When Bai Xiaochun practiced the undead blood for the first time before, because the devouring of vitality was too amazing, he was so frightened that he stopped immediately, so that he didn’t notice the difference in the place where the blood ancestor was.

But this time it was not the case. The speed of his cultivation was obviously slowed down. The key point was to feel the need of vitality for the cultivation of the undead blood, so he could clearly perceive the changes in the location of the blood ancestor.

An indescribable feeling, at this moment, emerged in Bai Xiaochun’s heart, he felt a sadness, full of anger, and in that sadness and anger, there was also an extremely strong attachment

In his ears, especially at this moment, he seemed to hear a roar that changed the color of the sky.

“Today’s breath will be exchanged for tomorrow’s awakening, and when I wake up, I will fight”

There was only one sentence in this roar, but it caused an uproar in Bai Xiaochun’s mind. While roaring his whole body, he also had the illusion that he and the other party were one person.

The same qi and blood fluctuations, the same undead roll

“Blood Ancestor” Bai Xiaochun was breathing rapidly. This was the first time he felt the emotions of the Blood Ancestor so clearly. This time, it was even stronger than when he merged into the Blood Ancestor and controlled the body of the Blood Ancestor.

The feeling of being in the same line made Bai Xiaochun’s heart arouse infinite fighting spirit at this moment, the blood in his whole body was circulating, as if he was calling to each other with the body of the blood ancestor

more inAt this moment, in Bai Xiaochun’s consciousness, unconsciously, he felt that in this world, apart from the Blood Ancestor, there are actually some areas and some beings in the body that have exactly the same fluctuations

It’s just that it’s obviously much weaker, whether it’s compared with the blood ancestor or with himself.


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Where these beings are located, two of them are actually in the Nihe Sect. Bai Xiaochun realized almost instantly that one of them was actually the monkey of the Lingxi Sect.

There is another one, the tongue-twisting rabbit from the Blood Stream Sect

When this discovery made Bai Xiaochun’s mind tremble again, he immediately felt that those life forms in other areas that fluctuated like the Blood Ancestor and himself had a familiar feeling

He saw the flying birds, the tiger with wings, and the guard-like geese. Bai Xiaochun couldn’t forget these animals. It was those animals that mutated after he fed the elixir back then.

“How is this possible?” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes widened, and when he took a breath, his body suddenly weakened. He quickly stopped cultivating the Immortal Blood, his forehead was covered with sweat, and he was panting heavily.

With the end of his undead blood training, the connection with the blood ancestors and the mutated animals disappeared out of thin air. After a long time, Bai Xiaochun raised his head, his face was still incomprehensible.

“Those little beasts are actually related to the Blood Ancestor.” Bai Xiaochun faintly felt that there must be a huge mystery buried in the events of that year

“What’s going on with all of this?” Bai Xiaochun was silent for a long time, then stepped forward, his figure disappeared in an instant, and when he appeared, he stood on the shoulder of the motionless Blood Ancestor standing in the blood stream.

This place is empty, out of respect for the blood ancestor, the only people who are qualified to come here are those who are at the level of the ancestor. At this moment, there is no one around, only Bai Xiaochun is standing there, his breathing has not completely calmed down, and he raised his right hand. , gently pressing on the skin of the blood ancestor’s majestic body, the feeling like touching the ground, without the slightest hint of vitality, made Bai Xiaochun feel as if the previous feelings were all illusions.

“It can’t be an illusion.” Bai Xiaochun whispered softly. After a moment of silence, he slipped into the Blood Ancestor’s body in a blink of an eye, and followed the path back then, straight to the place where the Blood Ancestor’s heart was.

After a long time, when Bai Xiaochun walked out of the Blood Ancestor’s body, he was still in a daze. He hadn’t gained anything in this line of work, but he always had a guess in his heart.

“Today’s breath, in exchange for tomorrow’s Awakening Blood Ancestor, did he fall?” Bai Xiaochun’s eyes were a little complicated. He thought that following the mausoleum guards to pass on the title of Emperor of the Underworld to Bai Hao, as he learned about the story of Tianzun In the end, in his own eyes, this world no longer has too many secrets.

But at this moment, Bai Xiaochun still found that there were too many things he didn’t understand, and this blood ancestor was one of them.

“And Du Lingfei from back then, why did she come to such a small sect as the Lingxi Sect? Was it because of the poor family of the Northern Meridian? But if this is really the case, why did she go to the Blood Stream Sect again?” This question was hidden in Bai Xiaochun’s heart. For many years, he always felt that it was because of the true spirit baby girl in Lingxi Sect, but now he was suddenly not sure.

Bai Xiaochun was silent for a while, with various thoughts rolling in his mind, time passed slowly, I don’t know how long it had passed, and suddenly, a muffled thunder burst out from the peak of the Lingxi line.

The sound was too loud, and when it roared in all directions, it shocked the hearts of countless Nihe Sect disciples. Bai Xiaochun’s train of thought was also interrupted here. When he looked, a bright light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

“Old Ancestor” Bai Xiaochun could tell at a glance that the place where the loud noise was heard was the retreat place of Lingxi Patriarch, who had hit the Heaven and Human Realm, and at this moment, with the loud noise, a strong fluctuation came from Where the ancestor of Lingxi retreated, there was an astonishing rise.

This fluctuation contains an astonishing will, which seems to be melting into the world. During the process of integration, the breath of Lingxi Patriarch continuously erupts and becomes stronger and stronger

“The ancestor is about to break through”

“I, Nihe Sect, want to have one more celestial being”

“It must be successful.” All the elders of the Nihe Sect quickly flew out to protect the ancestors of Lingxi in the surrounding area. They all flew out one after another, concentrating on guarding.

It is really the breakthrough of Lingxi Patriarch, which is very important. Even the newly repaired large formation of Zongmen has been opened with all its strength, and no accidents are allowed.

And all the disciples are also excited at this moment, praying continuously, the enthusiasm and anticipation in each eye is extremely strong.

Bai Xiaochun also quickly buried the doubts brought by the blood ancestor in his heart. The most important thing before him at this moment is the breakthrough of the ancestor of Lingxi.

Bai Xiaochun’s breakthrough method is different, so he has no experience in this area, and he can’t give guidance. He can only rely on his own cultivation to keep an eye on Lingxi Patriarch. If something goes wrong, he has to try it out. Make up for it.

But the ancestor of Lingxi is worthy of being the older generation who has lived for a long time. Back then, he was able to lead the small sects in the last reaches to directly kill the upstream and downstream, and he is now the number one elder of the Nihe sect in the middle The ancestor, whether it is knowledge, experience, or aptitude for cultivation, is very comparable to others.

What he lacked before was just an opportunityBai Xiaochun had already given him this opportunity, so he naturally grabbed it and used all his strength to break through. At the moment when the thunder was rolling in, Patriarch Lingxi’s aura became more and more intense, and most of his will had been integrated into the world at this moment.

Seventy percent, eighty percent, ninety percent

At the same time as the speed was extremely fast, his cultivation became more and more powerful. The entire Nihe Sect was paying attention in the vibration. Bai Xiaochun was relieved to see this, and a smile appeared on his face.

The moment his smile appeared, the will of Lingxi patriarch directly merged with the world to 100%

boom boom boom

The sound reverberated in the sky, the sky and clouds rolled, there was no catastrophe, but there was a huge and vicissitudes face, at this moment, it appeared in the sky

It is the ancestor of Lingxi

With a look of emotion, with the coercion that makes the sky turbulent, looking down on all living beings

“From now on, this old man will guard our family, Nihezong.” The vicissitudes of the voice are firm, full of persistence, faith, and extreme sincerity. At this moment, it reverberates throughout the world.

It’s like the oath of the ancestor of Lingxi

When his words came out, the sky and the earth roared, and his will was completely dispersed. Although he was a mortal celestial being, the ancestor of Lingxi had too deep a foundation. There are too many ordinary mortal celestial beings, infinitely close to the early stages of earth-grade celestial beings

“Old Ancestor”

“Old Ancestor”

“Old Ancestor” At this moment, many monks of the Nihe Sect spontaneously shouted, and immediately all the disciples in the entire Nihe Sect greeted them excitedly, not only them, but also those Yuanying elders, even Xuexi The three patriarchs of the lineage, Danxi, and Xuanxi also took a deep breath, with respectful expressions on their faces, and bowed deeply to the huge face that appeared in the sky.

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