One Year Marriage

Chapter 875: Mysterious Man (34)

  Shen finished softly and closed his eyes.

  Xuanyuan Che did not expect her temper to be so stubborn, she is clearly a delicate and weak woman, but she has an unyielding energy, like a weed, with a tenacious vitality...

  It seems that he appreciates her even more.

   His slightly squinted eyes became darker and darker, and he said, "Are you really not afraid of death?"

   "Can you solve the problem just by being afraid?"

  Shen gently opened his eyes, and asked back in annoyance.

   "It really doesn't solve the problem."

   Xuanyuan Che murmured in response.

   "So, shouldn't you answer my question just now?"

  Shen lightly still insists.

   How long does it take to get a mission, and what is the mission? These basic information must be mastered by oneself.

   She thought to herself, if they really let herself do something against the law, even if she died, she wouldn't agree.

Xuanyuan Che gave him a deep look, his thin lips pursed tightly, and he didn't speak for a long time, just when Shen Qingchen thought that he wanted to use the theory of "unqualified" to deal with her again, he heard him say: "If you are qualified Good and willing to work hard, you can pass the fastest one or two years. As for the content of the task--"

   Speaking of this, Xuanyuan Che paused for a moment before continuing, "It's not necessarily all illegal, then it's up to your luck."

  Shen heard the sound softly and subconsciously frowned.

   In this situation, instead of focusing on the content of the task, it is better to focus on when can I leave?

   It takes a year or two to pass the assessment, which is much faster than she imagined. After all, that is a special agent.

   But, can she do it? What if she can't pass for ten or eight years?

  Thinking of this, Shen Qingqing couldn't help but tentatively ask: "Is there anyone who has been unable to pass the assessment?"


   Xuanyuan Che answered succinctly and said with a rare sneer, "I hope you don't become the first person!"

  Shen lightly: "..."


   Shen Qingqing only stayed in the old forest castle for half a day before being sent to RT by Xuanyuan Che's people.

The place where the   RT organization is located is also in the remote mountains and forests, but the equipment inside is so advanced that Shen Qing was dumbfounded.

   Xu Hui led the team to send Shen Qingqing over and went directly to Cindy, the person in charge of RT.

  Cindy is about 28 years old and is a Chinese-American half-blood with a particularly bright appearance.

   Seeing Shen Qingqing, she couldn't help raising her beautiful brows, her eyes filled with doubts, and then she said to Xu Hui, "Are you sure she's a secret agent?"

   "The master's arrangement, we are only responsible for the implementation!"

   Xu Hui told the truth.

   "If that's the case, then stay."

   Although Cindy has her own ideas, she is only Xuanyuan Che's subordinate after all, and she definitely cannot disobey the orders of the big boss.

   "Okay! She'll leave it to you to take charge of the training, and we'll talk about it after passing the assessment."


  Cindy nodded in agreement.

Xu Hui explained a few more words to Cindy, then looked at Shen Qingqing, "Miss Shen, then I will leave. You'd better train here obediently and don't try to escape, because we can guarantee that as long as you If you leave our master's sphere of influence, your whole body will explode immediately, I hope you can do it yourself."

   Xu Hui put down the warning words, turned around immediately, and strode away.

  Shen blinked slightly, his expression a little ugly.

   After all, whoever hears that he can become a bomb at any moment will never be happy.

  After Xu Hui left, Cindy put her arms around her chest, her blue eyes narrowed and looked at Shen Qing.

  PS: Continue coding.

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