One Year Marriage

Chapter 1282: Jue Xi Chapter 145: In my heart, you are the first! (Fives)

  Celia's voice is getting lower and lower, you can imagine how depressed her mood should be at this time.

   Helian Lu listened, his handsome face became more and more solemn.

   " now..."

   he asked tentatively, his tone softer than ever.

  Celia didn't hide him, she said directly: "The red spot on the side of the leg has started to grow tonight. It doesn't hurt or itches, but it affects the appearance."

   "Did you wipe the medicine?"

   "Dr. Qiao, the imperial physician, said that any treatment is useless..."

   "Then next..."

   Speaking of this, Helian Lu suddenly stopped, thinking of their wedding.

  The wedding will be held in three days. If she hasn't recovered by then, isn't it...


   He didn't dare to think about it anymore...

  Celia seemed to see what he was thinking, and couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled bitterly, "According to this trend, maybe tomorrow's face will start to grow, and on the wedding day, maybe...hey..."

   In addition to the nobles and celebrities of their own countries, there are many leaders of friendly countries, royal families, etc. who came to attend the wedding. The stakes are very important and it is impossible to postpone...

  Helianyu also thought of this, and became more worried about her.

   Hehe, yes, he would actually worry about her...

   What the hell!

   However, that's because she was his bride, she was too ugly at the wedding, and he had no face, so he was worried about her...

   Actually, he is more concerned about his face, um, it must be like this...

  Helian Lu secretly made an excuse for himself, and then couldn't help but glance at her, comforting: "There is still time, it will definitely be cured, I know many famous doctors, so I will call them."


   Didn't expect Helian Lu to be so concerned about her, Celia couldn't help being flattered, and at the same time a little moved.

   She thought that he would laugh at her, and maybe he would take the opportunity to persuade her not to hold the wedding at all. After all, from beginning to end, the hot person was herself...

   Helianlyu didn't know Celia's complicated thoughts, and after walking back into the room with Celia, he called Dr. Liang directly.

   After telling Dr. Liang about Celia's situation, Dr. Liang said he was very embarrassed, "Master Helian, dermatology is not my specialty, I'm afraid I can't help you here..."

   "Does the doctor know a doctor who specializes in skin diseases?"

   "As far as I know, Dr. Qiao Yu, the imperial physician of the Q country's royal family, is a leader in dermatology. If even he is helpless, I'm afraid..."

Before Dr. Liang's words were finished, Helian Lu understood.

   hung up the phone, Helian Lu was a little gloomy.

  Celia comforted him in turn, "This is the end of the matter, it's useless to worry about it. If you can't do it, just wear a veil. You can't let the wedding have a skylight, isn't it..."

  I didn't expect her to be so open-minded, and Helian Lu suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.

   He thought that when she encountered such a thing, she should cry, but who knows, her performance really impressed him, and she was much stronger and calmer than he imagined...

  Wedding is almost every girl's dream, especially a wedding of the century.

   And at their own wedding, who doesn’t want to be able to dress up beautifully and become the most beautiful bride?

   Encountered such a terrible thing...

   "I'll call another doctor, maybe there are folk remedies that can save you..."

   Helian Lu didn't give up and continued to look for the number in the address book.

   On the other side, Dongfang Jue and Murong Xi returned to the Lashel Hotel after enjoying a romantic candlelight dinner.

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