​​flames roared. , constantly tumbling, like the other seventeen colors, unwilling to be reconciled to a protruding alien army in their territory

But all of this, under Bai Xiaochun’s refining control, can no longer tolerate the obstruction of the seventeen colors in the sea of ​​flames, and the eighteenth color is getting brighter and more amazing at this moment, all this is a long story, but In fact, from Bai Xiaochun’s attack until now, it all happened in the blink of an eye.

The sound of bang bang rose from the sky in an instant, and the whole secret room vibrated. The three-foot sea of ​​flames in front of Bai Xiaochun finally appeared at this moment.

The eighteenth color is extremely clear. After appearing, this sea of ​​flames was instantly promoted from seventeen-color fire to eighteen-color fire.

Although it is just a sea of ​​fire, Bai Xiaochun still needs to use the means of refining fire to take this sea of ​​fire back with a pinch, and after undergoing some strange changes, it can become a finished eighteen-color fire that can be used. This method is no longer difficult for Bai Xiaochun now.

Therefore, in his eyes, this eighteen-color sea of ​​fire is the eighteen-color fire of the finished product

At the moment when the sea of ​​fire turned into eighteen colors, a strong fluctuation erupted from the sea of ​​fire, as if it wanted to communicate with the heaven and the earth, merge into the sky, and trigger a great change in the heaven and the earth.

This is the most obvious sign of eighteen color fire

Any one of the eighteen colors of fire can shake the sky and the earth, and there will be a strange change like a catastrophe, especially in the next step, if Bai Xiaochun uses the method of refining fire to squeeze the fire into his palm, then In that process, this strange change must become more and more intense, until it reaches the extreme, causing a vision to appear in the world.

Even now, just in the state of the sea of ​​fire, the fluctuations are extremely strong. Fortunately, Bai Xiaochun is covered by the power of the mask, so that the fluctuations of the eighteen-color sea of ​​fire in front of him are completely blocked.

“Success.” Bai Xiaochun’s body trembled with excitement. He has been waiting for this day for a long time. Months of research, sleepless attempts, massive resource consumption, all these sacrifices, at this moment today, finally has the best result. result.

Excitement roiled infinitely in Bai Xiaochun’s heart. He took a few deep breaths in a row before he managed to suppress it. Looking at the eighteen-color sea of ​​flames within three feet in front of him, he squeezed his right hand fiercely.

With this pinch, a three-foot-long sea of ​​flames suddenly rolled over, as if some kind of existence roared within it, and came straight to Bai Xiaochun’s palm. In the process of approaching, the sea of ​​flames easily and continuously shrunk, and it seemed that it was about to Put it all into Bai Xiaochun’s palm, but in the process, the fluctuations in it made Bai Xiaochun couldn’t help hesitating here.

He has already discovered that the covering power of his mask fluctuates for the first time at this moment, as if there are some signs that he will not be able to hide. , the world is bound to change drastically, and everyone in Kuihuang City will know that the Eighteen Colors Fire was born.

andThis matter conflicts with his future plans. This is his trump card. Once exposed in advance and his enemies have targeted preparations, it will not become Bai Xiaochun’s trump card to save his life at critical moments.

Bai Xiaochun’s eyes flashed, and after carefully recalling his own refining process, he was confident that the success he gained this time would allow him to succeed in refining eighteen-color fire, not to mention every time, but three or five times, No matter what, you can succeed once

With such confidence, he reluctantly endured the urge to become a blockbuster immediately. Although he was confident in the power of the mask, he still didn’t dare to gamble. It was really this hole card, which was too important to him and related to his life. .

So he breathed a sigh of relief, and with some pity, he swung his right hand, which should be pinched as a grasp, towards the sea of ​​flames, and grabbed it fiercely. With this grasp, the sea of ​​flames vibrated immediately, disappeared in an instant, and when it appeared in Bai Xiaochun’s hands, it turned into a cloud A unique soul medicine

This is the ultimate soul medicine that is as rare as eighteen-color fire in the whole wilderness

It can even be said that this soul medicine can also prove from a certain aspect that Bai Xiaochun is no longer a profound-grade soul refiner, but has stepped into the realm of earth-grade

Become the fourth earth-grade soul refiner in the entire wilderness, surpassing Tianhou Tiangong, and even the great celestial masters are courteous

“Eighteen-colored fire, damn it, if it wasn’t for the underworld emperor’s list, which everyone in the world would know, I would have wanted to refine the Yuanying immediately. Becoming a Nascent Soul Late Stage” Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath, this kind of temptation is accompanied by risks, after thinking about it, Bai Xiaochun decided to wait for a while, and wait for the right time for a one-time rise and outbreak.

This feeling of night travel in brocade clothes made Bai Xiaochun less ostentatious, so even the excitement of becoming an earth-grade soul refiner was lowered a bit, thinking that since he can’t tell the outside world, he should talk to his disciples and feel proud , It’s always possible. Thinking of this, he immediately became excited again, so he was communicating with Bai Hao by relying on the slight connection with Bai Hao in his mind.

“Good apprentice, guess I’m a teacher!” Bai Xiaochun’s consciousness just came out, and suddenly, a voice of anxiety that Bai Hao had never experienced before suddenly came from his mind.


Section reading 507


Before the words were finished, Bai Xiaochun’s whole body was shocked, like an invisible knife, slashed down like lightning, cutting off the slightest connection between his mind and Bai Hao

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