The forefoot says that after a blind date, the foot turns yellow

  He is still looking forward to having a beautiful dinner party with each other in the game.

  "Oh? Negotiated? Then congratulations, I don't know what is negotiated."

  Shi Ni didn't care either, and said bluntly: "I told my father that I want to test him, and if he passes, I will meet him.

  he kisses"

  Zhou Yun leaned back and squinted at Shi Ni.

  He felt that the woman's words should be listened to the other way around.

  The real situation should be that the other party begged his father not to have a blind date with him.

  things, let the other side compromise.

  Zhou Yun's guess was right. Ruth talked a lot, and finally persuaded her father to give her a chance to fight Zhou Yun.

  If she still loses, then go to Zhou Yun's side to supervise him.

  But as the price of negotiating the terms again, she gambled her living expenses.

  That is to say, if she still loses, then she has no money, just a complete pauper who can only earn everything by herself

  "Congratulations, Shi Ni, I believe you can use that man to live independently."

  Zhou Pi smiled but did not smile.

  Shi Ni smiled sweetly, "Don't worry, this time I'm absolutely sure."

  She's more than confident, it's almost [-] million percent

  That bastard committed suicide by himself, and who offended the super god Ha Tiandi, how could that Erha be so easy to offend?

  In addition, she was secretly bewitched, and a group of pseudo-god players' main consciousness avatars came.

  A super god and dozens of false god master consciousness clones came, and she couldn't think of a walking tank to win.

  God battle.

  The battle of the gods in the World Y3 competition is destined to be won by the Galactic Federation.

  "Well, then come on."

  Zhou Yun encouraged Shi Ni to start cooking.

  Shi Ni's eyes lit up.

  "Mr. Zhou, you are cooking again today!"

  "Well, I'm in a good mood."

  "That's great. I have something to eat."


  "Mr. Zhou, where's my dinner?"

  Zhou Yun looked at her suspiciously.

  "I didn't say I wanted to help you!"

  Shi Ni…

  She looked back, and the other party didn't seem to say to help her.

  "But Mr. Zhou, aren't you guys a fine tradition of loving women?"

  "Yes, but now that the society is harmonious and living well, the preferential treatment given to women has been great, and you can do it yourself.

  You can do it yourself. "

  Shi Ni:…

  Well she has nothing to say


  The first time she came to Zhou Yun's house, she felt that this man was a little stingy.

  It's abominable for an unpretentious princess to cook.

  But this emotion quickly disappeared. She stood up and cooked by herself.

  Looking at Shi Ni who was leaving, Zhou Yun snorted.

  This woman, mumbling and cursing him every day, still wants him to cook?

  It's impossible to have such a good thing in a dream, let alone in reality.

  After eating and drinking, Zhou Yun leisurely returned to the game and waited for the countdown to end.

  Outside Turnereggs, Super God Ha Tiandi successfully condensed his avatar, injected his main consciousness, and entered Turnereggers


  [Your level is too high, you do not have the right to enter the new area Tenalegus, if you want to forcibly enter the ancient gods will be punished

  with you

  Super God · Ha Tiandi nostrils air.

  "I have the right to enter the World Y3 Competition, and I meet the entry requirements for the World Y3 Competition."


  【Evaluation of authority】

  [If the assessment is passed, your county is qualified to enter the World Y3 Competition. May I ask whether to enter the World Y3 Competition 1?

  "Confirm to enter"

  The super god Ha Tiandi directly crossed the Turnereggs area and directly entered the world Y3 copy "Far Era"

  He has just entered the ancient era, and rushed towards the position of the ancient gods.

  Surprised to see the three ancient gods who came

  "Emperor Ha, as a reincarnation of the older generation, you will not blush when you come to participate in this kind of competition?"

  The question is the ancient gun god

  It's good not to mention this, when I mention this, the super god Ha Tiandi said angrily: "There is a junior who threatened to abuse me, I'll take a look

  "Oh? But a walking tank?" asked Shining Angel.

  Super God Ha Tiandi glanced at each other: "You know?"

  Angel of Radiance: "When I went to the Holy Land to persuade him, he also threatened to kill me."

  Chaoshen Ha Tiandi laughed angrily: "This person is really ridiculous, he can't recognize his own position, and he waits for the gods to sin again and again.

  He will surely die in the future."

  "Three, how about withdrawing one of you and giving me the throne? I want to teach that junior how to do what a junior should do.

  matter. "

  The three ancient gods shook their heads one after another, this battle, but a good opportunity to release emotions, how can we let go of people, this is not nothing to find


  "Don't do this, I'll go back and send you something delicious and delicious."

  "Farewell, we're all suffocated, it's like a fight now.

  "Emperor Ha, we are not like you reincarnated reincarnators, who can be resurrected to fight indefinitely. We are very sorry for our lives. This kind of opportunity, you don't

  Know how many people are fighting. "

  Super God Ha Tiandi sighed.

  In fact, he didn't expect these NPCs to be distracted at first.

  Don't dare to fight with people outside the copy, unless the bottom line is involved

  At this moment, a hoarse but powerful voice came from a distance.

  "Ancient gun god, you give way to Emperor Ha Tian, ​​and let him participate in the war as the four gods of the ancient kingdom of God"

  The strongest god who speaks, the ancient god who once fought with Zhou once, Yongzhen, the commander of the flank Dongfeng Army.

  The ancient spear god was shocked and said: "Master, I finally got it..."

  Before he finished speaking, Yongzhen, the commander of the flank Dongfeng Army, looked up at him.

  In that fog, he was like falling into an ice cave, his face was pale, and he lowered his head with trembling, and said "yes...yes"

  Super God Ha Tiandi's pupils narrowed, staring at Sanyong Town, the commander of the Dongfeng Army, who was sitting in the distance.

  This ancient god has always been the confidant of their super god guild, and he has always wanted to beheaded, but he can't find the truth of the other party.


  "Thank you Yongzhen Army Master, if I have my hair, maybe you don't need to be dispatched to end the battle of gods and win the victory."

  Yongzhen, the commander of the flank Dongfeng Army, glanced at the super god Ha Tiandi lightly, and slowly lowered his head.

  "Well, I hope so million"

498. Saint Almighty Knight (Holy Hope)! (one more)


  [Hope the godhead trembles, you have learned some information. 】

  [Discovered that a lot of hope was condensed in the sky of the long-term era...

  As soon as Zhou Yun entered the game, he received a system prompt, which really shocked him.

  If it wasn't for the system to remind him, he would have forgotten that he still has the skill of hope, which can condense the heart of hope.

  Although he doesn't know what he can do with the Heart of Hope now, don't do it for nothing.


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