"The Son of Blood, the Army of the God of Light? Isn't that the Guards of the God of Light?"

  "I thought we were going to lose the battle, but now it seems that with the buff of the Light God Cult Army, we basically won."

  "It's still basic, it's not that I look down on the solar system natives on the opposite side, they can survive until now, or rely on walking tanks to give them

  Their hope is that as soon as the army of the gods of the light comes out, the walking tank can be defeated by one enemy and one hundred million, so what about his compatriots, all of them will die

  970 Burial Ground!"

  "The horror of the solar system losing to the Light God Cult Army is not something that players in the new area like them can contend with."

  Alien players speak for themselves.

  As for the possibility of a comeback of the solar system, huh, to tell a joke, there is no one in [-].

  That is the army of the god of light, the guard of the god of light, the super PC that spreads the faith

  Even if the level cap of the Far Era does not exceed level 60, the announced buff of the Light God Religion Army alone is not a single buff.

  Weak new districts can resist.

  There is no suspense in the battle game, they won the Galactic Federation

  "The Light God Cult Army must be a very strong battle boss, and we must contact C of the ancient kingdom of God as soon as possible to find a way to deal with it.

  The method of the Light God Cult Army. "

  "It can only be like this. Since the system has prompted it, it means that the strength of this Light God Cult Army is so terrifying that it may even be a war.

  Enemies like field bosses must be handled with care. "

  "I don't know what the walking tanks are doing? It's been more than half a month, and I haven't seen anyone in any war zone."

  "I always feel that he is secretly holding back some big tricks."

  The guild presidents of the various countries in the solar system mentioned their opinions, but only when it comes to mentioning the walking tanks, they are both love and hate.

  What I love is the strength of the other party to turn the tide, and I hate the other party's foolish operation.

  Not to mention, at this moment Zhou Yun is really holding back his big moves, such as sleeping.

  After a good ten-hour sleep, Zhou Yun woke up

  "After ten hours of sleep, it's time to play games

  Nian Li controlled the tea in the teapot and sent it directly to his mouth. When he was full, Zhou Yun put on his helmet and logged in to "The High World Tour".


  【Welcome back to "You Zhigaojie", your friends send you information, please pay attention to check】

  At this time, someone is looking for me?"

  Zhou Yun clicked on the friend column and found that Yin Rose (Sister Yue), Eternal Always, Tian Hui and others were madly popping at him.

  Silver Rose: President, please reply quickly when you see it, our situation is very bad now.

  Eternity is always there: President, help!

  Tianwen: Little friend Tank, I wonder if you can help us, the situation is very unfavorable for our solar system.

  Ling Leng Frost: The walking tank, you put my rumors on the outside, now it's your turn to pay the war zone, I

  We can't stand it anymore

  Zhou Yun

  Is he the type to spread rumors?

  Isn't it just to say something about the marriage, as for it.

  However, when he saw the screenshot of the enemy sent by Ling Leng Frost, his expression became condensed (cfef).

  The picture in the picture is the boss who joined the battlefield, the god of light, the god of light

  "This...thing, it's a bit scary."

  The buff effect of hoss is simply a nightmare in a battle match. Once this kind of enemy appears, either side can win.

  But unfortunately, this ss is the product of the strength of the ancient gods.

  "It seems that I have to go to War Zone 7 for a walk."

  Zhou Yun also wanted to leave immediately to go to the No. 7 war zone people, but a serious question got in his way.

  He can't do without the darkness.

  Just when he was thinking about how to leave this ghost place, the ancient soldier of the kingdom of God returned.

  "It's very good, Mr. Tank, you are here, please follow me on a trip to the ancient Divine Kingdom, all the gods.

  , would like to meet you. "

  Zhou Yun raised his brows.

  It seems that the NC of the ancient kingdom of God has no hindsight and knows the situation on the battlefield.

  "Go, lead the way"

  Follow the ten soldiers of the ancient kingdom of God to leave the dark area, and then

  Zhou Yun was stunned

  He saw the other party take out a tank, and then motioned for him to sit in.

  "Tanks? Where did you get this thing?"

  The ten soldiers of the ancient kingdom of God wondered: "What tank? This is the standard worker of our ancient kingdom of God, the energy vehicle."

  God special energy vehicle, this is a tank no matter how you look at it

  "Okay, are you planning to drive this thing to the ancient divine court?"

  "Naturally this is the basic means of transportation configured in our ancient kingdom of God."


  Okay, he just sits and watches the alternative tanks of the ancient kingdom of God

  After sitting down, the ten soldiers of the ancient kingdom of God said in a low voice: "Lord Tank, please sit down and take off."

  Zhou Yun

  take off

  Can this thing fly?

  Facts gave Zhou Yun a hard-earned photon

  He underestimated the variability of the system of "You Zhigaijie", and the incredibleness of the game world.

  Who said tanks can't fly?

  This tank can not only fly, but also fly as fast as lightning.


  Flying tore through the sky, leaving a blurry trajectory in the air and flying towards the ancient Divine Court at a terrifying speed.

  After a while, Feitan stopped steadily on a field.

  Zhou Yun walked out and observed the surrounding space and found that the surrounding space was distorted, and there were four figures standing in front of the distorted space.

  They are the frontier guardian, the dark rabbit whisperer, the guardian of the divine court, and the pathetic fisherman.

487. Mission!A ray of life for the ancient kingdom of God! (two more)

  Gao Xiao met the four gods of your ancient kingdom of God

  Under the influence of the distorted space, the shapes of the four people also appeared a little distorted.

  "You have an aura that I am very, very familiar with. I wonder if you can tell me what your rank is."

  It was the Rabbit Whisperer of the Darkmoon who asked.

  Zhou Yun said: "My rank is an almighty knight"

  As soon as these words came out, the four-gods were all shocked

  Guardian of the Divine Court: "Walking tank, do you know what the enemy of the Almighty Knight is?"

  Zhou Yun: "I know."

  Guardian of the Divine Court: "Since you know it, you still choose it?"

  Zhou Yun: "I like the word almighty so I chose it."

  The guardian of the divine court stared deeply at Zhou Yun

  "Almighty? This is indeed something that countless living beings can't reach."

  "For a walking tank, you are already level 50, and it will turn after you cross six turns. You have to be careful."

  The mournful trumpeter answered: "Since the distant days, the first almighty knight bewitched Narens to blow out the immortality and the immortality.

  After highlighting, there is no one who can cross the seventh round of the all-around riding ten. "

  The frontier keeper said: "It seems to be the case, even the one from Arlai City was stuck in the right after witnessing Hao Justice.

  Rank [-] finally used the second rank "Rider of Justice" to regain a trace of inheritance for the almighty knight, but even so...

  The four gods were silent, as if they had anticipated Zhou Yun's future.

  Turn seven and you will lose.

  Although no one knows what the content of the [-]th turn of the almighty ride is, but since ancient times no one has crossed the threshold, it can be seen that it

  horror and horror

  "Walking tank, this road is yours to choose, we have no right or inability to help you, only hope that you can complete your own long-term

  Since then, the hurdle that countless people have been unable to cross”

  "Okay, let's not talk about this, go your own way. He has his chance and chooses how to choose. The right to choose is up to him.

  in hand"

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