The battle was over, and the enemy was in a state of panic.

Qinglong main city, the main camp.

Qing Wushuang was pacing anxiously in front of the camp.

"Hey, what's the news from the front? According to the time, the fighting should have started, right?"

They didn't know the news of the victory at the front yet, and they were all very anxious.

"Where is the main force of Qinglong? How long will it take to arrive?"

He asked seriously.

"My lord, according to the army's marching speed, it will take about three more hours."

"Too slow! It's really too slow! If this goes on, the three border cities would have fallen long ago, and it is estimated that at least five nearby cities will be occupied!"

"Has the news from the front line not come yet!"

"How many beast tides can Commander Ye stop?"

Qing Wushuang became more and more anxious.

Although Lin Feng had said it clearly before, the power of siege and defense equipment was amazing.

But no one knew the actual situation!

That was a million beast tide army!

It's not a joke.

If there is any mistake, it will be like an ant hole bursting a dam, and it will fall completely.


At this time, the messenger came.

"Give me the report quickly!"

Qing Wushuang didn't care about his attitude, he just picked up the scroll and opened it to read.

The generals and counselors next to him didn't dare to breathe, and they all looked at Qing Wushuang's face carefully.

"What? The border city fell! The sea tribe led a million beasts to attack the inland city!"

Qing Wushuang screamed before he finished reading.

"This is trouble!"

"It seems that Commander Ye's city defense plan has problems!"

"I have seen it for a long time. The aliens can only talk about war on paper and talk big, but they can't do anything big!"

"Commander Ye's city defense strategy is better than our previous ones! This time we lost purely because there are too many enemies!"

"After all, a million beasts! It is not something that ordinary siege equipment can resist."

"Alas! This is trouble!"

"How many cities have fallen?"


The generals talked a lot, all very anxious.

Qing Wushuang took a breath, continued to read, and continued to speak loudly.

"Five inland cities have been captured, 26 small cities, and they are still advancing towards the main city!"

As soon as the news came out, many generals said passionately.

"What? They've broken in?"

"You bastard! Do you think there's no one in Qinglong City?"

"My Lord! I request to go to war! All the Qinglong soldiers are cowards!"


They're almost broken in, and you just got the battle report? That means you're really screwed!

However, all the soldiers present have been in the army for decades, and none of them are afraid of fighting.

"It's still 500 miles to the main city of Xuanwu... eh? The main city of Xuanwu?"

Seeing this, Qing Wushuang realized that it was not talking about his Qinglong Border City.

"Huh! You scared me! Is this battle report from Xuanwu City?"

Qing Wushuang finally came to his senses.

In a hurry, he forgot to look at the most critical information.

That's the address of the main city.

After a careful check, it was indeed the news from Xuanwu City.

"Xuanwu City must be fine. Those old bastards won't die so easily."

"But...Xuanwu City was also attacked by a million beasts?"

"Could it be that in addition to our Qinglong City, other main cities were also attacked in the same way?"

"Why did their information reach us?"


After hearing this, the generals breathed a sigh of relief for a while, but their expressions became more solemn.

Although this bad news was not from Qinglong City, it also meant that the attack of the beast tide was extremely terrible! Even Xuanwu City, which was best at defense, couldn't hold it!

"The report shows that they also used aliens to stop the beast tide, but they were completely defeated in less than half an hour... This report was sent to ask for help."

Finally, Qing Wushuang finished reading the report and came to a conclusion.

Although he breathed a sigh of relief for a while, the situation is still very serious!

Why is there no news from Qinglong City?

Could it be that the whole city has fallen?

The generals also talked about it.


At this time, a messenger came over.

"Hurry up and give me the report!"

Qing Wushuang rushed over and snatched the report from the messenger.

"This time it should be the military information of our Qinglong City, right?"

"How is our side?"

The tense atmosphere gathered again, and everyone stared at Qing Wushuang intently.

"Three border cities fell! The demon clan led millions of

The beast tide invaded the inland city!"

It was still bad news.

But this time it was more clear that it was three border cities. It seemed that Qinglong City must be the one.

"Alas, can't we escape this time?"

"How many inland cities have been captured?"

"No matter what, I will risk my life to support them this time!"

Everyone was mentally prepared. They all knew that the border would definitely fall, but they didn't know what the inland cities would be like. The best thing was that the losses were lower than those in Xuanwu City.

"Seven inland cities were captured, and 35 small cities were captured. They are constantly advancing towards the main city!"

Qing Wushuang continued to read.

"It's over! More big and small cities have fallen than Xuanwu City!"

"No more talking! Send troops quickly!"

"Alas! God doesn't bless Qinglong City! ”


The generals below sighed.

“It’s still 400 miles away from the main city of Baihu… huh? It’s not our city yet?”

Reading this, Qing Wushuang was dumbfounded again.

It turned out that this report came from Baihu City.

“Huh! ———— Lord City Lord, can you finish your words at once? I’m scared to death!”

“Yes! Bai Wusha’s group of guys are tough and can’t die.”

“What about the information about our city? We can’t take care of ourselves, how can we take care of others?”


The generals complained.

“Ahem, this is to relieve the tension. Our city must be better than theirs.”

Qing Wushuang’s old face turned red and he coughed.

Just now I was too anxious and still didn’t look carefully at where it was sent from. Next time I must look carefully.

“Report! ————”

Here we go again!

This time it must be Qinglong City, right?

Without saying anything, Qing Wushuang grabbed the report, opened it and read it carefully, and said loudly.

“Three border cities have fallen! The Sand Clan led a million beasts to attack the inland city! Commander Ye died!”


“Even Commander Ye…”

It can’t be wrong this time, right?

Three border cities have fallen, and even the commander is the same.

Qing Wushuang continued to read.

“Nine inland cities have been captured, and 42 small cities have been captured, and they are constantly advancing towards the main city!”

“There are still 350 miles to the main city of Zhuque… Hmm? Why isn’t it our Qinglong City yet?”

This time Qing Wushuang read a little faster, but it still made everyone’s mood fluctuate, as if they were riding a roller coaster.

“Even those women in Zhuque City…”

“Zhu Wuyan and the others have a fast recovery ability, so they should be fine. ”

“How long will it take to reach our city?”

The generals complained again.

“Report! ————”

The fourth messenger came in!

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