: The Beast Will Still Fight

On a rainy night, thunder rumbled, and lightning flashed across the sky, causing the sky and the earth to flicker, and the loud noise reverberated, and the bean-sized raindrops continued to fall on the ground, making a clattering sound.

Seen from a distance, the entire world is shrouded in a curtain of rain, a blur, breeding boundless chill.

On the ground, Bai Xiaochun’s body trembled, his eyes were red, he was bursting out at full speed, galloping forward, sometimes stomping the ground fiercely, then leaping up, whizzing away like a sharp arrow off the string.

“Live, we all have to live.” Bai Xiaochun trembled, and kept saying these words, and the figures of Du Lingfei and Hou Yunfei appeared in his mind.

The shadow of death descended, seeming to merge with the rain, making the surroundings even colder.

Around him, from various positions at this moment, there are eight figures who are chasing quickly, especially Chen Heng. Although he is the farthest, he is behind everyone, but his speed is extremely fast. Faster and faster, the rain curtain in front of him made bursts of sonic booms.

“You can’t escape, no one can escape from the formation arranged by my Luo Chen family ancestors.” Murderous intent flashed in Chen Heng’s eyes.

Chasing and killing the three opponents all the way, even he did not expect that these outer disciples of the Lingxi Sect could escape so much, and now there are still a few days before they can even escape from the scope of the ancestor’s formation, especially at this moment The person he was chasing to kill had a good cultivation, not to mention being able to kill Chen Yue, he also killed a few members of the Chen family that he brought with him along the way.

This made him more certain that the other party must be one of the two well-known Shangguan Tianyou and Lu Tianlei on the south bank of the Lingxi Sect. After all, this area is under the control of the south bank, and the north bank will not appear under normal circumstances.

“Spiritual Creek Sect’s Talent” Chen Heng’s eyes were even more murderous, and even faintly excited.

Thunder roared, Bai Xiaochun gritted his teeth and galloped, his breathing was rapid, the spiritual energy in his body was being consumed rapidly, the world was blurred, as if an ancient beast opened its mouth, covering the sky in all directions.

Suddenly, Bai Xiaochun raised his head, his blood-colored eyes froze fiercely, and when he looked forward, the rain suddenly fluctuated tens of feet in front of him, and a strong bang bang came out, causing countless raindrops to shatter, and went straight to Bai Xiaochun Come on.

Behind the rain curtain, the first member of the Luochen family who blocked Bai Xiaochun appeared out of nowhere

It was a middle-aged man. He had a scar on his face. He looked vicious. He was at the seventh level of Dzogchen. At this moment, he was approaching, holding a huge battle ax in his right hand, like a gust of wind. , at the moment it was approaching, he roared loudly, held an ax in both hands, faced Bai Xiaochun head-on, and slashed fiercely

“Get out of here!” The middle-aged man’s voice exploded like thunder, echoing everywhere.

Bai Xiaochun’s eyes turned red, but his body didn’t stop at all. The moment the opponent’s ax fell, he rushed forward, and suddenly raised his left hand, directly pressing on the coming ax

The middle-aged man sneered, his hands were more condensed and cultivated, causing the ax to set off a strong wind when it fell.

The moment Bai Xiaochun raised his left hand, a black light flashed, and the undead iron skin exploded at this moment, making his left hand look black, and it touched the ax in an instant.

With a bang, Bai Xiaochun’s left hand grabbed the blade of the ax with such force that it made the surrounding rain water roll and splash.

Severe pain came, blood was left behind, but the strength of the Immortal Iron Skin, especially at this moment when Bai Xiaochun stretched it out with all his strength, made his palm overflow with blood, but it did not break.

The middle-aged man frowned and pulled hard, but Bai Xiaochun’s handLike iron tongs, the middle-aged man held the big ax firmly, and the middle-aged man couldn’t shake it even a bit.

This scene immediately caused the middle-aged man’s expression to change. When he looked up, he saw Bai Xiaochun approaching him, with a crazy look in his eyes.

He had never seen this kind of madness in anyone before, only in the eyes of those desperate beasts in the Luoxing Mountain Range, he seemed to have known him before.

This scene made the middle-aged man’s heart thump suddenly, and several protective lights appeared all over his body instantly. He let go of the ax without any hesitation, and his body suddenly retreated.

He is fast, but Bai Xiaochun is faster

The moment Bai Xiaochun held the big ax with his left hand, a black glow appeared on his right hand, and the moment the lightning flashed across the sky, his pitch-black right hand appeared directly in front of the middle-aged man.

As the moment approached, the protective light pierced through the middle man’s body. When the sound of cracking reverberated, those protective lights shattered one by one. Bai Xiaochun’s right hand gesture was like a broken bamboo, piercing everything in an instant. Especially at this moment, it seemed that Bai Xiaochun In this extreme state, his broken throat lock appeared different from usual

There was unexpectedly a suction force that erupted from his palm, causing the middle-aged man to step back and give a sudden pause. Before he could react, the world in front of him was completely replaced by the black of Bai Xiaochun’s right hand

With a bang, Bai Xiaochun’s right hand was directly stuck on the middle-aged man’s neck, and he pinched fiercely on his face.


The middle-aged man’s eyes showed disbelief, blood overflowed from his mouth, and he couldn’t even scream. As all the bones in his neck were crushed at this moment, his head was immediately pulled down, and he died

Until he was about to die, his eyes were full of horror. Although he knew that the opponent was strong, he was always prepared. He shot just now not to kill the opponent, but to block Zhou Xuan and delay time, but he did not expect that this thin and small spirit The disciples of Xizong’s outer sect are actually so strong.

At the moment when the middle-aged man died, there were two figures approaching rapidly in the distance, and one of them was the same as Chen Yue with the eighth level of condensed energy.

“Chen Zhong” saw the middle-aged man die, and the two who came suddenly roared in grief.

“You guys forced me to do this.” With a flick of his right hand, Bai Xiaochun threw the middle-aged man’s body out. He was short of breath, changed direction with a sway of his body, and ran wildly again. His whole body trembled, but there was a ferocious intent in his eyes. Stronger than before.

He knew that he could not be stopped and stopped, and his original plan was to lure away the members of the Luochen family. At this moment, he suddenly changed his direction. Wherever he went, he could see an endless mountain range in the distance.

This mountain range is not a boundary, so it has no name, but the verticality of the mountain range is not under the Luoxing Mountain Range, and it even looks more majestic. What is especially amazing is that the rain from the sky and the earth seems to be tilted more there, and even the lightning and thunder are also there. Most of them are condensed there.

Looking up, you can also see that countless lightning connections have become lightning balls, which are currently exploding with the rain.

With a whoosh, Bai Xiaochun galloped, and the two members of the Luochen family behind him were chasing desperately, and even at this moment, the other members of the Luochen family could be seen from afar.

Especially a long rainbow in the distance, like a horse chain, it is Chen Heng, who is also approaching quickly.

As the members of the Luochen family all around continued to approach, Bai Xiaochun was getting closer and closer to the forest in the mountains, less than a few dozen feet away, his whole body was soaked, he stepped on the ground hard, and his body leaped away, and he was about to rush into the forest. In the mountain jungle.

“Stop him!” A gloomy voice came from Chen Heng in the distance.

At this moment, the two members of the Luochen family who were closest to Bai Xiaochun, the man at the eighth level of condensed energy let out a low growl, and grabbed the member of the seventh level of condensed energy around him, and the two looked at each other, knowing each other immediately Thinking, the whole body of the clansman at the seventh level of condensed energy immediately shrank together, and when they formed a spherical shape, they were thrown forward violently by the man at the eighth level of condensed energy.

With a bang, the condensed strength of all cultivation bases exploded at this moment, and immediately the clansman on the seventh floor of Qi Condensation shrunk into a ball, his body speed increased suddenly, and he flew through the rain curtain in a roar, and caught up with him in the blink of an eye. Bai Xiaochun.

When the instant was approaching, the clansman of the seventh layer of condensed energy suddenly started to cultivate, the kill came, a loud noise reverberated, Bai Xiaochun’s body stopped, and when he turned around, he pointed with a talisman, and the wooden sword whizzed away, but the clansman of the Luochen clan, Regardless of life and death, he let the wooden sword penetrate his body. At the moment of death, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

His body exploded with a bang, turning into countless flesh and blood, becoming a rope of flesh and blood, trying to wrap Bai Xiaochun around.

Bai Xiaochun’s complexion changed, and his body retreated immediately, but at the moment when he was distracted and retreated, a sharp piercing sound suddenly came from behind him, it was an arrow

It was the clansman at the eighth level of condensed energy who shot it. He held a big bow in his hand, and the bowstring was still vibrating at this moment.

Section Reading 42

It was the critical moment when Bai Xiaochun couldn’t dodge, and he cooperated extremely skillfully with the Qi Condensation Seventh Floor clansman who did not hesitate to die before.

At the critical moment, Bai Xiaochun’s eyes flashed, his body stopped forcibly, as if he was actively approaching the approaching sharp arrow.

With a whoosh, the sharp arrow that made the sound of piercing the sky directly landed on Bai Xiaochun’s body, the pain came, and Bai Xiaochun’s face turned pale.

And this arrow goes throughWhen his right shoulder blade was caught by a bone like a coincidence, the arrow was made of good material, and it was shot with eight layers of condensed energy, with great force. Open the entanglement of the rope of flesh and blood

Dole sound

This arrow carried Bai Xiaochun’s body, and pierced fiercely on a big tree at the edge of the forest, nailing Bai Xiaochun’s body firmly to it

Not far away, the condensed eighth-level clansman who shot this arrow had ecstasy in his eyes, his body shook, and while he was approaching rapidly, he opened the bow with his right hand, and shot the second arrow that was sure to kill Bai Xiaochun

In the distance, other members of the Luochen family also showed their cruelty and approached with a roar, but at this moment, Chen Heng, who was approaching quickly, changed his expression.

“Be careful”

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