One Year Marriage

Chapter 1075: Take it, baby, go into battle to kill the enemy! (Fifty-five)

   Are you saying I'm really cheap...

   When Xu Yusheng asked Cui Tuo this sentence with tears in his eyes, Cui Tuo was silent.

   He couldn't help laughing bitterly in his heart. If he said cheap words, wouldn't he be the same?

   She persevered in chasing a man who didn't love her and didn't belong to her, and he didn't like her all the time...

  Cheap is not cheap, Cui Tuo doesn't know, all he knows is that they are just as pathetic!

  Thinking of this, he couldn't help but take a sip of coffee, the smell of black coffee invaded his tongue, and soon spread in his mouth, bitter and astringent, just like his mood at this time.

Seeing that Cui Tuo seemed to be in a daze and ignored her, Xu Yusheng sniffed, wiped her red eyes with a tissue, and then said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I made you laugh. I had to panic, so I came to talk to you."

   "It's okay, just say it and feel better."

   Cui Tuo came back to his senses and comforted him.


  Xu Yusheng nodded, raised his eyes, and smiled, "Thank you for listening."

"You are welcome!"

  Cui Tuo smiled back and asked, "Then what are your plans?"

   Although she talked a lot just now, she didn't mention why she left the Gu family, and he didn't have the habit of rubbing salt on people's wounds, so he simply didn't ask.

  Xu Yusheng held the coffee cup, frowned, and said nothing.

  Cui Tuo gave her a sideways glance, his eyes inadvertently falling on her pretty collarbone.

   Today, Xu Yusheng is wearing a V-neck dress, revealing a beautifully curved neck.

   But it wasn't her collarbone or her fair skin that caught Cui Tuo's attention, but the necklace she wore around her neck, the shape of the pendant seemed a little familiar...

  Cui Tuo narrowed his long, deep eyes, trying to recall where he had seen it, but his mind was blank and he couldn't remember.

   Of course, staring at the lady's neck is very impolite, and Cui Tuo just glanced and looked away.

   Xu Yusheng put down the coffee cup, and then answered Cui Tuo's question: "Let's go back to the original job, as for Y.Z, I believe that under the leadership of Shen Shiqi, it will get better and better."

   "Shen Shiqi? Who is this?"

   "Uh... Didn't Asen tell you?"

  Xu Yusheng asked rhetorically.

   "No! Very little contact recently."

   Cui Tuo answered truthfully.


  Xu Yusheng's eyes flashed, and then told him, "Shen Shiqi is the new general manager of Y.Z, and a woman Asen likes. They are already together. Besides, she is Shen Qing's cousin."

   "What? Is there such a thing?"

  Cui Tuo was stunned for a moment, and when he came to his senses, he said several "impossible".

   "Why is it impossible? Are you trying to say that he has a deep love for Shen Qing? But he is indeed with Shen Qing's cousin, and Grandpa Gu almost got mad about it."

  Xu Yusheng's mouth was flat, looking extremely aggrieved.

   Unexpectedly, Asen would be empathetic, and he would rather choose someone else than see Xu Yusheng's goodness. Cui Tuo couldn't help but sigh in his heart. For a time, his heart was very complicated.

  Perhaps, this is fate...

   He looked at Xu Yusheng sympathetically, and his gaze was too late to hide, but was caught by Xu Yusheng, which made her angry enough.


  Oh, she is a dignified eldest lady of the Xu family, what is there to need sympathy for?

   Especially, the sympathy of the man in front of me...

   But despite her inner anger, Xu Yusheng still maintained her ladylike demeanor, and said pitifully, "Cui Tuo, I have seen it now, since Asen will never accept me, then I should give up completely."

   "Well, it's best if you can think so."

  Cui Tuo said sincerely.

   "After spitting on you, I really feel better. Thank you again, Cui Tuo."

   After Xu Yusheng finished speaking, he made a gesture to stand up.

   Who knows, he didn't stand firm, and his feet were smashed.


   She screamed and fell back onto the sofa.

   Seeing this, Cui Tuo hurriedly took a step forward with deep concern in his eyes, "How are you? Are your feet okay?"

  Xu Yusheng touched the swollen foot, smiled and shook his head, "It's alright. But—"


   "My heels seem to be broken."

   As she said, she took off the high heel of her right foot.

   Picked it up and saw that the heel was really broken and could no longer be worn.

   "What's your shoe size, I'll let someone go out and buy you a pair."

  Cui Tuo made a gentle proposal.

  Xu Yusheng waved his hand quickly, "No, no, no need to be so troublesome. I still have a spare pair of shoes in the car, which I put in the trunk of the car, Cui Tuo, can you help me get them?"

   "No problem, give me the car keys."

   Cui Tuo readily agreed.

  Xu Yusheng hooked her lips without a trace, and immediately lowered her head to open the zipper of her bag, took out a bunch of car keys and handed it to him, "Thank you. Then can I wait for you here?"


   Cui Tuo nodded with a smile, took the car keys she handed over, and hurriedly left.

  The office door slammed shut, seeing that she was finally alone, Xu Yunsheng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

   took off the other high heel, she walked barefoot on the cold floor, and walked quickly to Cui Tuo's computer.

   quickly rummaged through his desk, and after a while, she found a kraft paper bag.

  Xu Yusheng narrowed his sharp eyes, and a stream of light quickly passed by.

Sure enough, as I expected, Jiang Jingxiu suddenly came to Cui Tuo yesterday, because of Jiang Yuner's case, huh, I have to say, Jiang Yuner is smarter than she thought, after all, at least she still knows how to find out. Jiang Jingxiu asked for help, instead of blindly transferring hatred to Shen Shiqi...


   Xu Yusheng put the document back in place and bit her lips tightly.

   She knew that with Cui Tuo's ability, she would find out about her sooner or later, so she had to find a way.


   Five minutes later, Cui Tuo came back with a beautiful bag in his hand.

   "Here, your shoes!"

   He raised the bag in front of Xu Yusheng.

   Xu Yusheng took it with a smile, "Thank you."

   After that, she quickly put on her shoes, and then installed the original pair of broken high-heeled shoes.

   "Then I won't bother you."

   Xu Yusheng picked up the bag and said to Cui Tuo with a smile.

   "Well, we have time to eat together another day."

  Cui Tuo was all about helping Jiang Jingxiu get the anonymous document, and he really didn't have much thought about Xu Yusheng at the moment.

   Actually, he was quite worried just now. If Xu Yusheng asked him to have dinner with him, he didn't know if he should refuse, but fortunately not!

   "Then I'm leaving."

   Xu Yusheng said as he walked towards the door.

   Cui Tuo followed her gently and sent her out.

   The two walked to the entrance, Xu Yusheng suddenly stopped, turned around and looked up, "By the way, I almost forgot, I have something for you!"


   Cui Tuo was aroused by her curiosity.

  Xu Yusheng took out a beautiful small box from her bag, "This is a cookie I made by myself, you must try it."

"hehe, ok."

  Cui Tuo happily accepted it, but he didn't notice the strange light in Xu Yusheng's eyes.


   After Xu Yusheng left, Cui Tuo immediately returned to work and continued his research.

   While tapping the keyboard, he opened the cookies sent by the beautiful lady, and he had a good time.

   As for Xu Yusheng, when he got back to the car, his whole face turned completely cold.

   She couldn't wait to turn on the phone, and clicked on a certain software with her slender fingers. After a while, the screen of the phone clearly showed Cui Tuo sitting in front of the computer.

   Seeing that he ate several cookies that he had given away in a row, Xu Yusheng pursed her lips, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

good, very good, excellent!

   The hanging heart finally let go, Xu Yusheng slammed on the accelerator, and the white sports car quickly left.

   Speeding down the road, she only took twice as long as usual to return to her apartment.

   Locking the door, Xu Yusheng took out another mobile phone from the safe and dialed a familiar number.

   The phone was picked up after two rings, and a man's indifferent voice came from the radio: "Speak!"

   "We have to speed up."

   Xu Yusheng panted slightly.

   When the man heard it, his tone became even more intriguing: "What's going on? You exposed?"

Xu Yusheng squeezed the palm of her hand and took a deep breath, "No, not yet, but it won't last for a month at most before being discovered. I just came back from Cui Tuo and found that he is cracking our system. With his ability, I am afraid that Sooner or later it will be broken.”

   Speaking of this, Xu Yusheng couldn't help but feel a little worried.

   "In that case, kill him before he can break through."

   The other party spoke mercilessly.

Xu Yusheng's face changed slightly, "No, I can't do this, I have given him medicine without knowing it, and within 24 hours, Cui Tuo will be in a coma for at least a month. One month is enough for us to deal with Gu. Is it right?"

   "In the end, you're still reluctant to kill that Cui! Hmph, it's the kindness of a woman!"

  Xu Yusheng: "..."

   Indeed, she was reluctant to kill Cui Tuo, because she knew how sincerely this man treated her.

   As for Gu Qisen...

   Even if she likes him again, from now on, she will no longer have any illusions. Well, since she can't get it, it will be ruined...

   "What? Stop talking?"

He couldn't hear Xu Yusheng's reply for a long time, and the man's voice became more and more gloomy, "Xu Yusheng, don't forget, Gu Qisen and this king have an inseparable hatred, this king will never let him go, and the entire Gu family, And you... just a dog raised by this king, please keep your identity in mind at all times!"

   "Understood, His Royal Highness."

  Xu Yusheng forcibly endured the resentment in his heart and responded humiliatingly.

   Yes, it was Prince Aldridge who was on the phone with her. At the same time, in addition to being the prince of country J, he also had an even more terrifying identity, and that was the leader of the Shenlong Group.

   And how did she get involved with him?

   I'm afraid no one knows, in fact, Xu Yusheng's late biological mother was the dead man of the Shenlong Group, right?

   Therefore, Rao is the Xu family who is calling the shots in the political arena, and Mrs. Xu has no way to get rid of this terrible organization. Her own daughter, of course, has been controlled by the Shenlong Group since she was a child.

   If she could, why would she be willing to choose such a background?

   After hanging up the phone, Xu Yusheng laughed at herself, it doesn't matter, she doesn't go to hell, whoever goes to hell, this time, let's drag Gu Qisen to **** together...


   Xu Yusheng gave Cui Tuo the medicine, although it would not be fatal, but Cui Tuo really fell into a coma.

   He was sent to the hospital, Gu Qisen and Jiang Jingxiu both put down their work and rushed over.

   "Mr. Gu—"

  The doctor had just seen Cui Tuo's illness and came out of the ward. When he saw Gu Qisen, he immediately bowed respectfully.

  Gu Qisen stood at the door of the ward, glanced in through the glass window on the door, and then asked the doctor worriedly, "How is he?"

   "In retrospect, the patient should have been overworked and fell into a coma."

   There is no poisoning, and no cause can be found. The doctor can only infer that.

  Gu Qisen and Jiang Jingxiu couldn't help looking at each other when they heard the words, and they tacitly thought of one point: Could it be that they are overworked by tracking anonymous emails?

   This realization made the hearts of the two of them sink suddenly, and the pain was like being cut by a knife.

   If something happened to Cui Tuo for this reason, they would be to blame.

   "When can you wake up?"

   Gu Qisen calmed down and asked.

The doctor    frowned in confusion.

  Gu Qisen looked at his expression in the bottom of his eyes and frowned, "Can't be sure?"


  The doctor had to bite the bullet and answer.

   Gu Qisen's face turned colder.

   But he has never been a person who can't tell right from wrong. Knowing that the doctor has done his best, he said "thank you" to the other party, and then pushed the door and walked in.

   Jiang Jingxiu was with him.

  The two came to the hospital bed and looked at Cui Tuo, who was lying in a deep sleep on the bed, without saying a word for a long time.

"What do you think?"

   After about a few minutes, Jiang Kexiu suddenly asked.

Gu Qisen's eyes flashed a ray of light, and he said thoughtfully, "Cui Tuo's physical fitness has always been very good. He used to have no trouble if he didn't close his eyes for four days and four nights. At this juncture, he fell into a coma and always felt abnormal. "

"I think so!"

  Jiang Jingxiu nodded, "I'll go to A Tuo's office later to see if there is anything unusual, and you... hurry up and contact the best doctor to come and show him."

   "Well, Dr. Liang is already on his way to catch a plane."

   Dr. Liang is still hanging out with Helian Lu in the Q country. I don't know how the two are in their 20s. How can their friendship be so good?

"That's good!"

   Hearing the news of Dr. Liang's return, Jiang Jingxiu finally felt relieved, "Then I'll go first."

   "Well, let's go!"

  Gu Qisen walked to the sofa beside the bed and sat down, and waved to Jiang Jingxiu.

   Soon after Jiang Jingxiu left, Xu Yusheng appeared.

   Seeing Gu Qisen in the ward, her eyes flickered quietly, she bit her lip, and asked worriedly, "Asen, what's wrong with Cui Tuo? I heard that he fainted and scared me..."

  Gu Qisen raised his eyes, "The doctor said that he was in a coma from overwork."

   "Then... when did he wake up?"

   This is what Xu Yusheng is most concerned about.

   "This...I don't know for the time being!"

   "Ah? How can you not know? What did the doctor say?"

  Xu Yusheng brushed the messy hair in front of his forehead, and his tone was extraordinarily anxious.

   She has always had a good relationship with Cui Tuo, but Gu Qisen has no doubts about her, but his attitude towards her is still a little colder, "You can ask the doctor yourself, I have something else to do, so I'll go first."

  Xu Yusheng: "..."


  PS: This chapter is four thousand words. The two chapters just now were 3,000 words. Tonight, I wrote a total of 10,000 words, which is equivalent to ten chapters for others. Haha, the explosion scared even me. Continue to ask for recommended monthly tickets. Good night.

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