One Year Marriage

Chapter 1028: Take it, baby, go into battle to kill the enemy! (Eight)

Shen Qingqing didn't know what Gu Qisen did to "Xiu Mei" and Xu Yusheng. In fact, when she took the picture and sent it to Gu Qisen, she never thought that he would be so resolute in venting his anger for herself. He was just so annoyed that he wanted to let Gu Qisen know that someone was eyeing him.

   After all, no matter how good-tempered, no matter how generous and tolerant people are, they should not be able to tolerate their rivals cursing themselves in magazines and confessing to their husbands, right?

  Gu Qisen didn't inform Shen Qingli about the result of the treatment, and Shen Qingli forgot about it afterward. It seems that this matter has passed smoothly.

   But, will it really always be so peaceful?

the answer is……


   On Saturday afternoon, Shen Qingqing went to Su Han's appointment on time.

  The two walked into a luxuriously decorated store hand in hand.

  Su Han was a regular customer here. As soon as the store manager saw her, he rushed over enthusiastically and circled around them.

   "Mrs. Gu, which lady is this young beauty? Why haven't you met before?"

  Su Han said with a smile, "The daughter of a good friend of mine came to play from abroad."

   "Oh, so that's how it is."

   The store manager understood, and then said, "We have just flown in a few limited edition sets from our store, and I'll get them for you."

   "Okay, it's time to work."

  Su Han nodded, and then whispered to Shen Gently, "Seventeen, go shopping around to see if there is anything suitable, Mom will send you."

   "No need, Mom, I have a lot of clothes."

   Shen gently smiled and declined.

  Even after two years of absence, Gu Qisen still customizes clothes for her every month. Her two cloakrooms are full, and she doesn't know when she will be able to wear them all.

   "Hehe, Mom knows, all your clothes are bought by Asen."

  Su Han couldn't help but tease.

   After a while, the manager came over with two clerks holding a stack of clothes.

   They invited Su Han to the fitting room, while Shen Qingchen walked to the sofa and sat down, drinking tea while waiting for Su Han.

   Soon after Su Han left, the figure of Pingting walked in.

"Hi boss!"

"Hi boss!"


   Listening to the clerk's voice, Shen raised his head gently, and looked at the door inadvertently. It was Xu Yusheng's delicate and bright face that caught his eye.

   Xu Yusheng is the boss here?


  Shen thought softly.

   She is now Shen Shiqi, so she didn't take the initiative to say hello to Xu Yusheng, she continued to drink her tea calmly, picked up a magazine by the way, and read it leisurely.

   Shen gently ignored Xu Yusheng, which did not mean that Xu Yusheng would turn a blind eye to her.

The reason for    is very simple. She is a guest of this shop. As the owner, Xu Yusheng still has to say hello politely.

   "Miss, can I help you with anything?"

   Xu Yusheng greeted him with a smile.

   The moment Shen raised his head to look at her, Xu Yusheng recognized her.

  Shen Shiqi, the special assistant of Murong Xi, the president of MU Group, was also the woman who appeared on the top floor that day...

   After finding out that Shen Shiqi was the representative sent by MU, Xu Yusheng didn't put her together with Gu Qisen. After all, Shen Shiqi's appearance was so ordinary that Gu Qisen should not like it.

   "No, thank you, I'm waiting for someone."

   Shen said softly politely and distantly.

   After seeing Xu Yusheng's interview, she could no longer have a good impression of her.

   "Oh, well, please do it yourself."

   Faced with Shen Geng's indifference, the smile on Xu Yusheng's face was almost unbearable, but she still dealt with it perfectly, and even instructed one of the clerks, "Xiaoyun, pour another cup of tea for the customer."

   "Okay, boss!"

  The clerk named Xiaoyun got the order and acted immediately.

  Xu Yusheng crossed Shen Gently and walked inside. Who knows, just after walking a few steps, he saw Su Han walking out of the fitting room wearing a dignified and elegant dress.

   "Auntie, you're so pretty!"

  Xu Yusheng's eyes lit up and exclaimed in amazement.

  Su Han originally wanted to go to Shen Qingli, but he didn't expect Xu Yusheng to be there.

   "Really? That's because the clothes in your store look good."

  Su Han said modestly.

  Xu Yusheng hooked her lips and smiled, "How can you? It's because of your good figure. Clothes also depend on the person."

   "You girl, your mouth is so sweet."

   "I'm telling the truth."


   Hearing the two women chatting with each other, Shen lightly frowned.

   It seems that this Xu Yusheng is deeply loved by Gu's parents, not only her grandfather, but even her mother-in-law also appreciates her.

  If she really can't come back, I'm afraid, Xu Yusheng will really accept her husband and children...

   This realization made her feel extremely heartbroken.

   She sat quietly in her seat, silently looking at the magazine in her hand, but couldn't read a word.

   "By the way, Auntie, do you have time to eat together tonight?"

  Xu Yusheng held Su Han's arm affectionately and asked with a smile.

  Su Han looked at Shen Qingheng and declined: "I'm sorry, I have an appointment with our family Seventeen tonight."


  Xu Yusheng's eyes widened in surprise, obviously not expecting that Su Han and Shen Shiqi's relationship was so close, Su Han actually said that our family's Shiqi...

   This Shen Shiqi is not Murong Xi's special assistant? how come……

   "Yeah, now, where's the little girl."

  Su Han couldn't hide the kindness in his eyes, and immediately called Shen Qingqing, "Seventeen, come here and see if the godmother's clothes look good."

"Oh well."

   Seeing Su Han calling out to him, Shen Qingqing had to put down the magazine, got up and walked towards them.

  Xu Yusheng then put away the shock in his eyes, and said generously: "So this young lady is your aunt's goddaughter. Please forgive me for my poor reception just now."

   "No, Boss Xu is already very enthusiastic."

  Shen nodded lightly at her and said with a smile.

   The voice fell, and her eyes circled around Su Han, and she said sincerely, "Godmother, you look more like my sister in this dress, what should I do?"

   "Xiaozi, I am your mother, how can I be your sister? Huh?"

   "Haha, I don't mind if you want to be my sister." Hmm, in that case, Gu Qisen would have to call her auntie, haha, it makes me feel sour...

   "You don't mind, I do, silly girl!"

  Su Han patted her head, and his doting on Shen Qing was obviously much more than Xu Yusheng.

   I thought that Su Han was very good to himself, but unexpectedly, there are people outside people, and there are days outside...

  Xu Yusheng stood beside them, watching the close interaction between the two like mother and daughter, her eyes flashed quietly.

   It seems that this unremarkable woman in front of me is much simpler than I imagined...

   And, how does she feel that she will be her strong opponent?

  A woman's terrible sixth sense, oh, oh!


  PS: The update is over.

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