One Year Marriage

Chapter 1022: Take it, baby, go into battle to kill the enemy! (two)

   Back at the office, Xu Yusheng put the documents on the desk at will, and then went to the tea room to make herself a cup of coffee.

  The coffee was brewed, she specially added no sugar or milk, holding a coffee cup, standing foolishly in front of the floor-to-ceiling window without drinking, just staring at the busy traffic in the city.

   It has been a year since she came to Gu's unknowingly. In these more than 300 days, she has worked diligently and created a huge amount of wealth for Gu's family, which has been recognized by the Gu's group, including Gu Qisen.

   However, these compliments are not what she wants, what she wants is actually pure, just stay by his side.

Before Shen Qingqing appeared, she always thought that Gu Qisen was indifferent. The so-called love between children and children could not happen to him. He would definitely marry a good wife at a suitable age for marriage, and she, would be the best choice!

She has liked him since she was a child, entered the army for him, and worked hard to make herself an excellent woman who could match him, but unfortunately, the revolutionary friendship for many years was no match for him and "Lin Xiya" (i.e. Shen Qing). The edge of the side of light)...

After "Lin Xiya" appeared, she realized how crazy a cold-hearted man was for a strange woman who had only met once. During the four years he was looking for "Lin Xiya", Xu Yusheng She admitted that she was envious and jealous of the girl named "Lin Xiya", and even once hoped that he could not find anyone...

  Well, Lin Xiya couldn't find it, but who would have thought that four years later, Gu Qisen would get married inexplicably?

   He not only married a beautiful and lovely commoner girl with no family background, but also fell in love with her deeply, and finally acted like an idol drama. This girl is the Lin Xia he misses.

  When Xu Yusheng knew all this, it took a few months of pain before he gradually accepted the reality and tried to let go of his love for him.

   For Shen Qingqing, a rival in love, Xu Yusheng could never really like her, but he couldn't say that he hated her. Although he maintained a friendship, it was only superficial.

   However, her good upbringing prevented her from cursing them, so she chose to bless them silently.

  I thought they would be happy forever, but unexpectedly, such a bad news happened two years ago...

  Shen gently died!

  Although no body has been found so far, but so many people witnessed her being pushed off the cliff from the plane, how could there be any chance of survival?

   So, everyone acquiesced that she was dead.

   Only Gu Qisen was delusional, waiting for the so-called miracle...

   At the same time, the delusional person, and her!

  Yes, Gu Qisen is waiting for the person who is unlikely to come back, while Xu Yusheng is waiting for the person who is unlikely to look at her more...

   She knew that she was stupid, so stupid that she gave up the career she finally built up, and just because of a few words from Grandpa Gu, she jumped into the deep pit of the Gu Group with enthusiasm.

She remembered very clearly that what Grandpa Gu said at the beginning: "Yu Sheng, Grandpa knows that you are talented and a rare business genius. It is a grievance for you to come to Gu to be the general manager of a subsidiary company. But you know that Assen has become inhuman and ghost-like now, and he desperately needs someone to pull him out of his grief and grief, and you are the most suitable candidate. . Approach him from work, give him support and encouragement when appropriate, just like when you were in the army before, help Assen, okay?"

   She didn't know how to reject a sincere request from an old man who was late. Of course, she didn't even know how to convince the self who had never given up on Gu Qisen. Therefore, after some struggle, she finally agreed with gritted teeth.

She thought that she would have many, many opportunities to contact Gu Qisen when she entered the Gu Group, but it turned out that everything was her whims. Gu Qisen was away from the company for three days, and she often couldn't even see her face to face, so how could she get in touch ?

   That's it, a year has passed...

  Xu Yusheng murmured in a low voice and took a sip of coffee absentmindedly, only to realize that the coffee in the original cup had already been cold.


  At night, Huanshan Villa.

  After coaxing the two babies to sleep, the couple returned to the bedroom hand in hand.

  Shen Gently said suddenly: "Husband, I have something I want to discuss with you."

"What's up?"

  Gu Qisen glanced at her sideways, with infinite tenderness in his eyes.

  Shen lightly took his arm, walked with him to the sofa, and said, "Is not my current identity as Shen Shiqi? I want to go to work as Shen Shiqi."

   Gu Qisen obviously did not expect that she would want to go to work, so he could not help frowning, "Why? Isn't it bad to be with the children at home?"

   "The babies are also going to class. There are professional teachers who come to teach them during the day. I am not very useful at home, and even interfere with the normal teaching of the teacher. It doesn't feel very good."

  Shen said gently and truthfully.

  Gu Qisen chuckled, "That's right, with your personality, I guess you will jump in and play with the children. Do I have to pay you an extra tuition fee?"

   "Hey, personal attack you!"

  Shen gently slapped him, "I hate it!"


   The smile on Gu Qisen's mouth couldn't help deepening. He was about to say something with his thin lips, when he heard her say seriously, "Actually, it was Crystal who called me this afternoon."

   "Crystal? Murong Xi?"


Shen nodded lightly and continued, "Aren't MU and Mrs Gu working together? She originally wanted to come over in person, but it seems that something happened to her at home and she couldn't get away, so please ask me to take her place for a while, anyway, I familiar."

   "Okay, since that's the case, you can report it tomorrow!"

   As soon as he heard that she was helping MU, Gu Qisen immediately agreed.

   At first he thought she would go out to find a job, but in the end, she was to replace Murong Xi. Couldn't she stay by his side, why not do it?

   "Hey, you agreed so quickly?"

  Shen lightly looked surprised, then glanced at him suspiciously, "Is there any conspiracy?"

   "Let you work under my nose, this is my conspiracy."

   just walked to the sofa, Gu Qisen picked her up, and the two sat on the sofa together. Of course, she sat on his lap.

  Shen lightly heard the words, and also smiled very happily, "Hmm, it's also my conspiracy to let you work under my nose. If you take you firmly, no beauty will dare to miss you."

In fact, the reason why she agreed to help Murong Xi was also because she saw Xu Yusheng in the Gu family in the afternoon, and then went to inquire about it, and learned that Xu Yusheng had actually entered the Gu family's job, and actually took over from the aunt's position, which made She had an unprecedented sense of crisis.

  PS: Previously, several thousand words were posted together. In fact, the fee was the same, but many babies thought it was expensive, and I was also tired. I will try to post it in chapters in the future. Continue to ask for tickets, okay?

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