: The Tiangong Family

In the eyes of all the concubines and those who are directly descended from various families who have no right to inherit, no matter how much they hated Bai Xiaochun, but now, Bai Xiaochun represents them, and is their own person who supervises the execution of all orders

At this time, it’s not that no one thought of rebelling, but the extreme beauty of Zhong En Ling finally revealed that this plan was too ruthless. Each Tianhou family has only one heir, but they are dignitaries with high cultivation bases There are many wives and concubines, and there are naturally many children. The support and support of these descendants, as well as those direct descendants who have no inheritance rights, is equivalent to standing on the side of the Great Celestial Master

In this way, unless they personally extinguish their own blood, otherwise, there will always be internal chaos in each family, how can they rebel

In the final analysis, under the orders of all the benefactors, none of the family property resources will be allocated to outsiders. From the beginning to the end, they will be divided by the bloodline heirs of these heavenly lords. logically

Whether it is righteousness, reason, or support, they are all on the side of the Great Celestial Master. The cruelty of this plan is finally revealed, and what is even more terrifying is the people of Kuihuang City.

The gap between the rich and the common people was directly detonated under the orders of many graces. Almost all the people of the Kui Dynasty were extremely supportive of these orders of grace.

Even if this matter won’t bring them the slightest gain, the envy of the powerful class and the jealousy of those so-called heirs make them wish to see that all the members of these powerful families distribute their property equally.

In this case, it is tantamount to collapsing the behemoth. Although many rookies will emerge, the gap between these people and them will also be reduced too much.

And the narrowing of the gap itself made the people of the Kui Dynasty very excited.

Even unprecedented, their support for the great celestial master has reached the extreme, making the prestige of the great celestial master explode again from the previous peak, reaching an unprecedented height

Even if he wants to establish a new dynasty on his own, it seems that at this moment, it is not impossible

This scene made those Heavenly Hous fearful and shocked. Many of them felt bitter in their hearts. In fact, these Tianhous were all scheming, and many of them were aware of this from the very beginning. Grace’s terrible

It’s just that knowing is knowing, and resolving it is another matter.

“If Bai Hao really came up with this plan, it would be too scary.”

“This person’s scheming is so deep that ghosts and gods are shocked, and his calculation of people’s hearts has reached the extreme.”

“I know what kind of person can come up with such a poisonous plan. This Bai Hao was also a bastard back then. Damn it. Could it be that this was an idea he had when he was in the Bai family in Giant Ghost City in his early years?”

This storm, with the passage of time, has been completely set off, starting from Kuihuang City, until it spreads, sweeping the entire wilderness, not only the Tianhou family, but also many soul-refining families are in this storm.

And the core of the storm and the instigator, Bai Xiaochun, is sitting cross-legged in the Supervisory Mansion at this moment, the fatigue in his eyes can no longer be concealed, from the beginning to the end, he has not rested at all, and any of the news that has been transmitted has been covered by him. He looked extremely carefully, constantly analyzing and judging, trying to find clues from it.

More than half a month has passed since Bai Hao disappeared. The madness in Bai Xiaochun’s heart seemed to turn into a raging sea of ​​flames. While burning others, it was also tormenting himself.

He couldn’t stop worrying about Bai Hao’s life and death. For more than half a month, he didn’t find any news. All this made Bai Xiaochun very worried, and his whole person was extremely disturbed.

His breathing is sometimes disordered, and the fluctuations of his breath are full of restlessness. Only when he analyzes various news and possible clues, his breath becomes stable. Although there are many news from the jade slip, it is not enough Comprehensively, Bai Xiaochun knew that to find Bai Hao, he had to grasp more clues.

“This prairie fire ordered by many benefactors needs to burn more violently.” Bai Xiaochun raised his head fiercely, staring at the distant world, which is the fifth district of Kuihuang City

Within the five districts, it is where the Tiangong family resides

“It’s time to attack the Tiangong family, only if the Tiangong family is moved, not only can the Tiangong familyThe fact that the clan gets the news will help them to have stronger confidence in those fearful members of the Tianhou clan.” Bai Xiaochun gritted his teeth fiercely, stood up suddenly, and flew out in a flash. Soon, he took all the corpses with him. puppet, go straight to the fifth district

His dispatch has attracted countless people’s attention. At this moment, everyone watched the army of corpse puppets roaring past in the sky, and followed them from a distance. When they saw that Bai Xiaochun’s target was actually the Tiangong family in the fifth district, everyone couldn’t help but He took a breath, and at the same time his heart was strongly stimulated.

“Tiangong Family”

“This Bai Hao is too courageous. The supervision of Zhong Enling actually went to the Tiangong family.”

While the crowd was horrified and chattering endlessly, an army of five thousand corpse puppets rushed directly into the fifth area, with Bai Xiaochun at the forefront, and on both sides of him stood two corpse puppets, one black and one silver, exuding celestial and human fluctuations. In the rear, there are nine half-step celestial beings in black armor, with an earth-shattering aura.

Without a pause, after stepping into the fifth district, Bai Xiaochun directly approached the Tiangong family in the fifth district.

He vaguely remembered that the Tiangong of this family was an old man, and he had no relationship with Bai Xiaochun, but right now, Bai Xiaochun didn’t care too much, when he suddenly approached, suddenly, a light curtain appeared directly in the Tiangong’s family , blocking Bai Xiaochun out.

On the light curtain, a face slowly emerged, this face was a middle-aged man, he looked at Bai Xiaochun coldly, and spoke lightly.

“The inspector can speak here if he has something to say, no one is allowed to enter here”

Bai Xiaochun narrowed his eyes, and through the light curtain, he saw that many members of the Tiangong family in it looked up at him. Those eyes were all calm, but the strangeness hidden under these eyes made people Bai Xiaochun knew that even in the Tiangong family, there were still many people who were looking forward to the favor, but under the strength of Tiangong, they dare not show the slightest now.

Bai Xiaochun pondered for a while, did not force his way, but stood there, spoke slowly, the voice contained cultivation, and entered into the light curtain.

“Bai was ordered by the great celestial master to come here to supervise the execution of the order of grace”

“Whether it is the Tianhou family or the Tiangong family, even the four heavenly kings must carry out the decree of grace”

“All the clansmen, distribute the family property and resources equally, you wait for the concubine, the direct descendant who has no right to inherit, you wait,” Bai Xiaochun said while looking at the clansmen of the Tiangong family inside the light curtain, and after a while, he finished speaking, on the light curtain The middle-aged man looked at Bai Xiaochun expressionlessly.

“I won’t send you off after I’m finished,” the words came out, the middle-aged man’s face disappeared, Bai Xiaochun stood there, frowning, turned around in deep thought, and went to the second Tiangong family.

Then the third place, the fourth place soon, he almost finished walking in the first and fifth districts, and went to the nine Tiangong families, but any Tiangong family, Bai Xiaochun met like the first same family

No god let him in, most of them were outside the formation, just let him talk, and after he finished speaking, he would unceremoniously see off the guests.

This kind of cooperative and non-cooperative attitude made Bai Xiaochun look ugly, but at the same time, the people who followed from a distance and watched all this also had a lot of thoughts.

At the same time, those who paid attention to Bai Xiaochun’s actions, as well as those princes and their heirs, after knowing all this through various methods, their hearts sank.

“Could it be that these graces cannot be carried out anymore?” More people began to worry about gains and losses.

Just when all the civil and military officials in the court seemed to be paying attention to Bai Xiaochun, Bai Xiaochun came to the last Tiangong family with a gloomy expression.

This is the Chen family

Chen Haosong’s family occupies half of this area, and the Tiangong Pagoda stands there, far surpassing the Tianhou Pagoda.

In his family, all the clan members were silent. During this period of time, regarding the Tianhou family’s favor orders, all the descendants of the Tiangong family were also moved.

But they didn’t dare to make any moves, the Tiangong family and the Tianhou family are completely different

For example, in the bloody storm when the Great Heavenly Master raised his butcher knife, Tianhou killed eighteen people, but Tiangong did not fall. To a certain extent, as long as they did not betray the dynasty, their status would be difficult to shake After all, they are celestial beings, and the strong celestial beings, whether in the wilderness or the Tongtianhe area, belong to the superior

Section reading 513


At this moment, almost at the moment of Bai Xiaochun’s arrival, a light curtain rose instantly, blocking Bai Xiaochun out, and there was a low humming sound, echoing from the light curtain.

“Speak, finish, and get out.” The voice was contemptuous and even more disgusting.

Bai Xiaochun stared at the Tiangong Pagoda in the distance of the Chen family light curtain, and suddenly smiled.

It’s just that this smile is icy cold, and even more so, it’s madness that can’t be suppressed

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