One Year Marriage

Chapter 1244: Jue Xi Chapter 107: This man is mine! (17)

   took out her mobile phone from her bag, she turned around, and his slender waist was buckled by him.


   Murong Xi was startled, and was about to break free, but he suddenly lifted her up, made her sit on the cabinet, and pressed her tall body down, wrapping her between himself and the wall.

   Her calf was pressed, she couldn't move, so she looked up and stared at him, "Get up, I want to go down!"

"Get off?"

  Dongfang Jue raised her eyebrows, cupped her little face with her big hands, hooked her lips, and a sinister smile spread from the corners of her mouth, "You were sitting here last night, very enthusiastic..."


   She is very enthusiastic?

   His words were like a thunderbolt, and they exploded in her mind in an instant.

   Indistinctly, there are some scenes gradually emerging, it seems that it is in this place, she hooked his neck, kissed him frantically, bit him, as if hungry... thirsty for hundreds of years...


   That's not her, definitely not...

   How could she kiss him so proactively?

   Too embarrassing!

   Murong Xi's little face suddenly burst into red, like a ripe peach, making people unable to help picking it.

  The man's **** Adam's apple rolled up and down twice, but in the end he couldn't resist her temptation, he lowered his head and slowly approached her...

   The strong masculine breath gradually came, and looking at his handsome face that was getting closer and closer, Murong Xi's heart beat fast, but shamefully found that she didn't want to hide at all...

   No wonder she can be so sturdy to grab men when she's drunk, because she's pretty much the same when she's sober, so if she refuses and hides again, doesn't she seem hypocritical?

  Murong Xi always thought that she was not a hypocrite, so she just waited for him to kiss her.

   Actually, looking at his thin and beautiful lips, she wanted to kiss him even more. However, if you were not reserved, he would laugh at her, so she had to endure it.

   Fortunately, Dongfang Jue didn't make her wait too long, and her cool lips finally touched hers.

   It can be said that this is the first time the two have kissed in a peaceful atmosphere. Murongxi never thought that it could be so wonderful...

Xu was because she didn't dodge or refuse. Dongfang Jue kissed her very lightly and softly, as if she was treating the most important baby in the world. Her dexterous tongue gently rubbed her lips, slowly, slowly, depicting her lips. The perfect arc...

   Murong Xi couldn't stand him like this, so he couldn't help but let out a snort, while he took the opportunity to pry open her crown to deepen the kiss...

   After an unknown amount of time, the long kiss finally stopped, and he was reluctant to let go of her.

  Murong Xi hurriedly retracted her hands from his neck, her face was crimson, and she was too embarrassed to look at him.

   At the beginning, she really did not refuse or respond to this determination, but in the end, she was fascinated by him, and hooked his neck to kiss him like last night...


   Last night, she could still use the excuse of "drunk". Now, she is sober, so she has no excuses!

   Seeing that she deliberately didn't look at him, Dongfang Jue's eyes sank, and he directly reached out and hooked her chin, making her look at him.

  Under the crystal lamp, his eyes met, and his heart was pounding.


   He was the first to speak, and in his low voice, there was a touch of inseparable affection.

   Murong Xi stubbornly said, "How can you be shy? Isn't it just a kiss? What's so amazing!"

"Is it?"

  Dongfang Jue was amused by her words, so she couldn't help pinching her pink cheeks, and continued, "It's nothing special to have a kiss? Then... how about making love?"

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