Regarding the reappearance of the corpse puppet black armor in the Supervisory Mansion, this incident shocked countless people who paid attention, especially those dignitaries, who were even more surprised.

“doesn’t make sense”

“This Bai Hao should be trapped in a deep pit and quagmire, it is impossible to get out”

“His only solution is to resign from the position of inspector, but now, not only is he fine, but he is even more powerful.”

At this moment, in Kuihuang City, due to the matter of the supervisory office, all the dignitaries who knew about it mobilized means to find out the reason, especially those in power in the families who participated in the kidnapping of Bai Hao. The mind was shocked.

They faintly felt that this matter was very wrong, but they couldn’t think of an answer, but they didn’t dare to act rashly, so they could only speculate and wait silently, believing that all this would come to light soon.

In addition, those arrogances who had conflicts with Bai Xiaochun also gritted their teeth one by one. The anger in their hearts was extremely depressed for Bai Xiaochun, who was still able to survive under such circumstances and even had more authority.

“Why isn’t he dead yet?”

“This Bai Hao, this must be his bluff”

These Tianjiao soul cultivators are almost all direct descendants of their respective families, and they are even appointed as the heirs of the family by the elders of the clan. On weekdays, due to the inclination of a large amount of resources in the family, their cultivation base can reach current level.

In their families, there are also a large number of concubines and brothers and sisters who are direct descendants but have no inheritance rights. Compared with these Tianjiao, their brothers and sisters are much bleak. There is a big gap.

Even so, they are the heirs of big families after all. Compared with ordinary soul cultivators, they are also superior, but within the family, these concubines and those who have no inheritance rights must surround the heirs of their respective families. In this way, they can obtain more resources.

And the entire barbaric noble family is passed down from generation to generation in this way. Although some traitors occasionally appear, the end is usually extremely miserable.

At this moment, in the Zhao family, after Zhao Dongshan learned about this, he punched a big tree in the yard and collapsed it. As the tree turned into pieces, it scattered in all directions, and many pieces fell on many Zhao people around. The members of the family, but they did not dare to dodge, they could only stand there silently.

There are quite a few of them, all of them are Zhao Dongshan’s brothers and sisters, most of them are concubines. Outside, they can have unlimited glory, but in the family, in front of the heir Zhao Dongshan, they can only bow their heads to please.

Zhao Dongshan’s complexion was extremely gloomy, with unwillingness in his eyes.

“Bai Hao…” He gritted his teeth. For Bai Hao, he was jealous and jealous at the same time. The scene of Bai Xiaochun’s arrival a month ago, forcing him to pay his respects as a junior, made Zhao Dongshan’s anger and hatred always exist.

The murderous intent in his heart was strong at this moment, but he could only suppress it. Before Bai Xiaochun completely lost his power, he didn’t dare to reveal it. It was Li Tiansheng’s end, which made him feel oppressed every time he thought about it.

“I don’t believe that you can always be in power.” Zhao Dongshan was in a bad mood, flicked his sleeves, and looked around.Zhou’s concubine brothers and sisters, he has a violent personality, and he is the heir of the family, so he has always been domineering towards these people of the same generation, and now he snorted coldly,

“You all come up and fight with me” he said, walked out in a flash, and went straight to a young clansman in front of him. The young man accurately said that he should be Zhao Dongshan’s younger brother. His expression changed, but he didn’t dare to refuse. He could make a move, but how could he be Zhao Dongshan’s opponent? Amidst the roar, the young man spurted blood and retreated.

The complexions of the other clansmen around changed, and they stepped forward bravely. Suddenly, there were constant bangs, and soon, these dozens of Zhao family members spurted blood and rolled into the distance.

“A group of trash” Zhao Dongshan vented his inner depression. His words made the surrounding tribesmen who were wiping away the blood pale, and secretly angry in their hearts, but they had no choice but to bear it. .

Although Zhao Dongshan has a rough personality, he knows their forbearance, but he doesn’t care. He is the heir of the family and the next generation’s prince. No matter how resentful and angry those clansmen are, they must bow their heads in front of him. I dare not betray the clan.

Zhao Dongshan snorted coldly, and was about to continue to vent his depression towards Bai Xiaochun, but at this moment, suddenly, there was a long rainbow in the distance, whizzing towards here, inside that long rainbow was an old man, this old man was exactly A servant of the Zhao family looked panicked at this moment, and he was panting like a cow, as if he had undergone a major change and lost his mind.

As he flew, he was about to pass by where Zhao Dongshan was, and was about to fly to the Tianhou Pagoda, but Zhao Dongshan was already aggrieved, and his brows frowned at this moment.

“Sun Fu, you are in such a hurry, how decent are you?”

The old man didn’t seem to hear it, and he was about to fly over. Zhao Dongshan was immediately displeased, raised his right hand and waved violently. Amid the roar, the old man’s whole body shook in mid-air, and he couldn’t continue.

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As he moved forward, he was bombarded from the air, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and he seemed to have just woken up at this moment. When he lowered his head, he saw Zhao Dongshan with a gloomy expression below.

“Young master, something serious happened.” The old man’s voice trembled and came out in a hurry.

“It is rumored outside that the Great Celestial Master will issue a decree and promulgate a decree of grace. The core of this decree is to distribute the wealth and resources of each family equally to all heirs, regardless of whether they are concubines or direct descendants. As long as they have family blood, they will be treated equally.”

“What did you say?” Zhao Dongshan could only feel the five thunderbolts, and his body shook suddenly. At the same time, he couldn’t believe it, and at the same time, he felt that it was ridiculous. He stepped out, grabbed the old man in mid-air, and roared.

“I didn’t say that, it’s rumored outside.” When the old man trembled, Zhao Dongshan was about to roar, but at this moment, a bell suddenly came from the palace in the sky, and the sound echoed across the sky and spread throughout Kuihuang City.

This bell from the palace, every time it rings, it means that something big will happen

At this moment, when the bell was ringing, a solemn voice descended from the sky, following the bell, it spread throughout the city

“The first ancestor, Kuihuang, founded our dynasty, and there are words to inherit”

“All sentient beings have spirits and are treated equally”

“From today onwards, the dynasty is from top to bottom, and all heirs of the family, regardless of the direct lineage, have the right to inherit their family’s wealth and resources.”

“The prosperity of the dynasty begins here”

The voice was extremely solemn, and the content of what he said made everyone who heard it shake their hearts. Zhao Dongshan’s breathing suddenly became heavy, and he stared in disbelief. His body was trembling, and he felt that the whole sky seemed to be It was dark all of a sudden, and he suddenly looked down at his brothers and sisters on the ground below.

What I saw was the original gloom in the raised eyes of these people, but now it was gradually filled with a flame, the flame Zhao Dongshan was familiar with, it was ambition

“This is impossible, how is this possible?” Zhao Dongshan was trembling and murmured. At this moment, in Kuihuang City, countless families were all in dead silence. Those princes all changed their complexions, and their minds exploded. The roar was monstrous, unbelievable.

“These orders overthrew the dynasty”

“This matter is ridiculous, what is the Great Heavenly Master doing?”

“Damn it, damn it, who came up with the idea? How does this decree of grace give me the same feeling as the poisonous plan on the day of worshiping the ancestors?”

In the entire Kuihuang City, because of the orders of all the benefactors, after a short period of silence, monstrous turmoil broke out. In the palace, the majesty of the Great Celestial Master and Demigod immediately spread, suppressing the whole city.

At the same time, the auras of the five Heavenly Lords also erupted at this moment, and together with the Great Heavenly Master, shocked the whole city

It was at this time that Bai Xiaochun suddenly raised his head in the secret room of the Supervisory Mansion. His eyes were bloodshot, showing coldness and madness. He immediately stood up and stepped out. When he appeared, he was in the Supervisory Mansion mid-air.

“All the corpse puppets, follow Bai to supervise the execution of all the favor orders.” Bai Xiaochun flicked his big sleeves, and immediately inspected the mansion. A booming sound came out, and one after another corpse puppets flew out. In an instant, five thousand corpse puppets all followed behind Bai Xiaochun. The evil spirit shakes the sky.

“Start with the Tianhou family first.” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes flashed coldly, and he flew there first. The first target was the Zhao family.

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