As soon as Bai Xiaochun’s words came out, everyone in the Tianshi Hall focused their eyes slightly, and the six Heavenly Marquis were also shocked. In their feelings, Bai Xiaochun was extremely vicious, even if he was almost reduced to a toothless tiger, he still Make them a little uneasy. fastest

Chen Haosong and the bearded Tiangong didn’t look happy or angry, but the speed of their heartbeats also increased obviously.

The great celestial master tilted his head, and his eyes fell on Bai Xiaochun again. He didn’t have the slightest bit of guilt about his idea of ​​pushing the other party out as an abandoned pawn. For him, in this world, no one is not a chess piece. For both valuable and worthless.

Bai Xiaochun used to be valuable, but now Bai Xiaochun doesn’t have the value he wants, but he doesn’t intend to execute Bai Xiaochun, even if Bai Xiaochun is worthless to him, but in fact, no matter his true identity, Whether it’s the Underworld Emperor’s value, or the relationship with the Giant Ghost King, are all places where he can tap into the value again.

Especially at the moment when the other party opened his mouth and actually said such a sentence, the great celestial master immediately became interested. He couldn’t forget that it was here that Bai Xiaochun said it, and it happened on the first day of the ancestor worship day. count

“Great Celestial Master, don’t let too many irrelevant people hear about the lowly position.” Bai Xiaochun looked at the Great Celestial Master and said in a deep voice.

The great celestial master smiled and waved his hand. Immediately for the six days, before they could react, their bodies blurred in an instant, disappeared without a trace, and when they appeared, they were all outside the palace.

All of them looked ugly, and after looking at each other, they hummed in a low voice.

“It’s just a bluff, this Bai Hao doesn’t seem to give up.”

“Hmph, dying, the more he is like this, the faster he will be unlucky”

When the six people snorted coldly, in the Tianshi Hall, the great Tianshi looked as usual, and still spoke lightly.

“You can say it.”

At this moment in the Heavenly Master Hall, apart from Bai Xiaochun and the Great Heavenly Master, only Chen Haosong and the bearded Tiangong are left. The two stood there, motionless, their eyes fell on Bai Xiaochun.

Bai Xiaochun’s eyes flickered slightly, seeing that the Great Celestial Master actually left these two, his heart moved, and at this moment he completely understood that these two must be the Great Celestial Master’s confidantes.

“Unexpectedly, this Chen Haosong is actually the confidant of the Great Celestial Master.” Bai Xiaochun frowned slightly, thinking of some things with Chen Haosong, he still felt something was wrong, but now he is not in the mood to think about this matter, At this moment, he took a deep breath, looked at the Great Heavenly Master, and opened his mouth slowly.

“What Chen Tiangong said just now, I don’t agree with the lowly position.” As soon as Bai Xiaochun’s words came out, the great celestial master’s eyes

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In a blink of an eye, Chen Haosong and the bearded Tiangong both sharpened their eyes immediately.

“According to the tradition of our dynasty, the titles of one hundred and eight princes, ten princes, and four heavenly kings are all fixed and held in the hands of more than one hundred families. Unless the entire clan is wiped out, or in extreme circumstances, otherwise, almost no outsiders will be promoted, but they will choose their direct descendants from within their clan to become the next generation’s Marquis.” Bai Xiaochun’s voice was ice Han, the blood in his eyes is full of cruelty. At this moment, he has already given up. He doesn’t know who has kidnapped Bai Hao. His suspect, is everyone

“Even in a short period of time, the heirs in his family have not reached the standard of cultivation, but the title will still be reserved until the day when the heirs of his family reach the standard.” Bai Xiaochun did not pause, and spoke again.

“Therefore, the Marquis of Heaven in each family will select heirs from the direct line early on, and focus on training them as their successors.”

“Tianhou is like this, Tiangong is like this, and the four heavenly kings are all like this.” Bai Xiaochun’s words were decisive, and the Great Heavenly Master was thoughtful, showing his intention to listen, obviously feeling very impressed by Bai Xiaochun’s next words interest.

But Chen Haosong and the beautiful bearded Tiangong frowned, just after hearing this, they couldn’t figure out what Bai Xiaochun was going to say.

“And this tradition of our dynasty has also created these more than a hundred families, which are almost undying for a long time. While becoming stronger and stronger, they have accumulated an astonishing wealth, not to mention rich as an enemy.”

“The wealth is the background and confidence. It is like the root of disaster. If there is no accident, it will be fine. Once there is an accident, they can turn around and become a country of their own.”

“Even if one day, there is a major change in the Kui Dynasty, these more than a hundred families can immediately become princes. Their foundation is too deep, and their confidence is too strong.” Bai Xiaochun flicked his sleeves, and spoke loudly, speaking quickly. Speeded up a little, and the momentum was quite strong.

“Shut up, you’re talking nonsense.” Chen Haosong suddenly realized what he was saying, and his eyes became colder.

“Whether it is Tianhou or Tiangong, unless it is the Four Heavenly Kings, any family will consume a lot. It is necessary to train the clansmen and maintain sufficient combat power, all of which are not as you imagined. It is said that it is for the violent independence, but for the background of our Kui dynasty.”

“In order to maintain the background and enhance the combat power, how can you know how much the family is expending?” Chen Haosong’s voice was severe. In his opinion, Bai Xiaochun’s words were extremely dangerous.

“I don’t know.” Bai Xiaochun looked fiercely at Chen Haosong who interrupted his words, although he was afraid of death, although he was timid, but now he can’t care about these anymore.

“I’m afraid that there are not many people who know more about the entire Kui dynasty than I do. Chen Tiangong, have you copied houses? Do you know how many houses Bai has copied during these days?”

“Do you know how much wealth and background I saw after ransacking the house?”

“Let me tell you, I’ll tell you plainly, Bai has copied eighteen families of Tianhou, and I’ll tell you even more, in any Tianhou family, I have copied so much wealth, it is indeed earth-shattering.”

“The Li family has one billion soul medicines, two hundred and seventy-nine soul fields, and thousands of large magic circles that have not been opened. The Chen family is even more amazing, with nearly two billion soul medicines alone. That’s as much as the nearly 30% military expenditure that Chen Tiangong just said.”

“How many clansmen have to absorb and cultivate before it can be exhausted? I’ll tell you that Sun Daotianhou, who was confiscated by me in the third wave, has millions of private slaves in his family and hundreds of thousands of formation materials. In addition, The Gongsun family has tens of thousands of soul thunders, once they all explode, less than half of Kuihuang City will collapse.”

“A Tianhou family is still like this, let alone Tiangong. In this matter, it’s not me who shut up, but you to shut up.” Bai Xiaochun roared, the words echoed, Chen Haosong’s chest heaved, and he stared at Bai Xiaochun , He couldn’t refute for a while, and as for the Great Heavenly Master, he didn’t say a word, but when he sat there, when he looked at Bai Xiaochun, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

“Bai Hao, even the Tianhou family has a profound foundation these days, but the reason why the Kui Dynasty is so strong that it is difficult for Tianzun to break into it is because our folk customs are strong, and our successors, with these resources, can be a generation For generations, to maintain the glory of our Kui Dynasty, so that there will always be one hundred and eight Tianhous, and there will always be ten Tiangongs.

“You can’t blunt the knife just because it’s sharp.” It wasn’t Chen Haosong who spoke, but the bearded Tiangong.

“Of course not.” Bai Xiaochun waved his hand, ignoring the two Heavenly Lords, but looked at the Great Heavenly Master.

“I think fairness is the most important principle for everything in this world. Fairness is the foundation for maintaining the development of a dynasty. Fairness is the foundation for a dynasty to stand.”

“Why in these families, only the heirs who are valued by Tianhou can obtain most of the resources, while others are far inferior. This is unfair to other heirs and to those clansmen born out of concubine

Why is it that after Tianhou returns to the ruins, only his recognized heirs can inherit the title and control the wealth of the family, this is unfair to other direct clan members and the heirs of concubines.”

“Therefore, I suggest that all the noble family wealth be divided equally so that all heirs, regardless of direct line or not, regardless of whether they are concubines or not, everyone has the right to inherit, and everyone has the right to obtain wealth.”

“Tianhou, Tiangong, Tianwang and their wealth and resources are equally distributed to all descendants”

“This is the way to benefit all living beings, and this is to benevolent to the people, so that our Kui Dynasty can be stronger. I hope that what will appear is not a hundred and eight days. I hope that there will be more days, more God”

“At the same time, this will also make countless people cheer endlessly for the Great Celestial Master, be grateful for a lifetime, and swear allegiance to the death.” Bai Xiaochun flicked his sleeves, and his voice was like a thunderbolt.Inside, in the ears of the Great Heavenly Master and Chen Haosong and the beautiful bearded Tiangong, the bombardment exploded.

this is a poisonous plan

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