Proud as Him

“Life Zone”

“Surrounded by the restricted area of ​​life between the Tongtian area and the wilderness”

“Oh my God, we actually appeared here!” As Bai Xiaochun’s words echoed, all the monks around heard their expressions, and their expressions changed wildly. Cultivator Infant, but now he has experienced the dangers of the Trial Land first, and then witnessed the battle of the Heavenly Venerate with his own eyes. After hearing Bai Xiaochun’s words, his mind suddenly collapsed.

It is true that the degree of danger of this trip is beyond the imagination of all of them, and at the same time, it is also the same with its weird twists and turns.

Before this, no one could know that the so-called trial ground was actually a bone boat, and no one could have guessed that the so-called Tianzun’s apprenticeship was simply a scam

Perhaps it’s an exaggeration to describe it as a scam. After this incident, Tianzun can randomly find someone to take as a disciple, but for others, this complete use makes them feel chilled, but they dare not reveal the slightest.

Right now, I heard that this place is actually the legendary life that never returns.After ordering the restricted area, how could everyone not collapse? It was also when most of the monks on the boat were desperate. In the sky, Tianzun and Gongsun Wan’er, the battle between the two of them and the ghost mother had also reached an earth-shattering level.

The roaring sound constantly reverberated in the surrounding area, causing fluctuations in the sea of ​​bones and the earth in the restricted area of ​​life. Countless bones were directly shattered, and the sky seemed to be torn apart. Amazingly oppressive.

As for Gongsun Wan’er, she had already put in all her efforts. She was even more ferocious and violent than when she faced the mausoleum guard before, and she kept trying to devour the ghost mother.

Bai Xiaochun was very nervous, looking up at the battle in the sky, he didn’t care about Tianzun and Ghost Mother, he only cared about Hou Xiaomei, but he is not qualified to participate in this level of fighting skills even if he is a celestial being.

Just as Bai Xiaochun was looking, suddenly, Tianzun’s eyes showed a bright light, and he let out a low growl.

“Don’t forget our agreement. This time, I will do my best to help you complete the fusion.” His words were like thunder, and when they echoed in all directions, he took a deep breath. With his hands, the world around him suddenly turned into a microcosm of the sky-reaching world. The sky and the sea surrounded it, as if it was about to form a seal, and went straight to the ghost mother to suppress it in an instant.

At this moment, the aura rises to the sky. This is the strongest display of Tianzun since he took the shot. It is really the battle between him and the mausoleum guard. The injury is not serious. Although he is suppressed by him, he has been somewhat injured affected.

But right now, it was obvious that he had spared no expense to do his best.

All of a sudden, the sky and the earth changed drastically, and the wind and cloud turbulent, as strange as this restricted area of ​​life, trembling and vibrating, the coercion from the miniature of the Tongtian world, and the condensation of the seawater made the ghost mother pause, as if being held, The face without facial features was obviously distorted at this moment.

At the same time, Tianzun raised his right hand and pointed at the ghost mother.

“In my world, you will be weak”

The moment this sentence came out, the miniature of the world shone fiercely, covering all directions, making the ghost mother who was restrained inside, as if her aura was suppressed, it directly weakened most of it.

“Ghost mother, you are mine.” Gongsun Wan’er uttered a sharp voice, taking advantage of this opportunity, her whole body turned into an afterimage, shuttled through nothingness, and appeared in front of the ghost mother in an instant, opened her mouth suddenly, and immediately fell from the A large amount of black air drilled out of her seven orifices, forming the face of a little girl, with greed and excitement in her eyes, she swallowed fiercely towards the ghost mother.

“Daoist Tongtian, did you say that to me or to her?” At this critical juncture, the ghost mother’s voice suddenly came out faintly, with treachery, and when her body retreated rapidly, she made a gesture with her hands. Immediately, endless black mist burst out from her body, and these mist turned into ghosts, roaring and roaring, constantly attacking the four directions, trying to break through the shroud of Tianzun’s world miniature.

The moment her voice echoed, Gongsun Wan’er’s eyes flashed, and Tianzun also frowned and snorted coldly.

“Small skills.” During the words, Tianzun took a step forward, and when he raised his right hand, the sky suddenly rolled, and amidst the wind and clouds, a huge palm appeared in the sky. This palm with supreme power descended from the sky and went straight to the ghost. mother coming.

The miniatures of the world were suppressed all around, the sky was wiped out by the hand of Tianzun, and the ghost mother’s own breath was weakened. In the crisis, her body suddenly stopped, and there was a wailing sound, which suddenly erupted from her body.

“Heavenly Ghost Slaughter” she said, her body collapsed on its own with a bang, and after turning into a black mist, the mist spread again, forming a second circle, a third circle, and finally nine circles after black mist

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, the fog was wriggling, and ghosts came out of it.

The number of these ghosts is astonishing, one by one roaring around the circle, running continuously, the speed is so fast, they are galloping in the blink of an eye, making the circle of black mist roll more and more, and it turns into a storm

A total of nine layers of storms are overlapping at this moment, exuding a terrifying aura that shocks Bai Xiaochun’s mind. This aura seems to be able to suppress the laws of heaven and earth. It is constantly rising, and it is seen in the eyes of everyone that the end of the storm seems to be close to The connection of the sky continues to spread, as if to explode the miniature of Tianzun’s world.

It was also at this time that the palm of Tianzun and the miniature of the world had fallen and collided with the storm.

The world seemed to tremble. The storm created by the ghost mother’s supernatural powers couldn’t resist Tianzun’s full blow at this moment. look.

But obviously, the ghost mother’s body was a lot blurred, and she retreated rapidly at this moment.

“You can actually condense the power of the world to bless you, Daoist Tongtian, I have underestimated you.” The ghost mother’s voice was shrill, and she was about to retreat at this moment, but Gongsun Wan’er was too fast, and she came straight to the ghost mother in an instant, approaching in an instant, The big mouth of the head turned into mist suddenly swallowed it at this moment.

In an instant, the Ghost Mother, who was weakened by Tianzun’s attack, was directly entangled with Gongsun Wan’er. This scene made everyone, including Bai Xiaochun, suffocate, and their eyes showed horror.

Bai Xiaochun was better, but for others, this was the first time they saw Tianzun make a move, the power of miniature of the world gave them a strong feeling that they could never match in their entire lives.

and obviouslyYes, under the suppression of Tianzun, Gongsun Wan’er has a great advantage, and in this entanglement with the ghost mother, she is constantly devouring, one ebbs and another, and her aura becomes stronger and stronger.

Originally, she was no match for the ghost mother at all. If the soul is 10%, then Gongsun Wan’er only occupies 20%, and the ghost mother has 80% of it.

But now with the swallowing, Gongsun Wan’er’s soul has reached 30% from the previous 20%, and 40% is about to reach 50%.

As for the ghost mother, she seemed extremely anxious at the moment, but under the suppression of the miniature of the world, it seemed that it was useless, no matter how she struggled, she could not escape this disaster.

Tianzun stood in mid-air, watching this scene coldly, did not help, but just manipulated the miniature world to suppress it, he could not suppress the mausoleum guard, because the mausoleum guard and him are both people of this world, but for outsiders , with the suppression of his world power, he can occupy a great advantage.

Bai Xiaochun’s expression changed, and his breathing showed tension and anxiety. He didn’t know who to lean towards in this battle, he was only worried about Hou Xiaomei’s safety.

Soon, Gongsun Wan’er’s soul had broken through 50%, became 60%, and even continued to expand towards 70%, completely occupying the upper hand, but at this moment, a smile appeared on the corner of Tianzun’s mouth.

“It seems that the ghost mother is indeed weak. If it is really a fraud, if I can gamble like this, I will admit it even if I lose.” In the whisper, Tianzun showed determination in his eyes, and after waiting for a while, Gongsun Wan’er The moment when his soul occupied 70%, he raised his hands violently, and there was a loud noise like the voice of the world from his mouth

“Slave seal, seal” as soon as he said the words, the miniatures of the surrounding world suddenly distorted, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge seal, and it was sealed towards Gongsun Wan’er.

The power of this seal is monstrous, with obvious coercion, and even contains the power of time. Obviously, it is definitely not a temporary display, but has been brewing for a long time, and it broke out at this moment

The moment Bai Xiaochun felt it, his mind was shocked. Although he didn’t recognize the origin of the seal, he could see that once the seal was dropped, someone as strong as Gongsun Wan’er would definitely be forcibly branded. Afterwards, become a slave of Tianzun

This is exactly Tianzun’s plan, as proud as he is, the lord of the world, how could he be willing to gamble on an uncertain future? It is sealed as his own servant, so that it is in line with his behavior and final needs

And this seal is too powerful, so it really takes time to prepare. In fact, the first time I met Gongsun Wan’er, before the two agreed to the wild and peerless battle, Tianzun already had this heart and began to prepare.

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