It's better not to use that thing, but in reality, he's probably going to be killed

  "Well, you must kill him, otherwise my previous efforts will be in vain."

  Haston said lightly: "Don't worry, I have seen his details."

  Haston walked in front of Zhou Yun calmly and looked at him indifferently.

  "You shoot first or do I shoot first?"

  Zhou squinted and looked at Haston.

  He instinctively felt that this person was more terrifying than Cass.

  In my heart, I have a deeper understanding of the god-level players of the Galactic Federation.

  Even if they are both sub-god-level players, their strengths are uneven.

  "If you have a friend from afar, you should go first."

  Haston nodded.

  The moment Haston's words fell, the whole person rushed out like lightning.

  Zhou Yun refused to retreat, the seven auras were activated, and while detracting from the opponent's attributes, he quickly counterattacked.

  The fighting consciousness of the two people is very terrifying. You come and go, and no one can hit anyone for a while.

  Lin Yongheng stood below, looking at the two people fighting fiercely, fists clenched tightly.

  He believed that he could not last for a fighting consciousness like Haston.

  This is to put both on the same level of attributes

  With Haston's current attributes and if he fights with him, within seconds, he will be the once noble and indescribable eternal prince.

  The president will be defeated.

  He looked at Zhou Yun who was fighting with Haston unwillingly, and said in a voice only he could hear, "Walking tank, want to

  If I beat you, do I really have to go that way? I don't want to, I don't want to, everything is forced by you, and you let me

  I chose that way!"

  At this moment, Lin Yongheng has already made up his mind to take the road of no return, even if he pays everything for it.


  As long as he can defeat the walking tank and pull him off the altar, what can he not give up?

  A little bit of time passed, and the battle situation finally changed.

  With the loss of Zhou Yuntu's great halo, Haston, whose attack speed and movement speed had dropped sharply, suddenly burst out with terrifying power.

  His talent worked.

  The price of indifference: When this talent exists, speed +10, movement speed 10

  Moving buff: ancient deep indifference

  Ancient and profound indifference: When this skill exists, and there is a price of talent indifference, the player who activates this skill will gain 10


  double crit

  "It's time for the walking tank farce to end"

  Life madness!

  Crazy blood rage!

  Endless unwillingness!

  Blood from the abyss

  Haston's entire body turned red, giving people a terrifying feeling.

  His rank is a blood-stained pitcher who gains high attack at the cost of losing his own life.

  His class talents are Life Berserk and Mad Blood Rage.

  Life Berserk: For every 1% loss of life, gain 1% attack bonus.

  Crazy Blood Rage: Gain 1% Haste for every 1% of life lost

  Endless unwillingness and blood injection from the abyss, the former is immune to all deceleration effects for a certain period of time, the latter is to obtain continuous [-]

  The blood recovery effect is proportional, and it is immune to all damages that are higher than the upper limit of its own maximum health.

  It can be said that Haston at this moment is completely opposite to the indifferent calm that went before, like a furious beast, moving towards Zhou.

  Unleash a hysterical slam.

  Abyss Triple Spear

  Blood Poison Spear

  Bursting stab!

  Haston charged frantically, ignoring all damage

  Zhou Yun also discovered Haston's class characteristics, the more he attacked the opponent's attack and attack speed, the faster he attacked.

  lost ground.

  But unfortunately, Haston made all the calculations and missed one thing.

  He, the walking tank, is not only a melee knight, but also a distant knight.

  The name of Almighty is not for nothing

  Orderer (Bland)

  Storm and thunder!

  Bright starlight!

  Turn on the kite skill and Zhou Yun started the journey.

472. I will not confront you! (two more)

  Haston discovered Ni Tuan

  His attack was seen through, and there was no chance of a hit at all.

  Not only that, he found that the other party actually had the ae skill.

  And depending on the situation, it is still the AE skill of the mage department.

  This surprised them

  These days, skills without class restrictions can be said to be very rare.

  The walking tank really can't be treated with common sense

  Haston released his pet, an auxiliary frost girl~girl, to slow the surrounding area


  [You receive the slow aura effect, your attack speed -20%, movement speed -20%]


  [When the goodness of your skill is activated, the debuff buff effect you receive will be -5-0%]

  This coming and going Haston's sluggish aura effect is weak to almost nothing.

  This phenomenon, after several attacks, Haston quickly discovered.

  "Damn! Is his buff that much?"

  Even if he was as calm as Haston, he was a little irritable at the moment.

  He knows that on the other side, there is also a gift called the God of War, which was deprived through the ancient ring.

  That is to say, as if he could not defeat the opponent 25 minutes ago, if the God of War God of One Day's gift effect is activated, he will lose nothing.

  And once he loses, the loss of his reputation is small, and the impact on the momentum of the players in the entire Galactic Federation is large.

  So he can't lose

  "Walking tank, don't hide if you have the ability, fight me face to face," Haston roared.

  Zhou Yun bared his teeth and smiled.

  "Why don't I have any skills? Your attack speed is getting faster and faster, and I am stupid with you? Are you stupid or I am stupid? At times like this

  Wait, obviously you should be flying your kite. "

  Zhou Yun is not stupid, the opponent looks like a high attack and high explosive profession similar to mad war.

  Isn't it looking for death?

  He might die with two critical hits.

  Although he has the ten all-powerful absolute immunity from death, does the ghost know whether the other party has the damage judgment of immunity from death?

  Bi Galaxy server players, the types of skills are mysterious and unpredictable.

  Under such circumstances, if the kite can win steadily, why take the risk?

  If it were normal, Zhou Yun would die when he died, but is it normal now, obviously not.

  If he dies at this time, even if the solar system is not finished, it will basically be half left.

  Therefore, he cannot fail.

  In a sense, both of them have reasons to win, and it depends on who is superior.

  As time passed, Haston wanted to get close, but he couldn't.

  He figured out that the other party used a skill similar to improving his dodge ability, but he couldn't figure out how it took ten minutes.

  Going to this skill tm does not need to cool down?

  If he knows that Zhou Yun's orderer is dull), it relies on continuous mana consumption to cast spells, and the national strategy double has up to 90% mana consumption reduction

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