"Right now, we can only count on this endless weakness...


  What the hell, his endless fragile light?

  Why didn't it fall?

  He hurriedly checked the backpack, and just when he suspected that he was trapped by old Bond, he suddenly found that Nalens Light was scattered.

  Faint golden light.

  narlen silk

  Quality Epic

  Attack +15%

  Health +10%

  Magic +10%

  Attack Speed ​​+10%

  Movement speed +10%

  Devour Joe and eat all materials to the upper limit to evolve

  Evolution 01e

  Light: The immortal, immortal, inexhaustible and high-light performance of the prefectural equipment. When attacking, there is a 1% chance to cause a random effect (up to

  Other attributes cannot be superimposed before the effects of high bleeding, high poison, high deceleration, and high attack reduction) end.

  The Supreme Judgment prepares for the immortal and indestructible infinite radiance of the supreme light. When holding this weapon, a judgment judgment is obtained.make

  As a debuff buff effect, if the trial is passed, the debuff buff effect is increased by 1100 times

  Far Dragon's Breath: The immortal, immortal, inexhaustible and infinitely high-quality meaning of the county equipment, combined with the blood of the dragon family, blooms powerful

  Ability, when attacking, there is a 3% chance to call the phantom of the ancient dragon god, causing random damage from 1-1000m

  Fragile Confession comes from the repentance of blowing out the immortal and inextinguishable infinity to the high light. When this skill is activated, obtain the fragile repentance.

  Repentance effect, when there are any buffs on your body, each buff will give you the effect of +1 movement speed +1 attack speed

  PS: Thank you readers for your great reward, I am moved to cry, or someone supports me [-] million

453. Strengthen!Almighty My Will! (three more)

  Zhou Yun never imagined that Nalen Siguang actually devoured the endless fragile light, not only the quality was promoted to the epic, but also the

  Acquired terrifying skills.

  Fragile Penance, this skill is much stronger than the endless fragile light effect.

  Most importantly, this skill does not limit the types of buffs

  In other words, as long as it is uff, it can provide him with a blessing effect

  This is extremely terrifying. If someone in the World Y3 competition gives him various buffs, he is sure that the speed will exceed [-].

  Move over a thousand


  [The countdown is over, the game is about to be updated for 10s]



  [The game has been updated and the World Y3 Competition has officially opened]

  【The specific rules are as follows】

  "Power Fifty" [A player group is based on their respective regions, and the player's city lord or a leader elected

  Lead the player and enter the ancient era to participate in the war]

  [Secondly, players from other areas are allowed to participate in the World Y3 Competition (note that if you connect to the foreign server in advance, you must pay the corresponding price for this)

  [Three: The maximum level of all players cannot exceed level 60 and turn [-]. All players higher than this level enter the Era of Longevity and belong to

  Sexual skills are suppressed at level 60 relative template]

  [Four: Allowing talent plunder between players]

  When the news came out, the whole world shook

  Allow alien civilization players to enter

  Allow talent looting?

  This... This is to put their solar system players on the chopping block and let them be slaughtered.

  "True or false? Talent plundering doesn't mean..."

  A player took a few steps back and looked at the alien player who had a good relationship with him.

  "You... did you already know?"

  Alien player stands up with a big smile

  "I'm sorry, every new district has a test like this when connecting to the big service."

  "Whether you can keep your talent depends on your own strength."

  The player took a few steps back.

  "You...haven't you ever considered me your friend?"

  alien gamer grinning


  "Are you kidding me? I am a noble high-tech civilized human being, not the natives of your solar system."

  "Don't be frightened, little guy, believe me, in the long-term era, I will deprive you of your talent"

  "I've been looking forward to this talent of yours for a long time."

  After the words fell, the alien player disappeared and took the lead in the distant era.

  Similar things are happening around the world

  At this moment, they found out that the harmonious and gentle alien friends who helped them were not what they imagined.

  They are arrogant and contemptuous and have never recognized the solar system.

  The reason why they came here is to wait for the plunder of talents, to plunder rare and precious talents from the players of the solar system

  Tian Wenrang rubbed his brows and looked haggard.

  "The country did not guess wrong, no merit is not rewarded, alien civilization is roasting us on the moral shelf"

  "What now?"

  "There is no other way but to organize players and fight hard for the heritage that belongs to our solar system.

  Sample sent out. "

  Anyone with a little vision knows what it means when talent is plundered.

  This means that a galaxy's player base is exploited from a high value to a low value.

  For example, for example, you have an IQ of 990, a world-class all-round scientist, but you are hit by dimensionality reduction by an alien civilization, and your Q is reduced by 9

  10, there are only 80 left, so even if you still have n now, what about in the future?

  Science and technology will always progress, and the so-called world-class all-round scientists will also be annihilated by the trend of age.

  Such sudden events have thrown the world into chaos.

  **As the largest country in the solar system, the country has a firm will, and under the correct guidance of the great leader, it will quickly determine the status of each district.


  "The candidates for No. [-], Candace and Sky City, are you planning to choose a walking tank?"

  **The old man looks up at the starry sky, the moonlight is long

  "Do you still need to choose? Those two sites are his, and we don't need to worry about them"

  "If you decide so, then I will write his name on the commander of these two regions"

  Zhou Yun is the first player to be confirmed by the state with his game ID. No way, no one knows his real identity so far.

  **The old man also deliberately does not let people go after clues

  Not knowing Zhou Yun's real identity is the best protection for him.


  [Open the second talent endowment system, you have obtained...]


  [In view of the fact that the player has three initial talents: adaptive resistance, the gift of the god of war, and the omnipotent will cannot obtain the system

  Entitles you to get three-choice compensation]

  [One random second talent, replace it by yourself, can only be random once]

  [Second, use this grant to get attack speed +1, movement speed +1 permanent bonus

  [Three random gives a strengthening effect to an initial talent, and the strengthening effect is random]

  The first is directly excluded.

  The second attack speed and movement speed are important, but in front of the initial talent, everything is not a problem.

  If this strengthening effect can be randomly applied to the adaptive pull, Zhou Yun will be even more powerful.

  "I choose third."


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