Looking from a distance, the storm vortex occupied most of the sky, the rumbling sound spread in all directions, and the earth trembled under the loud noise, even the great celestial master and others were all terrified.

Seeing the vortex of the storm, constantly turning, released a force that could shake everyone’s minds, the world was twisting, and the little girl, like a lonely boat in the raging waves, seemed to be submerged at any time.

This scene immediately raised expectations in everyone’s hearts, but at this moment, the little girl suddenly raised her head, and blood appeared in her eyes. In the storm, she opened her mouth suddenly and let out a wailing cry. At the same time as the sound, her big mouth swelled infinitely. In the blink of an eye, the little girl’s body could hardly be seen. All that could be seen was an extremely exaggerated big mouth.

The moment he opened his mouth, following the little girl’s inhalation, a suction force that seemed to be more amazing than this vortex suddenly burst out from the little girl’s mouth

boom boom boom

The loud noise shook the sky, the suction of the vortex storm, and the suction from the little girl’s mouth collided with each other at this moment, making a sound that surpassed the thunder of heaven, and even under this sound, the storm of the mausoleum guard The vortex turned slowly and slowed down, and even tilted as if it was going to be swallowed by the little girl

This scene immediately caught everyone’s attention, and Bai Xiaochun also took a deep breath. This kind of fighting technique that surpassed demigods was the most amazing battle he had seen so far. The little girl was almost immortal. With the infinite methods of the mausoleum guards, Bai Xiaochun’s mind would be shaken.

Thinking of such a terrifying little girl following him all the time in the Tongtianhe area, Bai Xiaochun felt palpitations, and felt even more fortunate in his heart.

“It’s a good thing I didn’t offend her too much before, otherwise, if this little girl wants to kill me, just suck it at me.” Bai Xiaochun was trembling in his heart, the world roared again, and the storm vortex suddenly collapsed Come, the infinite wind, went straight to the little girl’s big mouth at this moment, and was swallowed by her in the blink of an eye.

Everyone’s expression changed immediately, and at the same time, the mausoleum guard sighed again, as if there was no accident, he raised his right hand and turned it, pointing again, and the vicissitudes of life in his mouth echoed around.


One word, one sentence, at the moment of the exit, countless dark clouds appeared in the sky, and these dark clouds covered the entire sky in an instant, and its scope was so wide that it spread over half of the wilderness.

There is no thunder and lightning in this dark cloud, only rain

The bean-sized jade beads poured down in the next instant, as if a giant poured down a large bucket of water on the sky. In an instant, the whole world, under the sound of splashing, rainstorm fellThis is no ordinary rain, this is dharma rain

Any drop of rain contains astonishing power, just like a magic spell, but now there is so much rain in the world that it is impossible to count it clearly, Bai Xiaochun’s eyes almost popped out, especially when he felt the power in the rain. After the infinite power, the shock in his heart exploded again.

“Madam is amazing!” Not only Bai Xiaochun was shocked, but even the Great Heavenly Master and others were shocked by the force of the rain from the tomb guards. This force was so strong that it surpassed the previous wind force by a lot.

The little girl’s complexion also changed instantly, and her heart trembled. She felt a strong life-and-death crisis in the rain, and her figure retreated rapidly, but no matter how fast she was, the rain left her nowhere to hide

Every drop of rainwater, without any drop falling on the ground, turned directly after falling, and went straight to the little girl at an extremely fast speed.

The little girl made quick gestures with both hands, and immediately formed a protective curtain to block it. In an instant, the sound shook the sky again, like the sound of drums. It was caused by drops of rain hitting the protection.

The sound became louder and denser, because there was more and more rain. In the end, the rain from all directions gathered together to form a rain curtain and bombarded away.

Directly around the little girl, it gathered into a huge water polo. Inside the water polo was the little girl’s protection that changed color and was constantly compressed to collapse. At the same time, the size of the water polo also changed with the rain. Continuing to integrate, more and more large

One hundred feet, one thousand feet, five thousand feet

From a distance, the rain curtain was like a siege. With its size, the terrifying power contained in it continued to erupt, causing the little girl’s protection to shatter more and more.

Bai Xiaochun was short of breath, and when he stared intently, a muffled roar came from the water polo. The little girl’s protective screen suddenly collapsed at this moment, but at the moment when everyone’s minds were shaken, suddenly, the little girl The face was distorted, and at this moment, the body was constantly shrinking, turning into a fist


This sword was full of vicissitudes of life, with rust on it. It looked inconspicuous, but the moment it appeared, the entire sky shook, and the ever-expanding water polo also made waves.

Others might not recognize this sword, but after seeing it, Bai Xiaochun’s eyes widened and he exclaimed in surprise.

“Meteor Sword”

This sword is exactly the incomparably huge sword that Bai Xiaochun obtained the Heavenly Dao Foundation Establishment back then. It fell from the sky and landed in the lower reaches of the Tongtian River.

It is also the place where the little girl first appeared

Even though the sword had shrunk countless times, it was still recognized by Bai Xiaochun at a glance. Almost at the moment his voice came out, the Meteor Sword transformed by the little girl spun violently, towards the collapse of the protective curtain. Endless water polo squeezed from all around, slashed fiercely

As the slash fell, there was a roar from the sky, and an identical sword appeared in the space between the sky and the earth. The sword was so big that it was just the blade, and it seemed to be as high as the sky. It was infinitely majestic, making everyone I can’t see everything clearly, I can only see the blade descending from the sky, replacing the sky, and cutting towards the water polo

With a bang, the water polo collapsed, and all the raindrops in the rain curtain exploded layer by layer. In an instant, the world was filled with water mist, and the little girl seemed to be weakened a lot. The state of Meteor Sword couldn’t be maintained either. In the mist, it recondensed into its original shape and made a sharp sound.

“Tomb Guard, this deity is an immortal soul, you can’t kill me, now it’s time for me to swallow you.” As the words spread, amidst the changes in everyone’s expressions, even Bai Xiaochun’s heart trembled, thinking As he was about to retreat, the water mist that filled the sky and the earth rolled over in an instant, as if the little girl had snatched the right to control it, and it was all condensing towards the little girl.

The water mist is like a sea, and as it condenses, it shakes people’s hearts, and its speed is extremely fast. In an instant, the mist all over the sky condenses together, turning into a

Section reading 539

Made a gigantic ghost head

This ghost has a ferocious head and curved horns. Although it is formed of mist, it is lifelike and very lifelike. Even if you look closely, you can vaguely see the appearance of a little girl. The sky, even more amazing than the sun, sucked fiercely towards the sky and the earth

Under this suction, the sky twisted, and the earth twisted. It seemed that this world would be sucked into the mouth by that huge ghost head at this moment, and even the people around them were all uncontrollably, and they were all sucked in. In the past, this scene made Bai Xiaochun’s mind go blank.

Even the Great Celestial Master and the others felt their bodies vibrate violently and their breaths were short of breath. Their astonishment had reached the extreme.

But at this moment, the mausoleum guard shook his head and muttered in a low voice that only he could hear.

“Isn’t it showing up yet?” The mausoleum guard made a gesture with his right hand and pointed again.


It was still one word, one sentence, and at the moment it was sent out, a red lightning bolt appeared in the distorted sky. As soon as the lightning appeared, it immediately flashed again in the sky, in the entire sky. appeared a

In an instant, the third, the hundredth, and the 10,000th bolts of lightning appeared silently and instantly, densely packed and numerous, as if they were innumerable like the rainwater.Clearly, the whole world is reflected in red at this moment

boom boom boom

The countless red lightnings went straight to the little girl’s misty ghost. Bai Xiaochun looked up. Although there were many lightning bolts, he could still vaguely see them. They seemed to form a huge giant covering the sky in the sky. Lightning’s palm, in the bombardment towards the ghost head, grabbed it

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