Fighting with me

While the giant ghost king was meditating, Bai Xiaochun tried his best to make himself look calmer in the sky of Kuihuang City, so that outsiders could not see the change of mood, and followed Hei Ming silently, and flew towards the palace.

In fact, he was also trembling in the bottom of his heart, and his own plan kept appearing in his mind to ensure that there would be no mistakes this time. It was really a catastrophe. Bai Xiaochun knew that if he made a slight mistake, he might be doomed.

“There shouldn’t be anything beyond my control, and I’m fully prepared.” After careful analysis, Bai Xiaochun felt a little at ease, but he was still a little worried about gains and losses.

In such a mood, the two of them did not speak along the way, and walked in silence.

In fact, from the moment he decided not to consult the great celestial master, but to attack immediately and enter Zhou’s house with lightning speed, Bai Xiaochun already understood that this matter would definitely cause a huge storm

But he didn’t regret it, it was because he no longer had the same trust and dependence on the great celestial master, and Bai Hao’s safety was the top priority, if the news leaked out, the consequences would be disastrous.

But it is indeed as judged by the giant ghost king, the reason why Bai Xiaochun dared to do this is because he has a hole card

“In the Tianshi Palace right now, I’m afraid that those gods and gods will put me to death.” Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath. Although he had a trump card, he was worried about gains and losses and felt uneasy, but what was more, he was looking forward to it.

He is very much looking forward to revealing his cards in front of those full of civil and military officials, so that he can turn around gorgeously. The more those people dance before this, the louder the slaps will be when he turns around.

“Before, I used the power of the Great Celestial Master to fight against these powerful people, but today I will not rely on anyone, but rely on myself to slap them in the face.”

“Eighty-nine lords, ten gods, the faces of ninety-nine dignitaries, I don’t know what it’s like to take pictures.” Thinking of this, Bai Xiaochun felt a strong sense of excitement in his heart, and his breathing couldn’t be steady for a moment. Hastily.

Gradually, he followed Heiming to the palace, and slowly approached the Temple of Heavenly Masters. His heartbeat also followed his steps, getting faster and faster. Anxiety and anticipation intertwined, tension and excitement coexisted.

Seeing that he was about to arrive not far away, Heiming, who was walking in front of the palace, suddenly stopped and stood there motionless.

Bai Xiaochun was full of thoughts about what was about to happen in the next scene, so he didn’t pay much attention, and almost ran into him. After quickly stopping, he raised his head in surprise, and looked at Hei Ming’s back.

“You are reckless in doing this.” After Hei Ming pondered for a while, there was still a cold voice as usual. At first, the voice was full of coldness, but if you think about it carefully, there is actually a trace of concern in it.

Feeling this concern, Bai Xiaochun was stunned for a moment. Hei Ming in his memory had always been gloomy and indifferent. Now this concern, which was unprecedented, seemed a bit abrupt.

“All the gods, all the gods are united, even if the great master wants to protect you, it will be difficult.” Hei Ming didn’t turn around, turned his back to Bai Xiaochun, and spoke slowly, the eyes that outsiders couldn’t see , with complexity.

He has already seen that there is a sense of extinction brewing in the Temple of Heavenly Masters. For Bai Xiaochun, this time, he is afraid that he will be doomed. But when he looks at Bai Xiaochun’s journey as a supervisor, he often thinks of the past. Own.

He was the supervisor of the previous generation. If there was anyone in the Kui Dynasty who could understand Bai Xiaochun’s feelings best, then he felt that he should be the only one.

They are also inspectors, thisThis scene also happened back then, but now, it is happening again in this generation of inspectors. The difference is that back then, he had a much closer relationship with the great celestial master than Bai Xiaochun, and under the protection of the great celestial master, Only then did he escape from death, and since then he has followed the great celestial master like a shadow.

And most importantly, he did not commit the serious crime of committing suicide

But now, Bai Xiaochun’s place is different from him.

“Your only hope is the great celestial master Bai Hao, you can do it yourself.” Hei Ming sighed inwardly, and after reminding Bai Xiaochun, he continued to walk forward.

Bai Xiaochun looked at Hei Ming’s back, and was moved in his heart. Such a person he thought was indifferent, today, at this moment when everyone saw that he was doomed, said such words, which made Bai Xiaochun’s heart ache. There was some warmth in my heart.

After taking a deep look at Hei Ming, Bai Xiaochun nodded lightly, and walked forward. Not long after, he arrived outside the Hall of Heavenly Masters

The gate of Tianshi Hall was closed, and there was no sound, but the moment Bai Xiaochun came here, he immediately

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I feel that there is a violent aura in this Heavenly Master Hall. This aura is mixed, and it is obviously condensed by many people together.

Hei Ming’s body swayed and disappeared in front of Bai Xiaochun. Not long after, a voice came slowly from the Heavenly Master Hall.

“Bai Hao, come in”

Bai Xiaochun’s body shook, and he took a long, deep breath and exhaled again. He knew that the good show was about to begin, and he became more nervous. Similarly, the excitement and anticipation became stronger, which agitated his mind more and more.

“His grandma, what’s there to be afraid of? My hole cards are strong enough to turn the faces of the males and monkeys into pig heads.”

“Everyone in here is waiting for me to hit them. They are not afraid. I am afraid that if I don’t hit them, I will be sorry for their stretched necks and raised faces.” Bai Xiaochun gritted his teeth fiercely, walked out suddenly, and stepped forward. Push open the gate of Tianshi Hall.

The moment the gate was pushed open, there were hundreds of gazes, all looking at Bai Xiaochun standing outside the gate from inside the hall.

Of the hundreds of gazes, the weakest is a half-step heavenly being, and the strongest is a demigod. It can be said that all the nobles of the Kui Dynasty, all the strong, gathered here, and the coercion formed by their gazes, It was enough to make the world tremble and the wind and clouds to disperse. Even if Bai Xiaochun had the trump card, he was still under this gaze. The courage that had just risen in his heart was cut by half in an instant, and his back was drenched in an instant.

In the Heavenly Master Hall, the Great Heavenly Master sat on the top Heavenly Master chair, his face was gloomy and ugly, and below him, the ten great Heavenly Lords stood there one by one, most of them looked cold.

In addition to them, there are a total of eighty-nine Tianhou. They are in the current Kuihuang City. All the Tianhou are standing in the Tianshi Hall at this moment, looking at Bai Xiaochun coldly, some sneer, some ridicule, and some What’s more, there is a murderous intent in his eyes.

Bai Xiaochun’s heartbeat accelerated violently, and his forehead was sweating even more. It was the first time in his life that he found that he fell behind in the ability of eye contact.

He really can’t help it, he is only one person after all, but the other party, there are hundreds of people

“It’s too bullying.” Bai Xiaochun trembled in his heart, but he was unwilling to lose his momentum before entering the door, so he gritted his teeth, scanned the crowd, found Zhao Xionglin, and stared at him fiercely .

“No matter how many of you there are, I’ll just stare at one person, Grandpa Bai. I can’t lose my momentum.” Bai Xiaochun immediately stared fiercely at Zhao Xionglin.

Zhao Xionglin was also stunned for a moment, the ferocity in Bai Xiaochun’s eyes reminded him of the times when he was at a disadvantage in the conflicts with the other party, and he couldn’t help feeling depressed.

“There are so many people looking at him, why does he just grab me, what are you looking at me for?” Zhao Xionglin was annoyed, but in terms of eye contact, he was far behind Bai Xiaochun, staring at each other like this Staring, Bai Xiaochun’s eyes seemed to be full of blood and rain, and the whole person seemed to be going crazy, as if he was about to die together, which shocked Zhao Xionglin’s heart, wondering if this mad dog knew he was going to die, so he wanted to die before he died. , biting oneself and not letting go, pulling oneself to exterminate together

Everything that Bai Xiaochun did in the Kui Dynasty before was a major event. Although he was attacked by a united force, he may enjoy this kind of treatment. This has already explained the problem. Dangerous, thinking of this, he suppressed the anger in his heart, slightly avoiding his eyes.

“Fight with me!” Seeing that Zhao Xionglin didn’t dare to look at him, Bai Xiaochun immediately raised his toes, his momentum was rising, he stepped into the hall, and bowed to the great celestial master above.

“Humble job Bai Hao, pay homage to the Great Celestial Master”

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