"And me, Tank boss, please accept me."

  Compared with the hundreds of thousands of alien players killed by Zhou Yun, the [-] solar system players were directly filtered.

  They are not stupid. They can see at a glance that long weapons are area damage. It is normal for solar system players within the attack range to be unable to escape.

  The situation, don't blame the walking tanks.

  Zhou Yun waved at them, then turned and left, rushing to the saint zone.

  He didn't want to stay here and be worshipped by a bunch of people.

  Being a hero is exhausting.

  Leaving the Valley of the Wind, Zhou Yun returned to the Glazed Glass Treasure Light

  At this moment, the glaze treasured light has changed.

  The glazed jewel light is still hanging high in the sky, but below it, there is a lake, and there is a lakeside pavilion road in the center of the lake.

  It stretches from the Huxin Pavilion to the front of Zhou Yun's foot.

  "Come in and sit~"

  Liuli said calmly to the sky.

  Zhou Yun is also not complimenting, and strode in.

  "I have completed the task," Zhou Yun said.

  Liulijing smiled, pointed to the stone bench opposite, and called out, "Sit."

  After Zhou Yun sat down, Liu Lijing offered Zhou Yun a cup of tea in person.

  Zhou Yun frowned slightly, what is this NPC doing?


  "A walking tank, can you answer a question for me?"

  "you ask"

  "Do you think "You Zhi Gao Jie" is just a game?

  Zhou Yun's pupils shrank.

  This is the first time he has been asked this question since he entered the game.

  If it's just like this, the point is, the person who asked him this question is not a player, but a game NP


  This is so terrifying.

  "I think "Yu Zhi Gao Jie" is not just a game, it may be an alternative world just like our hometown

  It's like an online game novel, it's just digitized"

  The corners of Liulijing's mouth rose slightly, as if sighing

  "Dataization! It's really understandable."

  "So what do you think you should think about the current state of Turner Leggs in the digital age?"

  Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I'm just a small person, and I never think about such a large-scale thing as Turner Leggs, and it is very difficult for me.

  In other words, have a clear conscience. "

  Liu Lijing paused for a while and laughed loudly.

  "Hahaha with a clear conscience, what a clear conscience! Everyone in the world wants to have a clear conscience, but one who can really have a clear conscience

  How many people are there? Your walking tank, perhaps because of this, can't be seen through. "

  "The task I gave you is also to see whether you are killing or not killing your own compatriots."

  "What you did, gave me the answer."

  Liulijing slowly got up and walked to the lakeside pavilion, and bowed gently towards the sky full of Liuli Baoguang.

  "All Saints, please show up"


  The glazed precious light in the sky began to shake recklessly, gradually condensing together to form three objects of different shapes.

  The three objects fell from the sky, entered the Huxin Pavilion, floated in front of Zhou Yun, and Liuli was on both sides of the sky.

  "Hello, players from my hometown Earth."

  Zhou Yun's moonlight condensed, the amount of information in the other party's words was a little terrifying.

  "You are from Earth?"

  The spherical object on the far left swayed, "It can be said this way, or it can be said otherwise.

  The self-improvement of the system in your mouth begins.I'll just call it the system from now on. "

  "The system has the function of self-improvement and learning, and a planet called Earth in your world has the

  A very powerful and terrifying power system, you should know that system, the ancient times. "

  ""We are a new force named Saint, deduced by the system according to the ancient prehistoric system of the earth, to balance the ancient

  Old god. "


  Speaking of which, the spherical object was silent, and the stick-shaped object on the side answered.

  "But we are too weak to resist the ancient gods. Yes, we understand our system of saints, not yet

  Perfect enough. "

  "We have been unable to return, and there is only one last hope left."

  "And this last bit of hope, we pinned on Liulijing heaven."

  At this point, the words stopped abruptly.

  Liulijing went up to the sky and said: "I carry the tranquility avenue, which is a law that the ancient gods could not grasp. It is because of this.

  I can transcend the world and live forever in the world.The three of them are long dead, all you hear is that they are left to the last

  words of hope.The reason why I chose to be here is because there is a boundless rank, she... (Nuo's)"

  Speaking of this, Liulijing shook her head: don't say anything next, or you will die


  This rhetoric, how can it be the same as the order life encountered in the tower of life god, it can't be said, otherwise he will die.

  Life class, so nb life.

  But Zhou Yun did not interrupt and continued to listen.

  At this time, the last meniscus object opens

  "A player on Earth, you have to tie the bell to untie the bell. You are a player on Earth, and you are more familiar with that system. We put the last

  hope that you can perfect it so that it will not be strangled by the ancient gods"

  "We have failed and hope that in you, we saints can have... a future."


  [You listen to the words of the three saints, the human emperor, the demon emperor, and the witch emperor in the saint zone. The saint system is completely broken, and you get rewards

  Gift: Light of the Saint]

466. If you are a god, I will slaughter you! (two more)

  The light of the saints invited is a group of rays of light formed by the fusion of the three saints.

  Saint's Light

  Quality cannot be judged

  Efficacy 10 Luck +10, Perception +[-]

  Efficacy 100 experience +[-]%

  Comments: This is a new system power added by the system self-learning, but it seems that something is wrong.


  【Have you merged with the Light of the Saints?】

  [Warning: Once the fusion of the light of the saints, the favorability of the forces belonging to the ancient gods -1001

  Zhou Yun's enmity with the ancient gods was not reduced by [-], it was the same.



  The light of the saint melted into Zhou Yun's body.


  [Successful fusion, luck +10, perception +10

  [Successful fusion, experience +100%

  The Light of the Saint is not a buff, but is directly counted in the total attribute column, which makes Zhou a little disappointed

  If this is a permanent buff, it would be great, the rose speed is permanently +1. —


  [You are disgusted by the forces of ancient gods -100 favorability]


  [You are favored by evil forces, favorability +50]


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