Nineteen Colored Fire

Without a pause, Bai Xiaochun immediately made a move and started the second refining. As time passed, he spent a whole night refining ten balls of fire with eighteen colors

All success, no mistakes, no failures

If this scene is spread out, it will definitely shock the whole wilderness, and make countless soul refiners extremely fanatical. This is something that is impossible for almost everyone to see.

But now, on the banks of the River Styx, the first descending

The reason why this can be done is simply impossible with Bai Xiaochun alone. The role of the formula plays a big role in this, and the guidance of the mausoleum guard for more than half a year is the most important factor.

Coupled with Bai Xiaochun’s persistence and his same goal in refining medicine, this made him here, in this moment, complete a feat that can shake the sky

ten times, all successful

I don’t know if it’s because of the power of the mask, or because of the mausoleum guards, but the appearance of the eighteen-color fire was not noticed by anyone except Bai Hao.

Only Bai Hao witnessed all this with his own eyes, and he was extremely excited. Although he hadn’t watched Master refine the eighteen-color fire twice before, after all, he was not there the first time, and he didn’t dare to show it the second time.

But now, from his point of view, in the entire wilderness, there is no one who can compare with the master in refining the eighteen-color fire, even the three dragons who can’t see the head and the tail are not as good as him.

The realm represented by this kind of ease and casualness is ten times of refining, ten times of success

It is the control of the eighteen-color fire, which has reached the extreme performance

Bai Xiaochun was also extremely excited, but he understood that this was only the first step. To refine nineteen-color fire, he needed ten parts of eighteen-color fire. This amount was already an inestimable and terrifying resource consumption.

Even if Bai Xiaochun’s family is bankrupt at present, he can only really try to refine it once. Although there will be a little left after one time, at most it will reach 10% of what is needed.

“It’s no wonder that earth-level fire is so rare. Apart from the rareness of earth-grade fire, consumption is also the key point.” Although Bai Xiaochun doesn’t know how other earth-grade soul refiners refine, it can be said that he has a clear understanding of his current fire refining attainments. In this fire refining, different routes lead to the same goal, even if the method is different, the price is not much different.

Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath, looking at the ten balls of eighteen colors of fire, he suppressed his excitement, closed his eyes, and adjusted his mind, he knew that the next step was the key point

“Nineteen Colors of Fire”

“After studying for more than half a year, with the help of Bai Hao and Grandpa Shouling, this time I will definitelyIt must be successful.” A moment later, Bai Xiaochun’s eyes suddenly opened, revealing a bright light, he waved his hands fiercely, and suddenly the ten balls of fire of eighteen colors melted into each other with a bang.

This fusion seems to be going smoothly, but in fact, in the past half a year, Bai Xiaochun and Bai Hao, the master and apprentice, have studied too many times just in this fusion link, almost every link, every The steps, and even every detail, have been deduced in detail. There are at least dozens of key problems in it. Under the guidance of the mausoleum guards, they were all overcome in a short period of time, and they came up with a solution. .

So much hard work and such a chance have created Bai Xiaochun at this moment. On this melted fire, it seems to be smooth and uninterrupted. During the roar, those ten balls of eighteen-colored fire spread out, on this Styx River, in Bai Xiaochun’s eyes. In front of them, they gradually merged together.

His hands were constantly making talismans, and from time to time he took out some individual souls and threw them into the sea of ​​flames. Although these souls were not special, they were all used to adjust the sea of ​​flames according to the methods Bai Xiaochun and Bai Hao had summed up. It makes the fusion of fire and sea more perfect, just like lubrication.

Time passed and everything went smoothly, but the refinement of the nineteen-color fire was still a challenge for Bai Xiaochun. At this moment, bloodshot eyes slowly appeared in his eyes, not daring to let his control make the slightest mistake. After carefully merging, finally after an hour passed, the ten balls of eighteen colors of fire, smoothly and unimpeded, completely merged together and became an astonishing sea of ​​flames.

The range of this sea of ​​fire is huge, and the temperature inside it is equally astonishingly high, far exceeding the Eighteen Colors Fire. At the same time, for Bai Xiaochun, the pressure he controls is also too great.

Involuntarily, sweat dripped from Bai Xiaochun’s forehead but evaporated again in an instant, his eyes gleamed brightly, after taking a deep breath, he immediately increased his cultivation, and pressed hard against the sea of ​​flames


The booming sound suddenly spread in all directions, but the strange thing is that Zhou Yixing and others are not far away, but no one notices it, as if at the bank of the River Styx at this moment, in their eyes, Bai Xiaochun is going as usual

And these, Bai Xiaochun didn’t know at all, all his mind at the moment was on the sea of ​​compressed flames, seeing that the sea of ​​flames kept shrinking, Bai Hao at the side also became nervous.

“According to my deduction with the master, there shouldn’t be any problem.” Bai Hao was worried, worried about gains and losses, but he didn’t dare to show it on his face, for fear of affecting the master.

He could only look at the sea of ​​flames, like a trapped ancient ferocious beast, unwilling to be restrained, constantly struggling and roaring, and at this moment, Bai Xiaochun, like a beast tamer, exhausted all his strength , to make the beast bow its head and submit.

Amidst the roar, the sea of ​​fire began to shrink, time passed, Bai Xiao didn’t know how long it had passed, he only knew his own exhaustion, in the infinite climb, this sea of ​​fire finally reached Baizhang

As for Baizhang, it was like a limit, Bai Xiaochun’s body’s cultivation was almost exhausted, and the tiredness in his mind also made him feel dizzy.

“Hao’er” Seeing this, Bai Xiaochun let out a low cry.

Almost at the moment when his words echoed, Bai Hao flicked his sleeve suddenly, and suddenly a pill flew out from him, heading straight for Bai Xiaochun, Bai Xiaochun didn’t even look at it, he opened his mouth and swallowed it in one gulp

As the elixir was swallowed, it immediately turned into a stream of heat in his body, instantly spreading throughout his body, causing his cultivation to return to its peak in an instant, and even his mind, due to the recovery of his cultivation, he felt exhausted. Both are less.

Bai Xiaochun’s spirit lifted, his eyes sparkled, his cultivation spread out again, his hands pressed hard, and amidst the roar, the hundred-foot sea of ​​flames, which looked like a ferocious beast, was once again compressed while struggling and roaring.

Ninety feet, eighty feet, and seventy feet, Bai Xiaochun released his body’s cultivation base without sparing any effort. Under the forceful suppression, the sound was loud, and the sea of ​​flames was as fierce as a beast. No matter how hard he struggled, it was useless In an instant, it was compressed to forty feet

Still going on, thirty feet, twenty feet until ten feet

The moment he reached ten feet, Bai Xiaochun’s cultivation was almost exhausted again, but all of this was based on what he and his disciples analyzed and deduced.

“It’s enough to eat another Good Fortune Pill when it’s eight feet high.”

“Unfortunately, after eating this good fortune pill nine times, it will be invalid.” Bai Xiaochun felt a little regretful in his heart, but this matter is not impossible to solve, as long as he finds the right opportunity to refine the spirit Yuanying, then after his cultivation base explodes and rises, Bai Xiaochun will be able to You don’t need good fortune pills, you can refine the nineteen-color fire by yourself

“Suppress me!” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes were red, and he roared, the ten-foot sea of ​​flames seemed to explode into a roar, and was compressed from ten feet to eight feet

The moment “Hao’er” was eight feet away, Bai Xiaochun let out a loud roar, and immediately Bai Hao accurately threw the second Good Fortune Pill. After Bai Xiaochun swallowed it, he lifted his spirits and compressed it again in one go.

boom boom boom

Seven feet, six feet, until five feet

At the moment of five feet, the struggle in the sea of ​​flames reached the most intense level, and the loss of Bai Xiaochun’s cultivation base also increased sharply in an instant. Almost every breath, his fatigue would increase countless, but right now he didn’t care too much. Many, the blood in the eyes is red, revealing the red glow, staring at the five-foot-long sea of ​​fire, the color changes that have appearedThe preparations started from the fifteenth color fire, at this moment, Bai Xiaochun was not disappointed, the nineteenth color in the sea of ​​fire was not one, but ten colors

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This is tantamount to increasing the success rate by more than half, causing Bai Xiaochun to breathe tightly and stare at the color change. According to his and Bai Hao’s deduction, they have even analyzed the steps of the color change. up.

After watching it for ten breaths, Bai Xiaochun’s eyes burst out with brilliance. Without the slightest hesitation, the power of his consciousness suddenly blasted into the sea of ​​flames without any mistake and directly merged into the transformed one. The tenth Within the nine colors.

boom boom boom

The nineteenth color was dazzling in an instant, and it rose up like a sleepy dragon ascending to the sky. It competed with the other eighteen colors in an instant.

“Success!” Bai Hao shouted excitedly, Bai Xiaochun’s laughter was a little hoarse, but his excitement did not diminish at all, and he grabbed it with his right hand.

“Nineteen-colored fire, come out!” Bai Xiaochun roared, and the five-foot sea of ​​nineteen-colored flames rushed straight to Bai Xiaochun’s palm, and Bai Xiaochun grabbed it instantly

The moment he held it, the flame dissipated, and only Bai Xiaochun’s palm remained, which appeared in Bai Hao’s eyes trembling slightly. Bai Hao was also nervous. Although he didn’t think he would fail, he was still worried about gains and losses at this moment.

Until the master and apprentice looked at each other, Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath, slowly stretched out his palms,

At the moment of stretching out, a cloud of nineteen colors of fire clearly appeared in the palm of his hand

Nineteen colors fire

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