The more dangerous the situation, the more likely it is to be defeated.

"Fuck him! Fuck him!"

Lin Feng gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, and made the decision to fight!

How could he let go of such a good opportunity?

In his previous life, he had encountered more dangerous situations, and he had come through them all the same, hadn't he?

Today he was going to slay the dragon!

Lin Feng was determined.


And at this moment, a small stream of magma suddenly erupted from the bottom of the volcano, just falling next to the lava dragon.


The splash of flames hit the dragon's horns.

For a moment, the dragon woke up.


When it opened its eyes, it instantly exuded a terrifying aura!

Lin Feng suddenly felt a tightness in his heart.

This is the momentum of the dragon!

Just a look can scare the opponent!

But Lin Feng is not a pushover.

Since the dragon has awakened and the sneak attack failed, he had to fight!


Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, stepped hard on the rock wall with his feet, and with a recoil, he flew towards the dragon fiercely with the Ruyi Gilded Sword in his hand.




"Flame Slash!"

This time, Lin Feng will not easily release all his skills in one breath, and he must make some arrangements.

"Swish! Swish! Swish!————"

In an instant, two clones appeared next to Lin Feng at the same time, and the three of them turned into purple streamers and slashed at the dragon!




In an instant, three red sword qi slashed directly at the dragon's chest, drawing three blood lines.

The damage is normal, the dragon does not have the attribute of reducing damage for the time being!

Lin Feng quickly judged, and separated with the three clones, quickly moved around the dragon, and slashed wildly!





In less than two seconds, Lin Feng and the clones caused hundreds of thousands of damage to the lava dragon!

"Roar! ————"

At this time, the dragon reacted and roared.

In its view, there was a little guy who dared to disturb its rest and scratched its dragon scales?

This is absolutely unbearable!


After the roar, the huge body of the dragon slowly stood up, and flames began to condense from the abyss.

"Instant Wind Step!"



And Lin Feng noticed that the dragon was about to launch a skill, and decisively released the roar skill that he had saved before.

Instantly, the invisible purple sound waves spread, and the dragon's body suddenly stagnated.

Lin Feng silenced the dragon's skills!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!————"

At this time, Lin Feng's eyes were red, and he climbed the dragon's body all the way, while constantly swinging his sword desperately along the way.





The red and purple lights were flying, constantly chopping the dragon's scales into pieces.

Every second is very critical!

This is the best moment!

We must seize the time to output!

The blood volume of the lava dragon also decreased wildly. In just three seconds, more than one million health points were gone!


However, the dragon also reacted. It was Lin Feng lying on him that made him unable to attack, so he began to move his huge body and prepared to fly.

"No! Not enough damage!"

Lin Feng also keenly discovered this.

Now all the enhanced skills and clones have a short duration, so the damage must be enhanced!


Lin Feng decisively took out the critical strike, strength, and intelligence potions from his arms and drank them all in one gulp.


For a moment, the violent power instantly spread to Lin Feng's limbs and bones!

At this time, Lin Feng felt that his strength had soared several times!

With red eyes, he waved his sword and stabbed and chopped at the dragon!






The three potions instantly increased Lin Feng's damage to nearly 500,000!

The blood volume of the lava dragon dropped wildly!

Almost instantly dropped below four million!


At this time, the lava dragon was red all over, and the temperature of the whole body also rose rapidly!


Lin Feng cursed inwardly and had to leave the dragon's body immediately.

He knew that it was useless to fight now, because

The dragon has now entered an invincible state!

This also means that the dragon is about to enter the second form!


Sure enough, the moment Lin Feng left the dragon's body, all the dragon scales exploded.

If he was still on the dragon's body just now, he would definitely be smashed to pieces by the exploded fragments!

After the red light flashed, the second form of the dragon appeared again.

This time the dragon changed from the original prone form to a dragon head and human body form!

This is the dragon's combat form!

Generally speaking, only high-level dragons will transform!

Although the body size has become smaller, the combat ability has increased sharply.

At this time, the lava dragon has turned into a human form, with muscles all over the body, emitting terrifying heat and fierce breath!

The two huge wings behind it flapped, and each flap would cause a small whirlwind!

Every time it breathed, violent magma would spew out of its mouth from time to time!

This is the combat form of the lava dragon!




Unleashing endless killing intent!

"Ant! You deserve to die!"

The giant dragon transformed into a human form actually spoke human language.

"Giant dragon! You will die in my hands!"

Lin Feng also shouted with fighting spirit.

Isn't it just trash talking?

Who can't do that?

And when the giant dragon transforms, wouldn't it be better to take the opportunity to delay time and wait for the skill to cool down?


But the giant dragon didn't waste any words and spewed out flames from its mouth again!

"I'll deal with you later!"

Lin Feng decisively turned around and ran away, and quickly took out the agility, spirit and constitution potions and swallowed them in one gulp.

The current attack skills are not good for the time being, so delay time first.


And at this time, the effect of the potion took effect.

If the feeling of the strength and critical potion just now is a raging volcano, then the agility and spirit potion this time is a gentle sea, which makes people feel extremely comfortable physically and mentally, and the whole person is much more relaxed.


Lin Feng disappeared in front of the dragon with a string of green afterimages.

"Ant! Don't even think about escaping!"

The lava dragon was angry.

It was not an ordinary wild monster or BOSS, but an intelligent species, so even if Lin Feng did not attack it later, it would take the initiative to cause trouble for Lin Feng.


The dragon also flapped its 100-meter-long wings behind it and flew into the air to chase Lin Feng!

"Tsk! Fighting flying creatures is troublesome!"

Lin Feng naturally felt the raging wind behind him.

He knew very well that the dragon had already flown over to chase him.

Although he drank the agility potion and improved his agility, he was on the ground after all, and his speed was still not as fast as the dragon in the air.

At this time, he had to use the terrain.

He knew that if he was in an open area, he would be just a moving target in a one-on-one fight, but it was different in the crater.

The terrain here is rugged and there are various thick rock walls, which are more than enough to serve as obstacles to delay time!

"Come on! Stupid dragon! Come and chase your grandfather!"

Lin Feng taunted as he ran.

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