Attack: 10w-11w

  Life: 1.2e/L2e

  Magic 6000w/6000


  Attack Speed: 25.0

  Movement Speed: 23

  Talents: Sulfuric acid skin (units attacking it move speed -20% rose speed -30%), King's stalwart (when this skill is stored

  When present, all damage -90%

  Skills: Slash, Sour Saliva, Sulfuric Acid Field, Vampiric Halo, Heartless Halo

  Evaluation: This is the real long-term, its power is far beyond your imagination, please be careful

  The rose speed of 25.0 and the movement speed of 23 put a lot of pressure on Zhou Yun.

  Fortunately, the halo is a passive buff. Although it can be turned on and off, it belongs to the passive system in the system's judgment.

  Almighty forever!

  Five halos

  Zhou Yun activated the five halos, reducing the opponent's attack speed and movement speed.


  Hold high the shield of the guardian goddess Panara to resist the full punch of the sulfuric goblin teeth.



  The damage gap between the two is very large, after all, the damage reduction of the stalwart is there.


  [You are affected by sulfuric acid skin, attack speed -30%, movement speed 20%]

  Zhou Yun's movement speed and attack speed are sharply reduced after one hit

  Relying on the attack speed aura and the degradation aura, even if the attack speed is reduced by 30%, Zhou Yun's attack speed is still slightly higher than that of the sulfuric goblin,

  But his movement speed couldn't keep up with the opponent.

  The difference in movement speed means his attacks will miss more, while enemy attacks may hit more

  Zhou Yun took a deep breath, held his breath and stared at it completely and seriously.

  The enemy this time is not crushed by other mobs in all aspects. This battle is bound to be a protracted one.


  sour saliva



  Relying on the poor movement speed and the ability to release sulfuric acid goblins, prepare to be caught off guard by Zhou Yun

  However, the immunity of the acid saliva made the goblin sulfate goblin's heart sink in half.

  The other party was immune to his magic like this at the beginning, and now... Er is still the same.

  "A walking tank, sometimes I envy you for having such a terrifying talent."

  "Originally, I have done the ideological work to face your terrifying talent, but now it seems that I still can't accept it"

  The Sulfuric Goblin King had a grim expression on his face.

  "Why! Why am I a dignified goblin, the supreme powerhouse who led my clan to smash the world, I don't have this kind of power?

  talent. "

  "It should belong to me, belong to me!"

  After speaking, the Sulfuric Goblin King took out a pitch-black ball from his pocket.

  "Come on, I will deprive you of your talent, it will eventually belong to me"


  The Sulfuric Goblin King crushed the pitch-black ball, and the sound of the system sounded.


  [Sulfuric goblin king launched the dark ancient arena]

  [This arena was created by ???, compared to the ancient arena, its function is to designate a talent to be deprived]


  【You are forcibly teleported into the dark ancient arena, please prepare for battle】

  The Dark Ancient Altar is similar to the Ancient Altar, a tall ring.

  But the difference is that the ring is black, full of weird patterns

  "Walking tank, quack hand it over. Call it out.


  【You are subject to the Corruption Field of Sulfuric Acid…】

  All the increase and decrease passive buffs are redone




  Zhou Yun tried his best to resist the attack of the sulfuric acid goblins, looking for an opportunity to counterattack.

  But the difference in movement speed made it difficult for him to keep up with Jieqin, the goblin king of sulfuric acid, so he could only be passively carried.






  [Your body takes this kind of damage slightly, your resistance to 23 physical damage +35%]


  【Your body...


  Sulfate Goblin King's burst damage is getting lower and lower, but Sulfate Goblin King doesn't care about it and still attacks Zhou Yun madly





  With the last burst, Zhou Yun was completely immune to the damage of the opponent's layer.

  The Sulfuric Goblin King was stunned, and then he let out a penetrating smile.

  "Walking tank, I'm really jealous of you, you only need to hit as many times as you want. You're already immune.

  My skills explode"

  "Hahaha! It is definitely me, except me, no one in this world is qualified to have it."

  "Quack quack! Don't think I'm helpless to you if you're immune to my damage. I still have it"

  The Sulfuric Goblin King's ugly and huge palm grabbed a large number of holy sword fragments.

  "Aren't you immune? Come on, you're immune to a holy damage, let me see!"

  The Sulfuric Goblin King uses a holy sword shard to explode again!



  More than 4 sacred damage, although not high, but in the field of sulfuric acid decay that has not been restored, it is also the same as LV[-].

  Heart halo, it is the goblin king of sulfuric acid, there is no possibility of losing!

  The opponent's invincible talent, from today, will belong to it, and belong to their prosperous goblin clan.

420. The gift of the god of war (three more)

  "Hahaha walking tanks, aren't you among the invincible reincarnators? Don't you like to challenge all kinds of high difficulties?

  "Come on, kill me!"

  "No matter how strong you are, you are not going to fall into the hands of my great Sulfuric Goblin King L"

  While the Sulfuric Goblin King taunts Zhou Yun, he has crazy output, combined with normal attacks, and crazy output.

  During this period, Zhou Yun's output was not high, relying on the hits to take a meager amount of blood.

  three minutes!

  Six minutes!

  Nine minutes!

  Twelve minutes

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