Grandfather Shouling

Zhou Yixing’s heart moved, he believed that Bai Xiaochun didn’t need to lie to scare them, but no matter how he looked at it, the bank of the Styx River, the place Bai Xiaochun pointed to, was empty.

Wu Dao’s complexion also changed, hesitating, and after a careful look, there was something strange in his eyes.

“Master Bai, there is really nothing there.”

Bai Xiaochun was stunned, looked at Zhou Xing suspiciously, and found that Zhou Xing smiled wryly and nodded, he felt a thud in his heart, when he looked again, the black-robed old man was still there, he didn’t know why, but vaguely felt that the old man’s The back was somewhat familiar, but I didn’t remember it for a while.

“Only I can see.” Bai Xiaochun’s face was pale, and his scalp felt a little numb. At this moment, Bai Hao’s nervous voice came into Bai Xiaochun’s mind.

“Master, I also saw his old man, he was fishing”

After a long while, Wu Dao left with doubts in his heart, and even after he hesitated, he personally took some of his men to the bank of the Styx River below, searched there, found nothing, and then came back .

But Bai Xiaochun could see clearly, he saw with his own eyes that the old man was sitting beside Wu Dao, but Wu Dao seemed to be blind, he didn’t notice it at all.

This made Bai Xiaochun’s heart shudder, looking at the old man, fishing on the bank of the Styx River all night, until dawn, with the disappearance of the Styx River, the old man disappeared without a trace.

Throughout the day, Bai Xiaochun was suspicious, and kept taking out some talisman papers from the storage bag and sticking them on his body, but he still felt unsafe.

“Master, should we go and see tonight? I think he seems to be calling me.” Seeing that his master was nervous, Bai Hao asked after hesitation.

“You still dare to go to see Hao’er, you don’t know, it’s a ghost, it’s not that the soul is not scary, I have practiced a lot of souls for the teacher, but it is a ghost, don’t be fooled by it” Bai XiaochunSpeak quickly.

“No, if that old ghost reappears, we will have to leave here. This place is too dangerous.”

“Hao’er, when I was a teacher in the Abyss of Meteor Sword, I saw a female ghost. Now that I think about it, I feel cold behind my back.” Bai Xiaochun always felt that the reason why he was so afraid of ghosts was because he was so afraid of ghosts in Abyss of Meteor Sword. The little girl inside.

Especially thinking of this little girl actually getting on Gongsun Wan’er’s body, and the scenes that happened in the maze, Bai Xiaochun felt his heart tremble.

“But, I’m also a ghost.” Bai Hao hesitated and said in a low voice.

“You’re different. He’s an old ghost like an old ghost. They’re all very vicious.” Bai Xiaochun said, and stuck a few more talisman papers on his body.

Bai Hao blinked, and didn’t try to persuade Bai Xiaochun anymore. Under the torment, Bai Xiaochun passed the day, and the second morning slowly arrived. It was still the thunder reverberating, the sky was still twisting, the Styx River was still rushing down, and it was still there. On the bank of the Styx River, in Bai Xiaochun’s eyes, he saw the black-robed old man who appeared for the second time.

“He appeared again.” Bai Xiaochun’s complexion changed drastically, he immediately turned around and called Zhou Yixing, he decided that this place can’t stay any longer, there are actually ghosts in this evil place.

“I’m an earth-grade soul refiner now, and there are still ghosts who dare to appear in front of me. They must be very powerful.” Bai Xiaochun took a breath, and was calling Zhou Yixing, asking him to take Song Que to tidy up. When leaving, suddenly, he found that there was no one beside him.

“Where’s Haoer?” Bai Xiaochun was stunned for a moment, his face changed, and when he turned his head abruptly, his eyes widened instantly. What he saw in his eyes was Bai Hao, who seemed to be unconscious, and went straight to the ground. the Styx

At this moment, it has already flown more than half, and it is less than a few hundred feet away from the black-robed old man.

“Old ghost, you deceive people too much.” Bai Xiaochun immediately became angry. He felt that this old ghost must have confused his apprentice. Although he was afraid at this moment, his anger was even greater. As his body trembled, Bai Xiaochun let out a loud roar , immediately jumped away, and galloped straight to the Styx.

On the way, he even took out more runes from the storage bag, and stuck them all on his body with crackling, his heart trembled, but he roared in his mouth.

“Old ghost, let go of my disciple”

His speed broke out suddenly, this place is weird, and he cannot teleport, but Bai Xiaochun’s speed is still extremely fast, his whole body turned into a long rainbow, and he chased down the high ground in an instant, the moment Bai Hao approached the old man on the bank of the River Styx, Bai Xiaochun had already caught up He came up and grabbed Bai Hao.

Bai Hao’s body trembled, he suddenly woke up, his complexion changed, Bai Xiaochun saw that Bai Hao was awake, and his heart was at ease, but then, fear rose on a large scale, especially when he saw that the old man seemed to be aware of himself, and he was slowing down. After turning his head slowly, Bai Xiaochun trembled in his heart. For some reason, he felt an extremely strong sense of crisis in his heart at this moment. He grabbed Bai Hao while screaming, and was about to back away.

But at this moment, the black-robed old man had completely turned around.

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He raised his head, revealing a gloomy and cold face in the vicissitudes of life, this face was instantly reflected in Bai Xiaochun’s eyes, causing his screams to stop abruptly, and his footsteps also stopped, standing there, eyes wide open It’s getting bigger and bigger, and it’s incredible.

“Grandpa Shou Ling,” Bai Xiaochun lost his voice.

This old man is exactly the mysterious black-robed man that Bai Xiaochun met when he was seriously injured in the battle with Chen Jiatianjiao in the Luochen Mountain Range when he was in Lingxi Sect.

It was also the other party who saved his life and even gave him part of the immortal scroll

Bai Xiaochun never imagined that after so many years, he would actually see his benefactor again today on the bank of the Styx River

In an instant, Bai Xiaochun’s fear disappeared, and surprise appeared in his eyes, but the mausoleum guard just gave Bai Xiaochun a faint look, then turned his head and continued fishing.

“Master, you know him.” Bai Hao’s eyes showed panic. He just looked at the old man a few more times before he lost his mind in an instant. Into the Styx.

And these two consequences, in Bai Hao’s view, don’t seem to be good things.

“I know, this is Master’s savior back then.” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes became brighter, he knew how powerful this mausoleum guard was, he was an expert who could instantly recover himself who was almost dying.

Especially after his cultivation level is good now, but he found that he is still the same as before, and he can’t see the depth of this mausoleum guard at all, Bai Xiaochun’s heart is even more shocked.

You know, he has seen a demigod, and he is not a demigod yet, but the mausoleum guard seems to him to be stronger than a demigod.

“He’s better than a demigod, my god, what kind of cultivation is this grandpa who guards the tomb?” Bai Xiaochun was pleasantly surprised, he quickly ran a few steps, and arrived at the side of the tomb guard.

“Grandpa Shouling, I’m Bai Xiaochun. I wear a mask on my face. You old man don’t remember the Luochen Mountain Range back then,” Bai Xiaochun said quickly.

The mausoleum guards didn’t seem to hear, they didn’t even look at Bai Xiaochun, they continued to fish.

“Grandfather guarding the mausoleum, help me, send me back to Tongtianhe, will it make it?” Bai Xiaochun was also a little nervous, but he knew that this was his chance. home.It’s just that the mausoleum guard still turned a deaf ear to him, no matter what Bai Xiaochun said, he ignored it until Bai Xiaochun had finished his words, and when dawn came, the old man still ignored Bai Xiaochun, and disappeared without a trace along with Styx.

“Master, what should we do?” Bai Hao hesitated. He had been watching from the side all night, and felt that his master’s words might be worth tens of thousands of sentences.

Bai Xiaochun let out a breath, his eyes showed persistence, and he waved his hand.

“Teacher, I will teach you a lesson today. There is a saying that goes as far as sincerity is concerned, gold and stone are opened.”

So, in the next half month, Bai Hao finally saw the persistence of his master. Bai Xiaochun continued, every night as soon as the morning arrived, he would stay there. .

This scene was also seen by Zhou Yixing and Wu Dao, both of them were terrified, it was really what they saw, Bai Xiaochun was like a man in a daze, facing the empty river bank, he seemed to be talking to himself constantly, although he couldn’t hear They heard Bai Xiaochun’s voice, but the more it was like this, the more weird they felt.

Especially once, there was a dark rainbow on the Styx river. When Wu Dao and the others were collecting the rainbow, they saw Bai Xiaochun talking to nothingness from a close distance. He felt his scalp tingle and left quickly.

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