Ruth frowned.

  The walking tank, she seems to have heard this ID in real life, and she heard people talk about it when she was buying vegetables for Zhou. It seems to be something

  Poisonous tumor.

  "Damn walking tank, I will ask you to settle this account."



  [You successfully sold 50 bottles of six types of medicines, deducting the cost, and ignoring the cost of 1 million, I am too lazy

  Forget it


  what the hell?

  He just changed the price, and the fish was hooked?

  "Awesome, directly credited 1.5 million"

  Zhou Yun couldn't be more excited.

  This money can directly advance his Sky City to a king-level main city.

  You must know that the inventory of the city owner of the advanced king-level main city only needs 5000 billion, and the surface is now doubled.

  "Sure enough, there are too many alien gods, no, my price has to go up again, maybe there is another god with high spirits,

  Give me a visit, smudge..."

  Zhou Yun always acted decisively.

  Isn't it just a price hike?

  As soon as you raise your hand, the price of the king-level recovery potion that sells for 100 billion will increase by 1 million per bottle

  As the saying goes, either don't open, and open for three years means Zhou Yun's way of doing business.

  With the money, Zhou Yun doesn't have to worry about finances anymore, he went to Dicano and took Burtonke over to manage the Sky City.

  to the cause

  It's very simple, Dicano can't advance to the king-level main city, because there is still a Poros on his head. There is no Boros royal appointment.

  promoted by law.

  This is also the reason why he didn't receive a prompt from the advanced king city.

  But the city in the sky is different. It belongs to Gan Zhouyun himself. As long as he wants, he can start a country based on the city in the sky.

  But he is lazy to open a country, and he has that time, it is better to urge the players to work hard.

  After settling everything in the city of the sky, Zhou Yun went to the Twin Towers of Order, looking for the items that the third hero contract needed: Life

  beads and death beads.

  While Zhou Yun went to the Twin Towers of Order, Enerlu welcomed two people.

  "It is my honor to see you in such a community, Her Royal Highness Princess Luna."

  "Nice to meet you too, Your Highness Yeno."

  "I heard that Princess Luna is helping the solar system country most of the time for the development of the solar system."

  "The solar system is just like when our Shuyue Empire was just established.

  Very good very reliable. "

  "Really? Then how did I hear that a player with a walking tank with an ID harms the player and is known as a special

  Tumors in the Naregos region. "

  Luna nodded earnestly.

  "You are right, the ID of the walking tank is my son. In reality, I have heard a lot of them and no one has praised him.

  But recently, he seems to have been harmed by the white elves of Enerlu, and he has restrained a lot of the development of the sky village by the sea.

  According to the news, Sky Village seems to have advanced to the first-level main city. "

  Prince Yeno's eyes gleamed

  "It seems that the guy called the walking tank has a lot of materials and built a first-level main city by one person."

  "Yeah, I admire him very much for this."

  "However, no matter how powerful he is, if he doesn't follow the right path, it will be in vain after all."

  Prince Yeno asked: "By the way, I haven't asked yet, what is Princess Luna entering Tennerregs for this time? Develop believers

  Luna shook her head: "No, my strength has reached a bottleneck now, so I want to come to the Turner Leggs area to see if I can find it.

  Opportunity to break through bottlenecks. "

  Yeno shook his head.

  "My level is very low, and I haven't reached your level yet."

  "It's okay, as the new prince of the Arum Empire, His Royal Highness Ye Nuo has reached the level of a god.

  between problems

  "Borrowing Princess Luna's auspicious words"

  Although Ye Nuo said that he was humble, but he looked arrogant, obviously thinking that he was easily stepping on the false god level.

  "En'erlu is in front, let's part here. I'm going to buy a writing potion and level up nearby."

  "Princess Luna, are you going to the pharmacy too? Come along, I'm going to take a look nearby."

  Prince Yeno came to Tenalegus here to trouble Zhou Yun.

  In addition to his identity as the youngest prince of Amru, he is also a god player of the Super God Guild. He is so powerful that he has rivals at the same level.

  "Then let's go together."

  The two went to the pharmacy.

  "Hello, can you give me a thousand bottles of potions?"

  Luna is not bad because Ruth's sister buys so much.

  "Princess Luna, how can I let you waste this money."

  "Although I am a prince, and I am the same as you in terms of seniority, I am a real junior in my early twenties, this time.

  I'll treat. "

  Prince Yeno spoke first, then took out a card with the same bright color as Princess Silk, and drew it in front of the pharmacy.

  "1w bottle of each medicine"

  Yeeno is the new prince of the Arum Empire and is very favored, which makes him extremely rich.



  [You successfully purchased six kinds of potions including the king-level recovery potion, consuming 6ee]

  Not expensive, more than [-] gold...

  No, wait, it seems like a billion or something?

  Prince Ye Nuo looked at the system log, but it was fine if he didn't, but when he looked at it, his frightened eyes stared like a dead father.

  "I tmd...this...grass"

  After staring for a long time, Ye Nuozi's full of anger turned into anger.

428. The persistent Princess Luna (two more)

  Princess Luna frowned.

  She hates vulgar men the most, but a good education still makes her polite.

  "What's the matter? Ye Nuo Yuzi."

  Ye Nuo looked at Luna and said angrily: "Princess Luna, do you know that the price here is so I will pay, so when

  I'm a pig, it's easy to kill, isn't it?"

  Luna frowned even more.

  "Prince Yeno, I don't know what you're going to say."

  "You do not know?"

  Yeno shows Luna a screenshot of his system log

  "See for yourself, a bottle of king-level recovery potion costs one trillion yuan, is there such an expensive royal family recovery potion in the world?



  Luna was shocked when she saw the price of the recovery potion

  Isn't this thing generally 7 gold coins a bottle?

  Even if the price of "Li 100" in the Turnereggs area has not been connected to the outside world, it cannot exceed [-] gold coins.


  "Did you make a mistake? The price of king-level potions is generally not more than 10 gold coins. There must be a mistake."

  Luna said and asked NC

  "May I ask if you are selling my friend's medicine at the wrong price."

  The NPC said lightly: "That's right, I originally paid 100 billion. Now it's just a 100-fold increase in price.


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