"Did I hear a joke? This new generation of tm must be rubbish to be hoisted by a rookie from a new district


  "It's just a god-level talent that made you like this? You guys are disgracing our Galactic Federation, do you know that?


  "Earth, if I remember correctly, secret help doesn't count. This is just the first anniversary of joining the Galactic Federation, right? Just one year,

  You were slaughtered?"

  "Shame! This is the shame of Chi Guoguo. The new generation of this generation is too spicy and must be encouraged!"

  "What makes today's new generation such a lazy waste? Not to mention that ordinary people even the princess Ruth was walked.

  The tank has turned into a fool, can I think that there is something wrong with the education of the royal family of the Ice Moon Empire?"

  "I have a problem with the education of the Bingyue royal family? Come, come, I am waiting for you on the 300-level battlefield, do you dare to go heads-up?"

  "I'm too embarrassed to say that others in the Royal Family of the Moon, Princess Stina of the Qun Empire, were not bullied by the other party and were like an outdated child.

  In this way, all the people of the Star Empire now know that Tina was tempered by the slums below. "

  "Yes! Education is not enough, we must face the problem squarely."

  "This is not the time to talk about this, but who is going to stop the walking tanks? They are only new districts and they are taking our galaxy

  The federal general service is pressing, if this spreads out, how can we mix it up?"

  "I've already contacted the top management of the guilds, and there should be a result soon."

  The news spread little by little, and soon it reached the ears of the top leaders of the major guilds.

  "Can anyone tell me why this is?"

  Super God Ha Tiandi stared at his subordinates with eyes like Erha, and said solemnly, "Didn't I already send a god-level player to go there?

  , made the walking tank apologise publicly?"

  His subordinate said bitterly: "You have been cultivating during this period of time, and you don't know that the walking tank defeated the god Yeno and fooled you.

  he 6ee"

  Super God · Ha Tiandi's dog face is slightly twitching

  what did he hear?

  His sub-god player was fooled by 6ee?

  "Are you sure you're not joking with me? That kid Yeno was fooled 6ee?"

  "Yes, it seems that I didn't look at the price of the goods, and I was fooled by pretending to be a big money."

  Super God Ha Tian Di exploded with rage

  He Ha Tiandi has been famous for "You Zhi Gaojie" for many years, how can he not be angry when his subordinates have such a scandal.

  This is about his face.

  No wonder when he came back, he found that many friends laughed when they saw him, but didn't say anything about it.

  Emotional situation is here!

  "Let that little brat of Yeeno come to see me!"

  "That...he was sent down by his father to experience poor life"

  Hearing this, the super god Ha Tiandi snorted unwillingly, and let the little brat of Ye Nuo go.

  "Give me orders for Cass and Haston to go to World Y3 and beat the walking tanks"


  Not only the super god guild, some guilds that were beaten in the face have sent sub god-level players into Tenaleggs.

  These sub-god-level players are not only amazing in strength, but also extremely terrifying in talent.

  "It was actually ordered by Hardy himself, it seems that this is not light."

  "Who let that fool of Ye Nuo lose his mind, was fooled 6ee, and even sent Zhang Shenxia's auction certificate."

  "These people from the royal family are occupying the puddles and not shitting. If I were in the royal family of Arum, I'm afraid I would have surpassed 6 by now.

  level 00

  "Come on, it's time to enter the Turnereggs area."


  [Your level is higher than the average level of the current Tennereggs players, you cannot enter this area]

  "I choose the main consciousness clone to come."


  [Check whether the player is eligible for cohesive avatars]


  [Detect that the player has an on-hook system and a clone system, and obtain the permission of the main consciousness clone to enter the Turnagles area]

  [Please inject the clone attribute template] 4.5

  Cass and Haston condense their clones and submit them to the system for review.

  【examination passed】

  [There is no penalty for death without participating in the World Y3 Competition.If you participate in the World Y3 Competition, Di Guang will become the deity

  10% permanent damage to all attributes, are you sure to go]

  Cass frowned: "It's a bit strict this time, death has been permanently degraded."

  Haston smiled and said: "The system also doesn't want players of our level to interfere in low-level events, and the punishment should be heavier. You

  Don't think, we're going to lose to walking tanks, right?"

  Cass was stunned, slapped Haston on the shoulder, and laughed: "You kid, you like to talk nonsense, I just stand there for the other party.

  I'm afraid it won't kill me."

  PS: I wish readers a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

464. Attack speed 300, movement speed 300! (two more)

  Is this thing a little too big?

  Leaving Arn's Magic Armament Base, Zhou Yun took out the Ah-en Magic Armament in the woods. After carefully weighing it, Zhou discovered that it was a lot of stuff.

  1200 meters high

  This height is very terrifying. You must know that even the most famous Oriental Pearl is only about 450 meters.

  In this way, this thing is nearly as high as three Oriental Pearls.

  "Having this kind of thing in your hand is a slaughter!"

  One hand grabbed the bottom of Arn's Divine Armament, Moment, and Arn's Divine Armament.

  Enough to be held by Zhou Yun.


  Zhou Yun danced, the god of grace, the surrounding trees were destroyed in an instant


  This is Zhou Yun's first impression of Arn's magic weapon

  He slung the divine soldier of Ah En on his shoulder and walked towards the Valley of the Wind.

  He also has a mission to kill solar system players.

  At first, he was still thinking about how to kill his own people. Now, he has a good way of enchanting soldiers.

  That is to bombard the alien player group ten times, and kill more than 1 solar system players.


  "Hey woman, if I remember right, you should be the best player, right? Don't be afraid, I won't be very hard, just

  25 will gently deprive you of rare talents. "

  "Huai! You bastards, it's a shame that I believed in you and thought you were all good."

  "Nice guy?"

  The alien player who faced off against the ** woman laughed out loud.

  "You're funny, I'm a good person? If I didn't wait for the World Y3 competition to start, how would I come to such a poor person with few opportunities?

  The place?"

  "Woman, obediently die under my sword, and let me deprive you of your talent, it's better not to suffer yourself."

  The woman spurned: "Don't even think about it!"





  The two fought together, but the ** woman was obviously weaker than the other and was held down.




  The damage gap is huge

  "Hehe, for such a hurt, you want to be because of us? It's a big joke L"

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