One Year Marriage

Chapter 865: Mysterious Man (24)

   This night was extremely long for Shen Qingqing.

The room did not turn on the lights, and the surroundings were completely dark. She was lying on a soft big bed in a certain guest room of the ancient castle, her eyes were wide open, she stared at the ceiling for a moment, and couldn't see anything, but her eyes were still open. , no sleepiness.

  Yes, at this time, if she can sleep well, it will be a strange thing.

  Thinking of everything that has happened during this time, Shen Qingyin's nose is sour, unconsciously, his eyes are quietly moist again, and a few tears overflow the corners of his eyes and slip onto the pillow towel.

  Husband, woohoo...

   She couldn't help whimpering, her thin shoulders trembled, and then she simply rolled over and buried her face in the pillow, crying loudly.

   On the other side, a remote villa in country J.

   This is one of the strongholds of Organization F in country J.

  Gu Ranran was lying on the bed, also tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

   As soon as she closed her eyes, the image of Gu Qisen and Shen gently falling into a cliff would always appear in her mind. Gu Qisen's heart-breaking cry lingered in her ears for a long time, making her emotions unable to calm down.

  "Brother, you will be fine, right?"

   Gu Ranran muttered to herself.

   Then, he said, "Yes, you will be fine, you are wearing a flight suit, why is there anything wrong?"

   "But Shen Qingqing..."

  Gu Ranran's eyes flashed, and she unconsciously remembered the scene where she had a high fever, and Shen Gently helped her to reduce the fever, her heart suddenly became too heavy to describe in words.

   She is definitely not seriously ill, otherwise, how could she feel sorry for Shen Geng, who she hates the most?

  Sophia, you are now the leader of the F organization. You must kill decisively. As for Shen Qingqing, if you die, you will die. Don't be disturbed by her in the future, yes, no, no...

   And what about the family?

  It is a matter of fact, Gu Jia, she is bound to take revenge, who made her grandfather recognize Su Han's status as the mistress?

Ha ha……

  Grandpa, Grandpa, is it that the death of your own daughter was exposed so easily?

   I will definitely not agree!

  Thinking of this, Gu Ranran couldn't help clenching her fists, the corners of her eyes were full of hatred.


Qin Hao fell into the cliff after Gu Qisen and Shen Qingqing, but he was disturbed in the middle. Someone suddenly hit the airbag on his clothes with a gun, causing him to accidentally deflect the direction, and the place where he fell was actually the same as the one he fell. Gu Qisen and the others are 108,000 miles away.

  The mobile phone has no signal, and the communication equipment is completely useless. After searching for a long time, he can't find his boss. He is anxious and annoyed, and can't wait to shoot himself.

  The terrain at the bottom of the cliff is extremely steep. After going through untold hardships, in the early morning of the next day, he finally succeeded in reconciling with Qin Xuan, who came to find someone.

   "How? Did you find the boss and the young lady?"

   Qin Xuan asked worriedly.

   They searched all the way down for a whole day and night, but they never saw anyone, not to mention how scared they were.

  The boss has a flying suit, so he will definitely not be injured with his skills, but the young lady is fierce.

   "Hey, there is a big river ahead, I guess, it was probably washed away by the river."

   Qin Hao sighed, his eyes were red, full of vicissitudes and exhaustion.

   Qin Xuan felt very uncomfortable when he heard the sound.

   But at this juncture, he didn't want to be discouraged, and even more unwilling to back down, "Anyway, we have to find the boss and the young lady. Let's go, continue!"


  Qin Hao nodded and followed the large army to the river.

  PS: See you at night in the eighth watch. I really have to go to bed. I have to go to work tomorrow morning. Good night. The last day of the monthly pass, remember to vote, love you, refills!

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