This woman, she has basically concluded that it is Princess Ruth, otherwise who would cook in the kitchen and suddenly start cooking

  curse him.

  It was obviously someone who had had a holiday with him, and combined with the Ni Duan discovered earlier, there was no doubt that she was Princess Ruth.

  "What's wrong? It looks so decadent?"

  But he knew he didn't say it, with a concerned expression

  Shi Ni stroked her hair and sighed: "My family found me and forced me to go on a blind date with a man. I don't really want to go."

  Zhou Yun almost laughed

  Doesn't this woman say in the game that she claims to be the inheritor of the beautiful goddess every day, why does she still need a blind date in reality?

  He suppressed a smile and put on an expression of serious concern.

  "Nv Shi Ni, aren't you married? Why are you going on a blind date again?"

  Shi Ni was stunned, her eyes were a little flustered, but she quickly covered it up.

  "That's because I came out to work, my husband thought I was green with him, so he divorced me, so the family forced me to marry him.


  Shi Ni hurriedly made up 25 lies to fool the past

  Zhou Yun didn't bother to expose her and pretended not to know.

  "Then who did your family introduce you to?"

  Hearing this, Shi Ni seemed to think of the man and gritted her teeth angrily.

  "He's a steely straight man with an ugly mouth and a rotten mouth. Not only that, he's a heinous person who also tricks others.

  Scumbag. "

  "And I told you, that guy's eyes widened when he saw a woman, with a look on his face."

  "Also, he has a brain problem and is very narcissistic. He always says that he is so smart and calls me not smart.

  Oh what a man. "

  "and also……"

  and also…


  Shi Ni seemed to have opened the chatterbox, her mouth was full, and Zhou Yun's mouth fish twitched violently.

  This woman is definitely taking revenge

  How could such a good man have so many shortcomings?

  He also saw the thirsty expression on the woman's face. If he really was that kind of person, Shi Fang would have been his plaything by now.

  Of course, the premise is that he can beat the opponent.

  But this is obviously a fool's dream.

  "Forget it, anyway, my blind date is a bastard, I can't wait to tear him up"

  Zhou Yun leaned back and said leisurely, "Then you shouldn't have a blind date with him, such a man is not your ideal.

  s future"

  Shi Ni looked sad.

  "Hey, I think so too, but my family has been forcing me to let me have a blind date with him and let me be with him.

  There is no way. "

  Zhou Yun said bitterly, "Shi Ni, girl ten, you are already an adult, you must learn to have freedom."

  Shi Ni smiled wryly and shook her head.

  She has freedom, but this time, she cheated the entire empire, and the multidimensional space bag sent out directly let the players in her empire

  Get no benefit.

  And the result of this is to be sent to the Supreme Court of the Empire for trial.

  Although she is a princess, she can't escape.

  Therefore, her father gave her a chance to make up for her mistakes, that is, to stay beside the walking tank to monitor him and prevent him from

  grow up.

  She is one of the ten thousand unwilling, even let her give up her status as the inheritor of the beautiful goddess, she is unwilling to see a walking tank.


  Ben's way.

  Don't go.

  "Forget it, let's not talk about this, Mr. Zhou, can I ask you to cook today? I'm in a bad mood."

  Zhou Yun said indifferently: "Okay, caring for women is what a man should do."

  Shi Ni is grateful

  "Compared to my blind date, Mr. Zhou is a lot more gentleman."

  Zhou Yun bared his teeth and smiled: "Naturally, no matter how I say it, he is also a handsome boy. Say what you want to eat."

  Shi Ni smiled sweetly.

  "I want to eat yzhou fried rice."

  "Oh, Zhou Fried Rice, I'm good at this. Wait"

  "Well, thank you Mr. Zhou"

  Looking at Zhou Yun's busy back as he walked into the kitchen, Shi Ni couldn't help but sound the bastard of the walking tank.

  "Damn it, I can't spare you!"

  Her voice was soft, but Zhou Yun heard it

  He originally planned to cut corners for the other party, but now it seems that cutting corners is friendly to the other party.

  If you scold him again and again like this, when he Zhou Yun is a person with a natural temper?

  Yzhou Fried Rice, as a famous farmhouse dish, its material is rice...

  Zhou Yun took the rice, he didn't bother to wash it, he threw it in, and then poured the oil. Yes, you read that right, just don't pour the oil first.

  After frying a few times, Zhou Yun took out a few slices of mutton with ice from the refrigerator and threw it into the pot.

  Yzhou fried rice needs ham sausage, but Zhouyun's Yzhou fried rice only has mutton.

  When the fire was booming, Zhou Yun worked hard to stir fry it for a few times. The last process of adding fried rice did not add salt or monosodium glutamate, only added

  soy sauce

  Sprinkle with soy sauce, Zhou Yun's carefully cooked state fried rice is complete

  "I'm coming!"

  "Bu Ni Nu Tu quickly try it."

  Zhou Yun brought the fried rice from Yzhou to Ni in a gesture of invitation.

  Zhou Yun put the mutton slices on the fried rice to cover the mess underneath it.

  Shi Ni wondered: "Mr. Zhou, I remember that the fried rice in Yzhou has no mutton, you..."

  Zhou Yun bared his teeth and said, "I have fried too much fried rice in my state, and I have lost interest in it, so I chose this one.

  Get rid of the new type of fried rice made by the cumbersome process in the past, try it quickly, you have also used my craftsmanship before. "

  Shi Ni has tasted Zhou Yun's craftsmanship, and it tastes better than what she made.

  "Then I'll start!"

  She was going to turn over the mutton, Zhou Yun stopped her

  "No no, I know the new technology, I need to use chopsticks to pierce the mutton into the rice, wrap it up and eat it"

  "That's right, that's it."

  Zhou Yun was completely in the mood of a chef who was expecting others to try new products, and he couldn't see the sneer he was hiding in his smile at all.

  The demo calls me happy, right?

  Here's a Zhou's tasteless soy sauce fishy lamb fried rice!

  Shi Ni wrapped the rice according to Zhou Yun's method, put the mutton into her mouth, and then…


  Shi Ni's complexion was as if in her mouth, she couldn't help but spit out the almost unfamiliar smell of soy sauce.

  "Mr. Zhou, you..."

  Zhou Yun looked lost.

  "Hey, it seems that I failed, forget it, I really have no talent and will never try new dishes in the future"

  Zhou Yun pouted, showing extremely aggrieved

485. The Giver of Blood: The Army of the God of Light! (three more)

  Seeing Zhou Yun's aggrieved face, Shi Ni quickly comforted and said, "It's okay, the mother of failure and success, failure is natural.

  it worked"

  Zhou Yun said, "Really?"


  Shi Ni nodded again and again, very sure

  "Then can I ask you to continue to try it?"

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