Level: 1 (can be upgraded through the research institute

  Attack: 100w-100w

  Life 2000/2000

  Number of bullets: 100/1000 (can be filled with low-level promotion orbs instead


  Attack Speed: 3.0

  Movement Speed: 12

  Talents: scientific power (chaos damage, extremely difficult to reduce), shell suppression (attacks cause 1000 range damage)

  One can be stacked

  Skill Continuous Cannon Shooting (Nine Cannons Continuously Fired, Rose Speed ​​-2.0, Cooldown 1000


  This is Zhou Yun's first impression after reading the properties

  Especially the two talents can definitely become the main force of this battle.

  "How many reincarnators are there in our faction now?"

  "Originally around 200 billion, now there are only [-] million left"


  Are these people so restless?

  They all joined the Luluka camp and stopped fighting halfway through?

  Zhou Yun hummed twice, sure enough, the players who lived under the name of the world's No. [-] were too moisturizing and struggling.

  Will has it all.

  At this point, it should be tough.

  "One hundred million is enough, issue an order to let them all return to defend the area around the sky village, destroy the tanks in the

  it came out"

  "It's an adult."



  Under the darkness and the sky, the annihilation tanks drove up to the ground, revealing its hideous and terrifying face.


  [-] cars…

  Millions of...

  ten million

  Soon, all the annihilation tanks drove to the ground and lined up neatly around the sky village.

  "I tmd, why do I have to go back to defense all of a sudden, do I have to use my hole cards?"

  It is estimated that, Bi now the players are almost gone, and we foolishly believe that C has a hole card.

  "Forget it a game, but I can't bear to let my child play the wolf, maybe I really have a hole card."

  "No matter what, go back to the defense and look at my grass, what the hell is this tm"

  "Huh? You say... I rely on tanks... tanks?"

  The players rubbed their eyes, thinking they were dazzled

  This tm is a fantasy online game, the world of dragons and magic and the sky, what the hell is a tank?

  Throwing it over for identification, the players were completely dumbfounded.

  Also tm is really a tank, the name is still nb, destroy the tank.

  "Hey, this is the trump card of the Luluka camp? n attribute"

  "Haha! It's right that we didn't leave. If we win this battle, we can definitely get rich rewards."

  "Fuck, this wave of Luluka, I blow it up."

  "No, I'm going to post a forum to let those players who feel that Luluka is a fool to see what they have missed.

  Soon, posts will be uploaded to the forum.

  "The Luluka Virgin is shocked with her trump card, a technological product, an annihilation of tanks, and a property sheet attached."

  The players who exited saw the attributes of the annihilation tank falling out one by one in shock.

  "I... I fucked"

  "I fucked myself"

  "Wow, such an NB's trump card, it can be superimposed. If these nine shots go down, half of the evil legion will die."

  "tmd, who tricked Lao Tzu to quit the Luluka camp? Stand up, I won't kill him."

  "Wow, poor me crying, I shouldn't listen to my husband and quit the Luluka camp."

  "My faction rewards, my campaign rewards, all gone, gone..."

  Players on the forum were crying and scolding, like a poor child billion.

413. You are the pillars of our country! (two more)

  What's the situation? Why didn't the tank start? Why didn't the tank start? Fuck them. "

  Some irritable old brothers watched the annihilation tank stop there and said irritably.

  "I don't know, it looks like someone is going to speak. It's like our real leaders speak."

  "Lady Luluka still has something to say? Hurry up and broadcast it, so that those players who quit the forum early will feel uncomfortable."

  Some players with live broadcast licenses have opened live broadcasts to broadcast upcoming speeches.

  in the live room.

  "Shit, doesn't tm think that the blow is not enough? It's still live broadcast, I'm throwing Lei Lou."

  "Hey, I hate it, I've been fighting for more than a month, and the New Year will be here soon. Cry my reward."

  "It's all life, life..."

  When the barrage was fired, Luluka stepped onto the stage.

  "Thank you all for your hard work over the past month. On behalf of the White Elves, I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to you.

  "You don't need to be called the White Elf Saint, the next White Elf Queen. It is only natural that we will fight for you."

  Players speak up

  "What are your requirements, even if you mention it, with such a powerful combat power as destroying tanks, we are confident that we will attack Kakana and return the white spirit.

  spirit a stable peace

  Luluka shook her head.

  "Without you, I wouldn't be able to persist until now."

  She spreads her hands and adds a super large buff to everyone in the full name


  [You get temporary buff White Elf Shenghui]

  White Elf Shenghui: A battle-type skill cast with the will of the White Elf, all friendly units recover +100% HP


  The players gasped

  Health recovery +100%, magic skill

  "Thank you for the blessing of Saintess Luluka. In this battle, we have more confidence."

  "Next, let him explain the next battle plan to you."

  Luluka walked off the stage after saying that.


  Who is it?

  Players are puzzled, except for Luluka, it seems that no one is qualified to stand on the stage, right?

  Just when the players were guessing who the other party was, Zhou Yun took the stage.

  The players on the scene???

  Players in the live room??

  "My grass walking tank!"

  "tmd, why are you here!"

  "My God, didn't you die in the Temple of Justice?"

  "No, the Temple of Justice is young."

  "Damn, the difficulty of this dog day has passed the Temple of Justice."

  Zhou Yun greeted everyone.

  "My compatriots are missing, do you miss me?"


  Missing the rotten hammerhead, we will be happy when you die 57

  "Hey, you don't need to say anything, right? Now that the enemy is facing the enemy, it is we who have joined forces with other strikers against Kakana to regain the White Elf Clan Hui.

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