Galloping all the way, Tianzhou was extremely fast, and the woman in the world of mortals was emotionally ups and downs, looking at Bai Xiaochun from time to time, the combat power and magical powers that Bai Xiaochun had exploded before made her eyes more complicated.

But in the end, she didn’t say anything, but closed her eyes, trying to recover herself as soon as possible, but her overdraft was too serious, and the injuries in her body were so weird that she couldn’t recover. Although she could suppress it, she understood that this kind of forced The suppression is often exchanged for a more violent backlash after a short period of time.

In the bitterness, the woman in the world of mortals sighed softly in her heart. At this moment, Bai Xiaochun, who was fully controlling the Tianzhou, suddenly changed his expression, and turned his head to look at the direction where he suppressed Lei Shan before.

The moment he looked, there was a sudden roar, and while the ground trembled, there was a storm that spread from a distance.

Thousands of miles away, that mountain peak of hundreds of feet suddenly collapsed at this moment, and countless rubbles were scattered in all directions. Immortals also collapsed and shattered. From the deep pit, a tall and burly figure walked out.

It is Leishan

He has no expression on his face, but the injuries on his body are extremely serious, and even many places have been penetrated, exposing holes one after another, but his injuries are constantly recovering, but every time the black light in his eyes recovers, It seemed to be a little dimmer, and at this moment, it took off again, and suddenly pursued.

“Impossible, your series of supernatural powers just now are not weaker than the blow I gave to that corpse puppet, how could he chase it out again?” The woman in the world of mortals was startled.

Bai Xiaochun remained silent, his face became more and more gloomy, he vaguely thought of the answer, it must have something to do with Gongsun Wan’er, although he didn’t know the details, but Bai Xiaochun was still extremely depressed in his heart.

“Gongsun Wan’er should not be out of trouble yet, right?” Bai Xiaochun was also not sure, his eyes were once again bloodshot and extremely red under the agitation in his heart. Now he let go, no longer controlling Tianzhou, and let Tianzhou move forward with his remaining strength. OK, the speed gradually slowed down, and at the same time, Bai Xiaochun turned around and stood behind the boat, looking coldly at the sky in the distance,

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Thousands of miles away, invisible, in the direction of Lei Shan, who was chasing at high speed.

“If you can’t destroy him, I’m afraid it will be difficult to escape. Being entangled all the time like this is dangerous.” When Bai Xiaochun whispered in his heart, his breath froze, his hands were raised violently, his eyes flashed strangely, and his internal cultivation was running at full speed , muttering two words in his heart.


Gradually, a stream of water vapor diffused from its body, covering the entire back of the boat, and covering all directions until it spread thousands of miles away.

It was also at this time, because of his deceleration here, Lei Shan’s figure suddenly appeared in the distant sky, rushing all the way to the thunder, booming, and directly approached within a thousand miles, entering this world covered in water vapor middle

The moment he stepped into the door, Bai Xiaochun’s eyes were filled with murderous intent, he waved his hands fiercely, and vomited inwardly.


Mizusawa Kingdom

As soon as this supernatural power came out, the water vapor immediately turned into a swamp within a thousand miles, covering the earth, and at the same time, there was a beast’s roar, which seemed to come from endless years, spreading in all directions, and everyone who heard it was shocked. , the sky also fluctuated

A black light flashed fiercely in Lei Shan’s eyes, and his body stopped for an instant, wanting to retreat, but at the moment he stopped, the beast’s roar became even more violent, and when it spread in all directions, there were sharp spikes like mountain peaks. The thorn, directly within the range of this thousand miles, suddenly shot up into the sky

Every sharp thorn contained astonishing power. In this booming sky, it immediately formed a madness like overwhelming mountains and seas.Generally, just go straight to the collision.

Lei Shan’s whole body trembled violently, and while his body roared, the previously healed wounds were torn apart again, and he kept backing away as black blood spilled, but after all the mountain thorns were lifted up, five curved thorns finally appeared. mountain peak

These five peaks are not arranged together, but irregularly soaring to the sky. After hitting Leishan again, the five curved thorns finally lifted up to the sky. Looking from a distance, it seems that a continent has been lifted up. pause in the sky

If you look carefully, you can clearly see that this is a huge claw

All the peaks are the sharp thorns on the back of the claw, it looks huge because the claw is bigger

And the so-called crooked peak is the claw blade

As for the continent, it is the palm of this claw, and what is exposed now is obviously not all, but only a part, even though Bai Xiaochun has seen his natal beast of the water country many times, but every time, Bai Xiaochun’s shock is still strong Incomparable.

At this moment, this huge claw that seems to be able to replace the sky, crashed down towards Leishan.

It is impossible to describe the shock of this scene. In the roar, no matter how Lei Shan struggles or escapes, it is difficult to avoid it. In the end, he let out a roar, the black light in his eyes flickered strongly, and countless black energy rose from his whole body. The black air condensed in mid-air, forming the head of a little girl.

The head let out a shrill scream, and slammed headlong towards the approaching beast claws.

The roaring sound was deafening and spread in all directions. With the fall of the claws, the ground trembled and collapsed. Bai Xiaochun spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body staggered. Exercising his supernatural powers, he was exhausted to the limit at this moment.

And the beast claws also blurred and dissipated at this moment, and finally disappeared, leaving only a huge deep pit on the ground, the only one that exists now

This deep pit is hundreds of miles in size, and all the mountains, plants and trees in it have been smashed to pieces. In this deep pit, there is only one corpse, which is Lei Shan.

If his body was about to collapse, he was lying there motionless, his legs were broken, his head was flattened, and his whole body was no longer human, but the black light in his eyes suddenly flashed at this moment, as if forming against the Thunder Mountain. The strong stimulation made his body recover rapidly, that is, in the blink of an eye, he shot up into the sky again

Obviously, most of the black light in his eyes had disappeared this time, and his aura seemed to be much weaker than before, but his recovery from injury was what made Bai Xiaochun feel his heart rise after seeing it. There was a wave of despair.

“What kind of resilience is this?” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes were crazy. This Thunder Mountain is not difficult to fight, but it is so hard to kill. If it is another monk, even a celestial being, after suffering such an injury, would have to The oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry, but this Leishan can recover quickly.

The woman in the world of mortals at the side was also silent, looking at Lei Shan who had recovered more than half and rushed out of the deep pit, she took a deep breath, she knew that if Lei Shan did not die, it would be difficult for the two of them to escape, and time was too tight, She was also not sure how long her Red Dust Purple Mo could seal the other party.

Once the person with the appearance of Bai Xiaochun breaks through, they will probably chase after him in a very short time, and at that time they will definitely die.

Thinking of this, the woman in the world of mortals took a deep look at Bai Xiaochun. Before that, Bai Xiaochun’s series of supernatural powers, especially the Mizusawa Kingdom, had given her some judgment, but at this moment, even if she wanted to, she was powerless to go into it. Right now, her life was at stake. She closed her eyes, but opened them again in an instant, her eyes showed a trace of fighting spirit and pride, she did not hesitate to suppress her injuries, and her body even jumped up

Celestial cultivation level exploded from her body, and when it spread in all directions, she seemed to have returned to the appearance of the high-ranking leader of the giant ghost army. She flicked her sleeves and spoke coldly.

“Bai Hao, leave quickly. This restricted area will eventually reach its limit. You must tell my father, the giant ghost king, and the Great Heavenly Master about this matter. The master of this puppet swallows all living beings and strengthens himself. It will be a great disaster for me. The source of the source” said the Hongchen girl, not caring how Bai Xiaochun would reply, she walked out of the Tianzhou in a flash, went straight to the restored Leishan, and went there resolutely

Bai Xiaochun’s body trembled. This scene, he felt familiar, was very similar to the Luochen Mountain Range back then. He looked at the back of the Red Dust Woman, and his breathing became short of breath, but now he is no longer the little girl in the Luochen Mountain Range Little Condensation Brother

“Zhou Zimo, buy me time for a stick of incense. I’ll take care of everything after a stick of incense.” Bai Xiaochun’s voice was cold and stern, full of iron and blood, with unquestionable meaning. After he spoke suddenly, he turned around. He stepped into a secret room inside Tianzhou, opened the formation, and after sealing it for four weeks, he sat down cross-legged and took out the tortoise pattern pot

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