"Unfortunately, the tank I'm walking on opens peace for the Milky Way, so I won't be fooled by your beauty."

  I'm confusing you big bastard!

  Ruth nearly fainted.

  Today, she has learned what it means to be invincible. :

  Now she wants to kill each other without thinking about anything

  "Kill me and kill him!" she yelled hysterically.

  The alien players smiled wryly.

  This Princess Ruth, I really don't have to say, this time she really did a stupid thing.

  "Princess Ruth, you don't need to tell me, we won't let him take it away."


  Alien players swarmed to attack Zhou Yun

  Cut quickly!

  Furious Slash!

  Critical Hit Triple Shot L

  armor deduction

  Attack Roar!


  The skills of alien players are much higher than those of solar system players, even if the same skills are in their hands

  The effects displayed are different.

  This is the same material and skills as everyone's writing, and different people have different pushes.

  This level, without a certain talent, requires a lot of time to run in.

  And their game time far exceeds the solar system, so the strength level is naturally higher.

  But unfortunately, the player they are facing is Zhou Yun, and there is a bug.






  Zhou Yun stood there motionless, allowing them to attack without losing a drop of blood.

  "Is it this level? Is there no one whose damage is higher than 23w? Are they all so rubbish?"

  Zhou Yun did not shy away from stating his physical upper limit.

  Alien players look gloomy

  The output limit of 23 is not a simple skill that can be released

  "Princess Ruth, please release the buff to cut him. In that case, we can surely kill him.

  Ruth smiled wryly

  "He has an effect, the more negative buffs, the faster the movement speed of Mei Speed, I have played with him, the buff is full, the movement speed

  40+, are you sure you want me to go?"

  alien players

  What, this is a hammer.

  Why are all good skills and talents in the hands of this Dogecoin.

  "The second god player has not yet entered the World Y3 competition, we are afraid that we will not be able to win him."

  "Then what should we do? Let him go back with the magic weapon?"

  "Don't let him take it away, can you hold him?"

  Alien players smile wryly

  Wanting to hold Zhou Yun down and waiting for this god-level player to arrive is obviously an impossible task, and even the blood can't beat the damage.

  uff can't get on again, drag a hammer

  Bitter alien players look at Princess Silk

  "Princess Ruth, you brought him in, you can handle it yourself."

  "If you can't handle it, we just have to submit an application to the Imperial House of Representatives, saying that you are an enemy."

  Ruth almost bleeds.


  She is a fart enemy, didn't you see that she was also a victim?

  But it is an indisputable fact that she personally leads the other party to let the other party enter the Arn magic weapon base and take away the Arn magic weapon.

  "Walking tank, you bully me like a girl, won't your heart hurt?"

  "Look at how beautiful and beautiful they are, why don't you return the magic weapon to them?"

  The unwilling Ruth started the little girl's offensive.

  Zhou Yun spat fiercely, pointed at Ruth, and said righteously: "Princess Ruth, my duty of righteousness is yours.

  The princess of the Moon Empire, representing the royal family of the Ice Moon Empire, please keep your royal family's dignity.

  Have mercy. "

462. Come out and mix, sooner or later you will have to pay back! (three more)

  Ruth:  …

  Alien players...

  Is this guy still human?

  She is the inheritor of the beautiful goddess, and is praised by the Ice Moon Empire as the most beautiful woman in the empire.

  Not only are you being scolded for being mentally retarded, but also being cast aside?

  "Walking tank, you definitely don't have a girlfriend, you fucking bastard"

  If it wasn't for a good education, she would have lost her mind

  Zhou Yun was surprised.

  "Are you so powerful? It's so amazing that I don't have a girlfriend to admire!"

  "Would you like to be my girlfriend? Let's - make do with it?"

  "Look, you have a low IQ, and I have a high IQ. You have a sweet voice, and I am handsome and shocking. You and I are a perfect match."

  "How about it, think about it?"

  Ruth's face turned blue and white

  Are you chasing girls?

  That man chasing a woman will degrade a woman for nothing?

  You are retarded!

  Your whole family is mentally handicapped

  "Walking tank, be your spring and autumn dream! Even if I die, I will not be your girlfriend"

  Zhou Yun sighed.

  "Hey, I think you look pretty, forget it or not."

  Ruth is pissed

  Does this mean that I'm not good enough for you?

  This damn bastard thing.

  "A walking tank, I am the number one beauty in the Bingyue Empire, Ruth, with a stunning face, and the people who chase me can be ranked from the Imperial Capital Star to the Star Empire.

  Imperial Capital, it's not that I'm not worthy of you, it's that you're not worthy of me!"

  Any kind of breath can be endured, but this breath can't be endured

  This dog is just too deceiving.

  Before she knew it, she also used the words "dog ratio".

  Don't say it, it's so cool to shout these two words

  Zhou Yun looked at her with a mentally handicapped expression.

  "The princess of your Ice Moon Empire is crazy, why don't you take her to see a doctor?"

  alien player

  Even if you are sick, you are alive

  "Ah, walking tank, you are too deceiving!"

  "Get out! Get out of here immediately!"

  Can't beat it, can't kill it, and now Ruth just asks the other party to find some way to leave.

  Otherwise, she is afraid that she will not die of illness, but will be angered to death.

  She felt that the arrogance and nobility that she had cultivated after becoming famous had been beaten to pieces and was worthless.


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