Tongtian Benlu

  Elf sigh!

  She is not talking nonsense, she is doing her best, and strives to brush the colorful glow as soon as possible.

  "Be careful, she has to play the colorful one day and she will have 1W super terrifying damage and refresh all skills.

  With her evil scythe, it will definitely kill people"

  "She has a hole card, and I also have a hole card, so don't worry about it."

  Zhou Yun said to Mu Xien, held high the shield of the guardian goddess Panara and Nalen Siguang, and took the lead in charging.

  Almighty forever!

  Furious Slash




  Zhou Yun could have dealt 49w+ damage, but due to the rank suppressing his damage, his damage was suppressed three and a half times.

  His damage is pitifully low.

  But this is not an important means of Zhou Yun's output, he is relying on exhausting aura.

  LV4's Encounter Halo has a 0.6% HP deduction per second, with Kakana's 0 HP, this deduction brings

  Damage up to 1200mL

  After hitting the output for a second, when Tongtian Mulu was about to fall, Zhou Chao ran to Mu Xien's belly and got into it.

  Just kidding, the basic damage of Tongtian Mulu is 1e + a hammer can't beat it.

  Mu Xien

  That's what you're talking about with trump cards, don't worry?


  Benlu fell into the void and exploded.






  The damage this time is worse than the last time, not a little bit

  Zhou Yun?

  "Not less than [-] million damage, so little?"

  Mu Xien said: "The world of wood has a damage bonus. Without the world of wood, Tongtianlu's damage is not high."

  "So? How long will her Wood Realm cool down?"

  "A Natural Day"

  "So long? Then we have a good chance of winning."

  "It's very big? What exactly is your trump card? The magic reduction of the colorful scepter is very terrifying. If you continue to consume it like this, you will only lose.

  It's us. "

  "Something you can't think of."

  "Something I can't think of? You, you, like to hide and tuck."

  "You don't care what my cards are, just go for it! I watched her two evil scythes cool down for about 10 minutes.

  During this time, it is enough for you to rely on the refraction dog to deal tons of damage. "

  Mu Xien gave Zhou Yun a deep look.

  "For the sake of your Molly's master, I will trust you one last time."

  "If I die I will curse you for life."

  Zhou Yun bared his teeth and said with a smile: "Don't worry, with me, you won't die."

  Mu Xien takes a breath and prepares to pop out Zhou Yun

  At this time, Zhou Yun said: "You don't have to pop me out, my halo effect has an effect on both you and the enemy.

  Mu Xien glanced at himself and felt that Zhou Yun was right.

  After securing Zhou Yun's position, he picked up his refractory pet dog and rushed to kill Kakana.

  "Musien, walking tank, you all have to die today!"

  "You can't kill me! Damn bitch."

  "What did you say? You fat dead pig!"

  Kakana and Mu Xien were fighting fiercely together, relying on Zhou Yun's halo effect, the blood volume actually had a lot of echoes.

  Kakana, who saw everything in her eyes, blushed, and frantically attacked the position where Zhou was stuck.

  But Mu Xien's body is huge, fat and big, and Kakana can't hit him at all, so he can only retreat and use range magic to output.

  So the plane scene has changed.

  From the original Kakana chasing Mushion to Mushion chasing Kakana.


  Six colors!


  After the last elf sigh, Kakana successfully gathered colorful

  "Musien, you and the walking tank are doomed!_"

  She held high the power of colorful brilliance to activate its colorful effect.


  The colorful glow flew out from behind Kakana, spread out, and enveloped the 1W area centered on her.

  "Give me death!"

  Colorful · Destruction


  Colorful shrouds 1w range, launches destruction ae damage




  The power of Colorful Destruction is three times higher than the damage of Wood Realm + Tongtian Benlu.

  But her damage is high, Zhou Yun's milk volume is higher than her

  At the moment when the opponent's ae comes, switch the weapon holy bleak qin

  baptism of light

418. The horror of the sulphuric goblin king! (one more)

  + 11e

  Under the effect of Sacred Xiao Seqin, Zhou Yun's Holy Light Baptism healing range has been expanded from 100 to 1w

  Terrible healing amount covers all units within 1w

  Although many of these units are enemy troops, compared to Kakana, those enemy troops are vulnerable scum.


  The damage of up to 3e allows Kakana to see the dawn of victory, but the healing effect floating on the opponent's body makes Kakana heart.

  head shaking

  When did Mu Xien have such a high healing recovery.


  Kakana's keen discovery, Mu En, like her, showed surprise, obviously not knowing where this treatment came from.

  then there is only one possibility

  Kakana's face changed suddenly, and she stared at Zhou who was stuck in the stomach by Mu Xien.

  "The walking tank "[-]" grams, you are right!"

  But Zhou Yun did not respond to the other party, the reason is very simple, the effect of Colorful Destruction has not ended, and he came out to die.


  Two seconds!

  Holy Light Baptism cools down, Zhou Yun casts it again


  Seeing that the 3e damage dealt by herself was canceled in seconds, _Kakana's complexion was about to drop.

  She's not happy

  She even sacrificed the artifacts of their white elves, but she still couldn't kill the enemy.

  Even all the damage she dealt was not enough for the opponent's blood.

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