The Danger Against the River

The meaning of the lyrics made Bai Xiaochun’s hair stand tall, even Song Que and the magic operator’s expressions changed. At the same time, the tens of thousands of skeletons and the majestic warship also appeared again, this time farther away from the three of them. close

With a distance of less than five hundred feet, even everything on the battleship could be seen clearly by the three of them, but when the three of them were shocked, the singing disappeared again, and the battleship disappeared instantly. .

This time, Song Que stopped snorting coldly, and his complexion turned pale. The three of them looked at each other, and they all saw that something was wrong. You must know that the first time this battle boat appeared was at a distance from the three of them. It disappeared thousands of feet away, but now it appears for the second time, but only disappears five hundred feet away.

They didn’t dare to think, if this warship could appear for the third time, would it be closer to the three of them?

Obviously, it will take at least a month to go back along the original road. Not to mention the delay, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no accidents. At the same time, according to the map Bai Xiaochun looked at before coming, this uninhabited restricted area seems to be endless. But in fact, with their speed, they can complete the journey in less than three months.

Right now, they are nearly halfway through.

In the silence, the three looked at each other, Song Que gritted his teeth, and spoke suddenly.

“It took a month for this boat to appear for the second time. Let’s speed up and try to get out of this ghostly place before the boat arrives.” As soon as Song Que’s words came out, the fortune teller also nodded. Bai Xiaochun pondered for a while, and he He always felt that the mausoleum guards would not harm him, so he gritted his teeth, together with Song Que and the magic operator, the three of them no longer galloped on the ground, but rose into the sky, turned into a rainbow, and accelerated forward.

With a whistling, the speed of the three of them exploded and they went straight into the distance.

Time passed, and half a month passed. During this half month, the boat never appeared, but Bai Xiaochun’s vigilance did not decrease at all. Under the pull, he also gritted his teeth and persisted.

However, just after half a month passed, suddenly, at dusk, the three people who were galloping in the sky heard that creepy singing in their ears for the third time

While singing more clearly this time, they also saw tens of thousands of skeletons appearing silently hundreds of feet away, as well as the astonishing warship

This time, the distance of the battleship was so close that Bai Xiaochun could see clearly that there were three flags on the flagpole of the battleship, and all three flags were embroidered with grimaces.

Especially the grimace in the middle, with blue face and fangs, seemed to be grinning ferociously at the three of them, just looking at it, Bai Xiaochun felt his mind buzzing.

The faces of Song Que and Shen Suanzi also changed drastically. The warship, pulled by tens of thousands of bones, came straight towards the three of them. The distance shortened in an instant, three hundred feet, two hundred feet

Getting closer and closer, even Bai Xiaochun could clearly see the appearance of each skeleton. While seeing the expressionless faces of each of these skeletons, he also felt the strong resentment emanating from the skeletons.

Some of these skeletons have completely rotted into bones, some are more than half rotten, and some seem to have just begun to rot. Their clothes are also different, and they seem to come from different years. There are soul cultivators and monks inside.

Especially as they approached, Bai Xiaochun and the other three clearly saw everything on the battleship. The black battleship was filled with cracks everywhere, as if it was riddled with holes, as if it had gone through a great battle.

All of this happened in an instant, Bai Xiaochun and the three of them changed countenance, and they were about to retreat suddenly, but they were still in the same place.The moment they were about to retreat, suddenly, the singing disappeared and the boat disappeared

However, this time, the distance between Zhanzhou and them was only a hundred feet away.

This scene made Bai Xiaochun’s heart tremble, and Song Que and Shen Suanzi also trembled. While the three of them were short of breath, they all felt a strong life-and-death crisis.

“This time it appeared in half a month and was closer to us. Once it appeared for the fourth time, it would definitely hit us directly.”

“Damn it, what the hell is this place I don’t want to be the skeleton that pulls the boat”

“Bai Xiaochun, didn’t you say that there is a token, so there is no danger?”

Song Que and the divine operator were anxious, and Bai Xiaochun’s eyes were red. He was also very disturbed at the moment. After hearing what Song Que and the divine operator said, he yelled loudly.

“Stop talking, Song Que, magic fortune teller, your speed is slow, I will fly with you, and you must leave here within half a month.” Even though Bai Xiaochun has confidence in the tomb guard, the current situation makes his The sense of crisis became more and more intense. At the moment when he spoke, he raised his hands to grab the void, and immediately pulled Song Que and the divine fortune teller to his side. His body swayed and he exploded with a speed comparable to that of a heavenly man. , towards the distant sky, flew rapidly.

This flight is seven days

However, even though Bai Xiaochun’s speed was extremely fast, in the dusk of the seventh day, while galloping, the three of them heard that strange singing voice again

This time, the singing seemed to be right next to their ears, as if the woman was singing beside them, and the huge boat pulled by tens of thousands of bones suddenly appeared in the mist hundreds of meters away from the three of them. .

This time it was too close, and before Bai Xiaochun and the others took a closer look, a huge suction force burst out from the battleship. At the same time, the tens of thousands of skeletons in front of the battleship also seemed to explode. , the speed was faster, and in an instant, the huge battleship was pulled, and amidst the exclamation and horror of Bai Xiaochun and the three of them, tens of thousands of bones directly hit the bodies of Bai Xiaochun and the three of them.

Bai Xiaochun screamed, and his eyes flickered, not only for him, but also for Song Que and the magic operator. When the eyes of the three were clear, they all gasped, and were shocked to find that they had actually On that black warship

The surrounding fog was rolling, tens of thousands of skeletons under the battleship kept pulling the battleship forward, and the three of them stood on the deck of the battleship, watching the battleship helplessly, in the fog of the restricted area of ​​life, constantly Move forward.

Just when Bai Xiaochun and the other three appeared on the majestic ghost boat, far outside the restricted area of ​​life, in the Nihe Sect in the middle reaches of the Tongtian River, there was a rapid echo of bells.

As the bell sounded, all the monks in the Nihe Sect sank in their hearts, their hearts were depressed, and their breathing was heavy. Over the years, the Nihe Sect has been walking on thin ice in the middle reaches

It is true that among the ancestors in the sect, no one has been able to break through the Nascent Soul and step into the Heavenly Man. This step is really too difficult. The three major sects, the Yuanyuan and the Jiheyuan, are gradually swaying, and in these years, there have been more and more frictions with each other, and there have even been casualties of Nihezong monks many times.

After all, the arrival of the Nihe Sect back then had already affected the interests of the three major sects, not to mention that on the inheritance mountain, Bai Xiaochun’s move took away a lot of resources for the Nihe Sect and deepened the conflict, especially these days. The Tianjiao who grew up from the three major sects in the past year almost always bear the mark of a tortoise on their faces, which makes them hate the Nihe Sect and Bai Xiaochun to the bone.

And right now, it is almost time for the next opening of the Inheritance Mountain, which made the three major sects make up their minds, and even secretly consulted the Starry Sky Dao Sect, and obtained tacit approval, so they want to launch a battle to destroy the sect

Now the bell of the Nihe Sect is the sound of the entire sect’s preparations for the battle after Anzi got the news. On the one hand, in order to survive, the Nihe Sect had to send envoys to the Xingkong Daoji Sect to intercede. After all, Bai Xiaochun back then, He used to be Chief Wan, and he left behind some contacts. Over the years, these contacts have also taken care of Nihe Sect, otherwise, the three major sects would have been unable to hold back.

It’s just that Bai Xiaochun is not here after all. Although there are rumors in the wilderness, he is still alive, but he can’t quench his thirst. Nihezong, the whole sect is in crisis

On the other hand, all the ancestors have left the customs, and the sect has opened a large formation, preparing to resist this battle that will determine the life and death of the sect

It’s just that in this battle, Nihezong, no one is sure. In fact, their opponents will also attack with all their strength. Those are the three celestial beings, even if they are only promoted by the lowest level method, but for monks, that still a god

“A battle that determines the life and death of the sect”

Under the bell of “Sworn to the death to defend the sect”, almost all the monks of the Nihe sect were red-eyed, and at the same time as they let out a low growl, there was also a shocking roar in the Nihe sect, soaring to the sky

It was a king beast with hundreds of feet in size, purple all over, with black flames on all four feet, like a dragon and a unicorn, with a majestic aura that even the ancestor of Yuanying Dzogchen would cheer up after seeing it

iron egg

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