Ye Fan (ten steps) walked unhurriedly on the 10,000-mile Huangquan Road, and at any time he would see some well-dressed people with their faces and heads hanging down hurriedly passing by.

Ten steps knew that these were the souls of the newly deceased, and they were in a hurry to report to the Yin Division. Along the way, everyone seemed to have sound limbs and walked like the wind, but in fact they were not.

Ye Fan took a look with the eye of heaven and found that this was just the appearance skill that every revenant soul possessed. Behind that appearance, all of them were revealed at the time of death. Except for those who died of normal diseases, the rest were all kinds of strange deaths.

If there is a car accident and a tragic head moves, it must be a drag on the feet. Whoever stumbles and drowns, his abdomen will be distended and swaying forward like a drum. Those who were strangled by their necks and hanged themselves must have long tongues hanging down their waists and rolling their eyes to hurry, and those who fell off tall buildings and fell and were broken, and they must be a pile of scattered flesh and bones moving forward with difficulty.

There are also those who have gunshot wounds, work injuries, falling into a well, capsizing boats, being smashed, having a difficult birth, etc., all of which have obvious marks at the time of their deaths. All of these are the true aspects of the deceased, waiting for Yin Si to verify the death.

On the strange road of Huangquan Road, there are no suicides passing by. Could it be that it really responded to the rumor in the world that those who commit suicide are not allowed to be reincarnated. Suicide footage must be repeated in the place where the suicide is committed until someone commits suicide in the place where they commit suicide and takes their place to take the place.

Ten steps hadn't really gone far, and he carefully observed and analyzed all kinds of people and things in front of him as he walked, trying to find some internal rules for the management and operation of Yin Si.

At this time, there was another person at the intersection. An old man from a squire appeared, and then a pile of banknotes and a car appeared there.

The old man got into the car, but found that he couldn't drive. It turned out that the relatives had forgotten that he didn't know how to drive. didn't burn a paper man driver for it.

Just when the old man was at a loss as he walked around the car. Several big men with gunshot wounds suddenly appeared at the intersection, and they viciously pushed the old man away, got into the car and drove away.

The old man froze in place, and after a long time had to shake his head and walk.

Seeing this scene, Shibu couldn't help frowning, he took out the ghost hunting bag, and caught up with the car moving forward with a teleportation. Put those big men into the ghost bag.

Seeing this, a yin cha at the intersection hurriedly came over and said:

"The little one has seen the adult, but I don't know why the adult detained those people, and when the judge of my family found a mistake when he checked the number of people, he will definitely punish the villain for this." Please return them. "

Didn't you see those people snatching the old man's car just now? Why don't you stop it?" Ten steps asked angrily.

"Your Excellency doesn't know that those people have been executed by the sun, whether he robs the car or not, the lord will punish them with torture when he goes back, so as to repay them for the crimes they have committed before.

Compared with the felony he committed, robbing a dead car is just a minor crime! They hurried away in a chariot, but they received their sins and were punished in advance. Therefore, Xiao Ke has not been managed, which has been a practice for many years! Yin Cha explained.

"Then it should also be managed, is it possible that the criminals who killed 10,000 people will not be taken care of if they beat people again? Can you ignore it because the crime of beating people is small? Don't let your sins be small!

Since they will be tortured by the judge Hades after they pass, the deity can also be released, but they will have to pay some price for what they have just done. After

ten steps, he released the people who had been arrested one by one from the ghost bag, and each person who was released was dragged on his ear.

In a short time, Ye Fan had one more ear in his hand. When he saw that the men were in great pain, screaming and hurrying forward, he did not pursue them anymore. And casually threw a few ears to the side of the road and continued walking.

When he saw it, he was so frightened that he didn't dare to say anything more, so he hurriedly bowed his head and retreated to the intersection to inspect. There he secretly said in his heart:

"It's the first time I've seen an adult who can tear off his soul with his bare hands. You must know that the soul is not an entity, and ordinary people have no way to focus on it, and accurately grasp its body parts. "

Ten steps but I don't know that those big men were shot once, and they just hurt. And his punishment of several people's ears made their souls completely hurt and suffered.

Without good medicine, they will continue to suffer and the wound will not heal. A few people touched ten steps, but this time it was unlucky.

Ten steps have been carried forward for 100,000 miles, and along the way, as long as he encounters injustice, he will punish those who do evil. Odds and ends, such as ears and fingers, were thrown all the way by him.

At the end of Huangquan Road is hell. Ten steps along the way, I didn't find anything like a portal. Could it be that the path to the Demon Realm is after this hell?

At the gate of hell, Ten Steps took out the token given by the Heavenly Son of Yama of the underworld, and the jailer who guarded the gate bowed down and let it pass.

Ten steps have passed through the eighteen layers of hell, such as tongue pulling, scissors, iron trees, evil mirrors, steamers, copper pillars, knife mountains, icebergs, oil pots, cattle pits, stone presses, mortars, blood pools, vain death, punishment, volcanoes, stone mills, and knife saws.

After passing through the eighteen layers of hell, ten steps came to a wall painted with divine charms. Ten steps relied on the memory of the Heavenly Book that he had mastered, and he could see the difference in this wall at a glance.

Those spells are not only demon suppression spells, but also exorcism spells. Perhaps, there is a portal to the Demon Realm.

After carefully pondering and studying it in ten steps, he focused his attention on the jasper Xingshi in the most corner of the demon suppression wall.

They sat there, suddenly with a glimmer of emerald green glow around them, as if they were spiritual creatures.

Ten steps took the Ruyi measuring ruler in his hand, and compared the two, he found that the material of the two was the same. He slowly brought the measuring scale closer to Xingshi, and the vision occurred.

The emerald green aura flickered suddenly, and then three clusters of light came out, one small and two large. The little Xingshi is clearly the child of two big Xingshi.

The little Xingshi rubbed around the necks of the two big ones affectionately, and then circled the two three times, and then reluctantly ran into the measuring ruler and disappeared. Then the two great stars made a kneeling gesture and sat down back in the stone wall.

Ten steps was surprised and delighted that Xiao Xingshi ran into the measuring scale, and the eyes of Da Xingshi on the wall suddenly emitted an emerald green circle of light to cover Ten Steps and teleport him away.

After a whirlwind, Ten Steps found that he had come to a fuchsia world.

There was a ghost-eyed blood moon hanging in the sky. It is said that there is never a sunrise here.

It is said that one day, when the Ghost Eye Blood Moon turns into a full moon, the shadow of the Heavenly Demon will appear on the Blood Moon. Then, he will descend to the demon realm and lead all the demon warriors to completely conquer the six worlds of gods, immortals, demons, demons, humans, and ghosts. Luck is good.

Ten steps continued to walk unhurriedly on the purple blood field, he felt that this was the forbidden area at the very edge of the demon world, and after walking for six hours, he did not see a single demon.

Ten steps was thinking about whether it was time to take a break before continuing to explore the Demon Domain. There was a sudden rustling, rustling sound from underground.

Then the earth trembled slightly. Heads the size of a basketball emerged from the ground in the distance, densely packed with a large area, and there were more than 2,000 of them.

They spotted Ten Steps, the first one made the sound of saws sawing wood, and the other beasts quickly burrowed into the ground and sneaked underground, and a moment later, when they reappeared in the entire area, they had completely surrounded Ten Steps.

One by one, they appeared in front of them at ten paces, opening their huge palates and preparing to launch a group attack. Ten steps later, it was clear that they were actually a group of demon land marching ants!

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