
The second floor of the deadly ghost boat, as the rocking chair swayed silently, a sense of eerieness erupted in Bai Xiaochun’s mind like thunder.

He only felt his whole body trembling, his whole body almost screamed, his eyes widened even more, it was really the shaking of the rocking chair, it was too weird

There was obviously no one there, but it seemed as if someone was sitting there, and even Bai Xiaochun didn’t know if it was an illusion, as if he could vaguely see an old woman with a pale face, with a serious smile, looking at him while sitting on the chair Up and down.

“There is a ghost!” Bai Xiaochun screamed, raised his right hand violently, and grabbed Song Que and the fortune-teller in the air. He immediately grabbed the two of them, and his body retreated rapidly. At this moment, his heart almost jumped out of fright.

Song Que and Shen Shunzi had completely lost their sanity, their eyes were dazed, and their bodies were also stiff. After they were caught by Bai Xiaochun, they did not resist, allowing Bai Xiaochun to lead them back quickly.

But the moment Bai Xiaochun stepped back and wanted to escape from here, the rocking chair shook violently, as if someone was pushing it.

What is even more astonishing is that the two skeletons that are being fused are also slightly shaking at this moment, and the golden light and crystal light on them are becoming more and more brilliant.

Bai Xiaochun wailed from the bottom of his heart. Seeing that the chair was shaking more and more violently, his scalp was numb, and his whole body developed to the extreme speed. In an instant, he brought Song Que and the fortune teller, appeared at the stairs leading to the upper floor, and threw them into the Behind the storage bag, without the slightest hesitation, he jumped up suddenly, and was about to escape from the place along the stairs.

The speed was so fast that in an instant, he reached the end of the stairs, headed towards the first floor of the ghost boat, and rushed in, but the moment Bai Xiaochun rushed in, his eyes blurred, and before he could breathe a sigh of relief , With a glance, the whole person is like a cat whose tail has been stepped on again, his eyes are wide open, his mind is rumbled, and he inhales again and again.

In his eyes, he saw those two sets of skeletons and the rocking chair again, and this place is still on the second floor.

And the rocking chair was shaking even more violently at this moment, there seemed to be a strange roar coming from the rocking chair, Bai Xiaochun felt that his scalp was going to explode.

“How could this be?” Bai Xiaochun screamed, before he had time to think about it, he rushed to the stairs again, this time faster, and his cultivation broke out all the way, the power of his body circulated, and with a bang, he rushed up the stairs again, but still It was a flash in front of my eyes, when it appeared, all I saw were skeletons and rocking chairs.

or the second floor

As if, the second floor is like a circle, no matter how you walk, you will eventually return to the original place, but this time, after Bai Xiaochun appeared, the rocking chair not only shook violently to the extreme, even under this shaking, the chair quickly Sliding forward, as if to come to pursue.

Bai Xiaochun was so frightened that he was about to collapse. With a loud roar, he raised his right hand, and suddenly a storm of spells burst out from his hand, and went straight to the rocking chair.

But in the roar, after the storm touched the rocking chair, it passed through directly, unable to cause any damage to the rocking chair, which made Bai Xiaochun tremble even more, his eyes were red, at this moment of crisis, there was no time to think about it , he has a strong feeling that if he doesn’t leave here as soon as possible, once the rocking chair approaches, he will be in a desperate situation

“Fighting…” Bai Xiaochun breathed heavily, and the speed spread again, turning into an afterimage. When it appeared, it reached the end of the stairs again. The moment he clenched his fist, a black vortex suddenly appeared in front of his fist

The moment the vortex appeared, it seemed to distort the nothingness around it. Even if it was a ghost boat, even if it was a forbidden zone of life, there was still the power of heaven and earth spreading out. Cultivation, energy and blood, it seems that the soul is also integrated into it, and it is sucked away by the vortex in an instant

At the same time, a tall figure suddenly appeared behind him, wearing an emperor’s crown and robes, and a sense of domineering exploded rumbled.

Immortal Fist

Bai Xiaochun was also driven into a hurry, now this is notThe unfolding of the Emperor Mie Fist, because he is already an immortal bone Dzogchen, so when it erupts, it is no longer double as before, but five times the ultimate

Five times the strength of the physical body, the horror of this kind of combat power, even if a celestial being sees it in the middle period, he will take a breath. You must know that Bai Xiaochun’s physical strength is already comparable to that of a celestial being, and this five times The superposition of them turned into a punch, and the astonishing degree of its explosion was enough to change the color of the world

“Give it to me!” Bai Xiaochun roared, punched with his right hand, and headed towards the end of the stairs, directly

At the same time he blasted out the Immortal Emperor Fist, the domineering figure behind him, wearing an emperor robe and an emperor crown, also raised his right hand, as if fused with Bai Xiaochun’s punch, and blasted out at the same time

boom boom boom

The violent sound suddenly spread in all directions, this punch directly set off an unprecedented storm, like a ferocious black dragon roaring madly, rushing out, following the fall of the fist, in front of Bai Xiaochun, at the end of the stairs, like The surface of the mirror is ordinary, there is a sound of clicking, and in the blink of an eye, it suddenly collapses and falls apart

At the moment of shattering, Bai Xiaochun walked out with a sudden step. This time, he didn’t have a blur in front of his eyes, and he rushed out of the second floor without any hindrance.

When it appeared, it was already in an unfamiliar area

Seeing that he left the second floor, Bai Xiaochun heaved a sigh of relief.

“What the hell kind of place is this? You shouldn’t have come here, you shouldn’t have walked in the forbidden zone of life.” Bai Xiaochun regretted it in his heart. He felt that the mausoleum guards really cheated him. he won’t come

But right now there is no other way, Song Que and Shen Suanzi obviously controlled their minds, if Bai Xiaochun hadn’t thrown them both into the storage bag, they might still be in the second floor.

“What should I do?” Bai Xiaochun cried with a sad face, the Immortal Emperor Fist almost emptied all his physical strength, but he was immortal after all, even though he was panting and feeling weak right now, he wasn’t at the point where he couldn’t hold on It’s just that when he breathed a sigh of relief and was worried, but the next moment, when his eyes looked at where he was, his body trembled again.

Even the eyeballs were opened wider, and the thunder was rolling in my mind. The feeling of fear was much stronger than before.

This isn’t the second floor, but it’s not the first either.

To be precise, this place can’t be regarded as a whole floor, but a secret room, a woman’s boudoir

There is a dilapidated bed in this boudoir, which is covered with dust, and even some spider webs can be seen, and beside the bed, there is a dresser

This dressing table is very old, it is also covered with dust, and there are even many cracks, especially one corner is incomplete. If you look closely, you can also see that on the dressing table, there are some pieces that have dried up for an unknown number of years. black blood

In front of the dressing table, there is a mirror. This mirror has long been broken, and there are cracks on it. It looks very strange. At the same time, this mirror is the only thing in the room that is not contaminated by dust.

In such a boudoir, there is only a bed, a dressing table and a mirror. The simple furnishings made Bai Xiaochun’s body tremble to the extreme, and even in this moment, countless thunders exploded in his mind, and he inhaled again and again.

Because it was next to his ear, the moment he saw the dressing table just now, he suddenly heard a singing voice that had never appeared since he stepped into the boat.

The song that tells of a child devouring its mother’s arm

The clarity of this singing voice was unprecedented, as if someone was singing a cappella in this boudoir, which made Bai Xiaochun collapse in horror.

“Who is it, don’t come out, my disciple is the Emperor of the Underworld!” Bai Xiaochun was about to cry, and quickly retreated while shouting, trying to find the exit. He had already realized that although he had escaped from the second floor, he didn’t know why , actually came to the core area of ​​this ghost boat

Even he doesn’t need to identify it, he can find the source of the singing in this boudoir through the singing in his ears

The singing voice came from the empty dressing table

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