Her subjects, pale with fright, knelt on the ground and kept begging for mercy.

  "Your Majesty, I was wrong, I beg you, give me this opportunity, I will work hard to learn and improve my dialectical thinking ability."

  But no one paid any attention to his wailing, and he was quickly dragged down by the guards.

  After watching the video, the graceful woman tapped the stone table lightly and fell into contemplation.

  The walking tank, the D she first heard, from her daughter, the merciful girl

  That time, she was very angry with the other party.

  How dare you deceive her daughter of the Empress of the Star Empire?

  But as she paid attention to this little guy, she found that she actually had a feeling that she couldn't see through the other party.

  After investigation, the other party is a complete ruffian, insatiable greed, and harassing compatriots.

  But under such circumstances, he was able to maintain a delicate balance, that is, being disgusted and being loved.

  "A walking tank, what kind of person are you? What about you in reality?"

  Although the Galactic Federation has added player aids to each helmet, that permission has been taken away by "The High World Tour, he

  Our Galactic Federation no longer has the possibility to obtain player information from auxiliary devices.

  That is to say, if the other party does not expose themselves, they will not only kill all the creatures in the solar system or threaten the earth under the army.

  , otherwise it is impossible to find out the actual identity of the walking tank.

  But if they do, the system of "The High World" detects that the empire that participated in the bombardment of the solar system, a

  None of them could run 967, and all were permanently deprived of the right to enter "You Zhi Gaojie"

  Is this a small thing?

  If it was a long time ago, when she was a princess, she would have thought that this was a trivial matter, not just a game, no

  Can't get in.

  But now, she knows a lot of the inside story, and she can no longer say it like that.

  The Milky Way is also under enormous pressure.

  The graceful woman gathered her thoughts, finally glanced at Zhou Yun in the video, and closed the video

  "Send my words to the Galactic Council, and say that the walking tank will pay for it, it is too greedy, it is not to be feared, it is not at all

  To be able to shake the Council's overall policy towards the solar system, the Empire of Stars will not waste time and energy on such a person."

  "Yes, as your Majesty"

  The reason why the graceful woman made such a decision is that years of ruling experience have told her that the walking tank, this person, may be able to

  as a trooper.

  If the other party can defeat the Galactic Federation server area in the World Y3 Competition, it will prove that the other party has the ability and resources

  Grid became that trooper

  PS: Do you have any misunderstandings about me? I update every day, and the chapters will be updated before 11:[-].

  Accidentally, I will tell in advance.

480. Missing a physical aoe! (one more)

  Galactic Supreme Council

  Did the Queen of Stars not come again this time?"

  "She is the most powerful country in the Galactic Federation. If you can stand in that position, no one dares to say nothing."

  "What do the emperors think of the message of the Queen of the Stars?"

  The emperors of the Galactic Federation have expressed their views one after another.

  "I agree with the statement of the Queen of Stars that the walking tank is insatiable. Although he has a strong moral bottom line, he

  With him alone, I don't think it's enough to shake up our strategy for the solar system. "

  "I think so too. If one person can really stop the Galactic Federation's decision, it's spread out, we're afraid not

  Be a laughing stock. "

  At this time, the Great Emperor of the Arum Empire said: "Sometimes small people can also become levers to stir up the situation.

  Take the tank and deprive him of his status as the strongest in the solar system. "

  The Great Emperor of the Ice Moon Empire slanted the other side.

  "Arum Yeka, don't you think it's because your son has been tricked by ee's little money and has no place to vent his anger.

  Say so?"

  Yeka sneered: "My son Ludunk was tricked by 6ee, how could your daughter go?

  People who are kidnapped still give money for the number of people, no matter how beautiful it is, it is not a vase. "

  Ludunk was not angry at all, but laughed.

  "You're just jealous that I have such a beautiful daughter."


  He snapped his fingers and played back what Zhou Yun said to Ruth at the Ah En base.

  "Otherwise we'll get together and be a boyfriend and girlfriend

  Pointing to the video, Ludunk said: "Listen, the central figure who stirred up the situation in the Turner Leggs area, bow down to me

  Under my daughter's pomegranate skirt, she longs to be my daughter's boyfriend.Isn't it just a little money and an extra space bag, just be me

  The first dowry for my son-in-law, isn't it?"

  Yeka laughed.

  "Lu Dunk, stop deceiving yourself here, the walking tank makes it clear that it's just bullying your daughter who is mentally handicapped.

  Sleep, say what the other party likes your daughter. "

  Ludunk: "Yes, you may be right, my daughter may be stupid, but if a woman is stupid, she is dumb and cute enough to walk.

  A shrewd man like the tank is a perfect match.I just like to marry my daughter to him, what can you do to me?"


  Other Imperial Kings the Great:

  The Great Bingyue is still as rambunctious as ever.

  "I'm not going to tell you this anyway. I don't approve of a laissez-faire system for walking tanks."

  Yeka resolutely expressed his thoughts.

  "Okay, then take control of the walking tanks. I recommend my daughter, Ruth."


  other kings

  You're doing this to your daughter, your daughter, does she know?


  "I'm not participating in the Supreme Council of the galaxy."

  Yeka dropped his words, turned off the real-time communication, and disappeared from the scene of the Supreme Council of the Galaxy.

  "Okay, the family is gone, this is the end of the meeting and I'll send my son to supervise the walking tank once he has anything

  If anything happens, we will take measures as soon as possible. "

  Lutonk left the Galactic Supreme Council without a word

  Parliament, that's it

  Just after the congress was over, the Empress of the Stars contacted Ludunk.

  "How is the meeting of the Great Dunker going?"

  "Not so good Yeka, that bastard might really have something to do with the dark and desperate madmen, he definitely sees the walking Tanzania

  Gram's usefulness, but still determined to kill him. "

  The Queen of Stars said: "The current situation is not clear, we can't do anything to the Arum Empire."

  Ludunk: "I will monitor him, don't worry, it's your side..."

  The Queen of Stars shook her head: "I suspect that there is something terrifying in "The High World" that is preventing us all the time."

  Ludunk's face was solemn.

  "Then how are you going to prepare?"

  "Give it a go."

  "So, good luck."

  "To encourage each other, may the Milky Way be prosperous and prosperous!"

  "Common origin!"

  When the Galaxy was discussing Zhou Yun's discussion, he was still happily brushing resistance.

  In the face of the tidal sea of ​​enemy forces, Zhou Yun carried out his own explosive output.

  At this time, his A skill, the stars are shining, played an important role.

  But it's not enough, the star's ae range is too small and too small. He really wants to switch to wind and rain, thunder and lightning, but unfortunately, wind and rain

  Thunder and lightning are not attack bonus damage, but magic upper limit bonus damage, which limits his output.

  Time passed and Zhou Yun's 30w physical resistance increased a little bit, but he became more and more worried

  The blessing effect of the stalwart chanting reader (hope) mode, _after all, there is a time limit once this effect is gone, no ridicule

  Living in this huge army, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, Light will suffer a devastating blow.

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