She knew that no matter how much she persuaded, the other party would join the war.

  At this moment, she hated Zhou Yun a little bit, if it weren't for the other party, she would still have a hundred years to find out what was wrong with Sister Yun Ling.


  but now

  Not "Force Eight Zero"

  Goddess Mochizuki was suddenly startled, she thought of something.

  "Sister Yunling, I have something to leave."

  The Moon Goddess got up to say goodbye, she was going to find Zhou Yun

  Since the opponent can be listed as a third-class observation object by the ancient gods at a level of 50, and he is listed on the scourge list, the opponent's strength can be seen.

  What if you let the other party replace Sister Yun Ling?

  There should be some odds.

  Although the other party is not a god, this is not the outside world, it is a false prison.

  According to her guess, the last place Zhou Yun might go should be the False Prison Tower.

  As a reincarnated Bi, it is impossible to stay in a false prison all the time.


  Goddess Wang Qi's guess is correct, Zhou Yun is indeed rushing to the False Prison Tower

  It is true that he really wants to search for the light of faith here, so that his talent can be further advanced.

  But after careful consideration, Zhou Yun felt that the possibility was very low.

  Even the gods have stayed here for a long time and have not seen any super changes. He is only level 50 as a player, and most of them are impossible.

  Time wasted here.

  Now that the World Y3 Competition is over, the following expansions are still waiting for him.

  If he stays here for a long time, the players' strength will skyrocket, and his talent is no matter how NB, he will be stunned.

  So after thinking about it, Zhou Yun decided to give up this place temporarily and focus on leveling up.


  Just when he saw the false prison tower, he found that the sixteen rays of light were staring at him without moving.

  Zhou Yun said: "Everyone, it's not good to look at me like this? Although I know that I am an ancient demon, you may

  Love and respect me too, but you'll be considered gay if you stare at me like that. "

  Sixteen pillars:

  This cancer is really no ordinary cancer.

  This mouth opening is a bunch of incomprehensible operations.

  "A walking tank, don't fool people here. We know very well who you are."

  Zhou Yun was surprised.

  "So you all know me, so you shouldn't be looking at me with this kind of straight eyes? Do you and I have anything to do?

  relationship. "

  One of the sixteen pillars sneered. "You messed up my new god pattern and made the two factions fight in advance. You have to stay and solve this problem.

  question. "

  Zhou Yun

  What the hell did he withdraw from the new god pattern again?

  "I'm sorry, I don't know your new gods and sun gods very well, I only know that I have told what the gods want to know.

  Come. ”

  "Because you said something you shouldn't, that's why the battle between the two factions was launched in advance. You are the most fuse. You must stay.

  solve this problem. "

  Zhou Yun quickly waved his hand to refute the open pillar.

  "No, why does this have anything to do with me?"

  "As a passerby, everything I say is just random talk about the fight in your mouth that has absolutely nothing to do with me.

  nothing. "

  Sixteen Pillars: "The walking tanks don't make unnecessary struggles, you don't understand this matter, we won't let you go

  Break through the false prison tower. "

  Zhou Yun:

  These sixteen dogs are still gods, and they don't have the grace that gods should have.

  "What if I say I don't?"

  "If you don't..."

  Before the Sixteen Pillars had finished speaking, Zhou Yun suddenly fell down.

  Sixteen Pillars: ?

  what's the situation?

  Why did it suddenly fall

  Looking at the sixteen pillars of the stunned look at himself, Zhou Yun blinked.

  "What's the matter? Go on, what are you not, go on, I'm listening."

  Zhou Yun stretched his legs, lay on his side in nothingness, and hit a haha, like a guest watching a clown show

  Sixteen pillars:

  This dog thing is really disgusting

  "Walking tank, it's useless to be a rogue, if you don't, you'll stay in the prison of falsehood forever, waiting for you

  Your compatriots surpass you, naturally...


  Zhou Yun once again interrupted each other's words with actions

  "666, this god, your words are like the words of a god, and listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books, too.

  Strong, this may be the legendary ancient god. "

  "Strong and invincible"

  The talking pillar was dumbfounded

  How can this guy praise him.

  "But it's a pity, your wisdom is superb, and your bearing is not just your appearance...

  Zhou Yun looked up and down the other side.

  "It's too short, look at your head, it's only the size of a watermelon, and your feet, I'm a goddamn boss, you

  How do you make it big and small?"

  "No, and your ears, my God, you're cultivating on purpose, right?"

  At that time, the entire false prison tower fell silent.

  The other pillars felt an obscure murderous intent centered on that pillar and spread around.

  "Walking tank, you really think you are invincible, even the gods dare to challenge"

  Seeing him angry 4.5, Zhou Di laughed out loud

  "Sample, in your realm, the guardian of the void prison tower you are a hammer is physically disabled, you can't buy that

  Kan, even if you have been cultivating for three million years, you are still a piece of garbage. "

  Zhou Yun's mouth is eloquent

  "If I were you, I would find countless long-tongued women, scolding myself every day, putting myself in endless abuse and then

  Put it to death and then live, and equip yourself with a strong and terrifying will.not like you"

  "Look at you, people who know you may think you are a god, people who don't know you may not think you are the way

  Poor side. "

  "Come on, I'm just like a mortal villain, I say gods and gods every day, I want to beat you and say your father's no.

  False you!"

514. Your backstage said to give me a chance to chase you! (two more)

  That pillar was stunned by Zhou Yun

  He wanted to refute Zhou Yun, but after thinking about it, he found out that what the other party said made sense.

  This appearance of himself is born without modification, and although it is ugly, it is not his fault.

  Once, he was ashamed and hated it.

  But being scolded by Zhou Yun like that, he suddenly felt a sense of relief.

  Yes, if his mood and will is strong enough, how can he be stuck in this state because of his appearance and trivial matters?

  He took a deep look at Zhou Yun, and for the first time felt that this reincarnator who had just entered the high world for more than a year was not easy.

  "You may be right, let's not talk about this matter."

  "Walking Tank I am a supporter of the Coexistence faction, I hope you can help the Coexistence faction win the faction war"

  The powerful pillar showed a sneer, glanced at the ugly pillar, and looked at Zhou.

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