"Confirm Promotion"

  [You consume the mechanical core and you are promoted to the guild]


  [You upgrade the guild level


  [You upgrade the guild level...]

  Zhou Yun has a lot of low-level promotion orbs on his body. He pulled the guild level up a little bit, and suddenly pulled it up to level 20.

  Garbage Dragon Domain (Leader Type)

  Guild Level: 20

  Guild size: 50w

  Platinum quality: platinum produced, must be a boutique.In the current quality, all guild effects cool down -4x

  Guild effect (leader type) slightly

  Guild Manufacturing: Omitted

  The conditions for promotion to level 21 are not met

  Brilliant Quality Guild Effect Skill 6 Brilliant Heart

  Such a guild should have been constantly exerting its fists and feet with eternity, earning a full 1 million yuan for the opponent to close the guild.

  Without finding a radiant heart, the affairs of the guild are just in front of you, and there will be no progress at all.

  Looking at the 1 million gold coins in the account, Eternal takes a deep breath

  Three generations of his family served the Lin family, and he was so loyal and loyal, and he had never seen so much money.

  1 million, what is the cfef concept?

  A few decades ago, the loan was only 4 million yuan. The difference between the two is huge.

  "Walking tank, do you trust me so much? Aren't you afraid that I will run away with coupons?"

  As the game progressed, he found that he could no longer see the face of the other party.

  The appearance here is not just the appearance of the game, but the mental appearance of the other party that he once thought he could see clearly.

  To use an old saying, that is, the other party has drifted farther and farther, and he can only look back.

  After tasting the sweetness of the ancient god-giver, Zhou Yun hunted around for a month and killed three ancients.

  ancient god giver

  Although the number is scarce, its rich experience has pushed Zhou Yun to level 54


  [The event "Long History" has been carried out for a month, and the event has ended successfully. All players can use the time dropped by the event target.

  Intermediate promotion orbs and sub-advanced promotion orbs can be exchanged for shop items]


  [The event "Old History" is closed, the store "Old Mirror" is open]

  Zhou Yun opens the event store, the mirror image of a long time ago


  Attack +50%

  Attack +1w

  Winter attack has a 20% chance to shoot the arrow of winter, causing movement speed -10%, rose speed -10% debuff effect

  Price: 1000 Intermediate Promotion Orbs

  Far Away Fury Hammer

  From top to bottom, the store sells mid-level promotion orbs.

  It's interesting that the old mirror shop can break down the mid-level promotion orb

  One Intermediate Promotion Orb can be exchanged for 10 Intermediate Promotion Orbs

  Zhou Yun wouldn't change it, he always felt that he was trying to recycle the mid-level promotion orb in the player's hands, and he was playing some tricks.

  The most terrifying thing in the game is not the players pitting players, but the official pit players, which is the most deadly.

  The store pulled down, and there was an item that attracted Zhou Yun's moonlight.

  Far Fever

  Attack +10%

  Health +10%

  Health recovery +1%/s2

  Mana Recovery +1%/s

  Attack Speed ​​+1

  Movement speed +1

  Frenzy: activate this effect, add the above attribute effect to the units within 1w range for a small hour, cool down for 23 hours∠

  The above attribute effects are temporarily disabled during the cooldown.

  Price: 1 Advanced Promotion Orb

  After reading the attribute introduction, Zhou Yun decided to exchange it without thinking.

  Such a war artifact, don't keep others?


  [You consume 1 high-level promotion orb to exchange for the horn of long-term fanaticism]

447. The Lord of Heaven and Earth!Endless kingdom! (three more)

  At the same time that Zhou Yun exchanged for the horn of long-term fanaticism, players in the entire solar system were frantically exchanging powerful weapons.

  "Zizhuo! This wave of blood is earning, the system is powerful!"

  "With this bow, my output has increased by at least 25%."

  "You have this warhammer~, why don't you dare to fight?"

  "I don't know what the walking tanks have changed. It's probably similar to us."

  Well, the wild monsters everyone encounters are the same, so it is impossible to have too many -advantages

  Players agree with this one-year anniversary event of the dry system.

  Because they thought that this restrained Zhou Yun's development and increased their real life.

  This is the idea of ​​most players around the world, but there are also some players who choose not to exchange.

  They noticed something different.

  The original warm and friendly alien friends, no one expressed an opinion on this matter.

  You know, before the change, it is estimated that he has already talked about it, showing how exploitative he is.

  But this time, they chose silence.

  Smart people have noticed something, or in other words, after experiencing a lot of harassment for weeks, their minds have become vigilant, and they are not

  Such a good deception.

  Most of the players in this part are Candace players and Sky City players.

  Bi Yi and Zhou Yun lived together and had to be careful and careful.

  Ruth scowling out of the order towers

  "Hey, I just brushed up so many materials, how can I develop believers?"

  "Damn walking tank, one day, I want you to look good."

  "Huh? This is...

  She saw that the players in the solar system around her were happy or happy, and she was very happy.

  "This handsome guy, why is it so high?"

  The player looked at Ruth, his eyes lit up, a beautiful woman.

  "Beauty, are you an alien friend? This time the system celebrates the first anniversary of the Turner Lines area, and the event has been opened, and the event rewards are good.

  to burst

  "Brother is very powerful now, do you want to be with the beauties?"

  Ruth shook her head and refused.

  If she remembered correctly, every new server would have a systematic test after its first anniversary.

  This test is linked to the World Y3 Competition. If nothing else, this group of players in exchange for rewards will be

  In the world Y3 competition, you will be beaten into a son

  That place, but very badass

  "Unconsciously, the solar system has entered the first anniversary of our Galactic Federation."

  "I hope this time, you won't be robbed of too many resources."

  Why should civilizations in outer space be friendly to the solar system?

  Maybe a small part wants to help the weak, but the vast majority is just for the imminent occupation and plunder from reality.

  Just to make up for each other.

  But compared to the physical strengthening and lifespan delay brought by "You Zhi Gaojie", the help of the real society pales in comparison.

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