Although Lin Sheng's strength has increased significantly, he did not get carried away, and turned to look at Hahn, who was so angry that his face was distorted.

At the moment, Hahn is suspected to have released three skills.

The first is berserk, different from Qi Tianxun's berserk, the monster's fury often has a body expansion, and the attack method becomes wide open and closed, in the ordinary goblin monsters that are basically unintelligent, this is not obvious, after all, they are straightforward, and the way of fighting is extremely stiff.

And in Hahn's case, this became obvious, for example, if Hahn had acted cautiously just now, Lin Sheng might not have seized the opportunity to cut off the palms of his hands, but he was completely focused on attacking, only caring about releasing more powerful skills, and ignoring other things.

The second skill is the noble sword flowing red light, although I don't know the specific name, but there is no doubt that it should belong to the same type of skill as the Goblin Scout's red mang, and it may even be the same skill.

When the blade of the sword or arrow hits something, it instantly erupts with terrifying destructive power, which is the effect of those flowing red lights.

The third skill is the move that Hahn failed to use just now, after all, the palm holding the long sword was cut off by Lin Sheng, and the skill was naturally interrupted, and now the noble long sword fell to the ground, and the red pattern on the sword body was long gone.

"Your name, Lin Sheng?" Hahn suddenly asked, the anger that was almost spurting out of his eyes just now also cooled, and the size of his body, which had originally swelled to nearly 2 meters, gradually shrank and returned to his original thin appearance.

"Yes. Lin Sheng's eyes flashed, and he replied naturally, while secretly using the reconnaissance skill on Hahn again.

As Lin Sheng expected, Hahn's state of "in a rage" has disappeared, and the current state shown is: seriously injured (excited).

Hahn, who had regained his senses, no longer seemed to be the same as just now, and he only wanted to kill Lin Sheng, of course, Lin Sheng's strength may also be an extremely important reason.

"You, killed me, servant?" Hahn paused with every few words.

"Servant, do you mean those goblin scouts? They want to kill me, and I'll kill them. Lin Sheng's heart moved, and he admitted it calmly.

"Haha, strong, come, fight!" Hahn rushed up again, his hands had been cut off, so he could only kick forward with his feet.

Lin Sheng was a little confused, this Hahn obviously didn't enter a state of rage, how to say that he would change his face.

"What's the difference between you and your servant?" Lin Sheng flickered, dodging Hahn's kick as soon as he dodged it, and then asked Hahn directly.

He also saw that this Hahn probably didn't have any scheming and wisdom, so it was better to ask directly.

"Servants, they are all weak. When Hahn heard Lin Sheng's inquiry, he subconsciously replied directly, but his footsteps did not stop, and he continued to kick towards Lin Sheng, but unfortunately this Hahn was obviously not good at kicking with his legs, and his every move was very clumsy.

"Who are you, where are you from?" Seeing that Hahn really answered, Lin Sheng's heart moved, and he asked this question.

Although it is two of the famous philosophical three questions, Lin Sheng obviously does not intend to carry out any philosophical thinking, but simply wants to learn about the "origin of the monster" in order to understand the Earth Game from the side.

"I'm Hahn, Goblin Baron!" Hahn took the initiative to report his name for the first time, but the offensive was still continuing, although it was also easily flashed by Lin Sheng, but Hahn didn't seem discouraged, and he continued to reply, "I'm from ...... Come from...... I don't know!"

Hahn's answer made Lin Sheng's thoughts come alive, which proved that the goblin nobleman in front of him did have his own name, and his name was Hahn.

Having a name and not having a name are completely two different concepts, and having a name means that there is an exchange between intelligent life and intelligent life, and in order to distinguish the individual of each intelligent life, a name will be established.

That is, there is not necessarily a civilization in the goblins, but there must be some kind of communication between the goblin nobles.

As for Hahn rightly shouting "I don't know", it also made Lin Sheng a little speechless.

But since he didn't know, either his memory was erased by the Earth Game, or he really forgot about it, or it was difficult for him to express his origin in words.

"Hahn, why are you killing me? What is the Goblin Baron?" Lin Sheng continued to ask, this kind of opportunity to obtain information was quite rare at the moment, so that he didn't plan to make a quick decision.

Although he had been plotted by two rats who were hiding in the shadows and hiding their heads and tails, Lin Sheng still knew what was important.

Compared with two insignificant people, Hahn, who has a deeper understanding of the Earth game at the moment, is the most important.

"Kill humans, this is, of course!" Hahn answered all the questions, which surprised Lin Shengdu, but his movements gradually slowed down, and the kicking of his legs became more and more weak, as if it was because of the continuous flow of green blood from the wrists of his hands, and then he continued, "Baron, it is a nobleman! power! servant! strong!"

After speaking fiercely, Hahn began to stop, sitting on the bridge deck with his ass, panting.

Lin Sheng shook his head, knowing that Hahn was afraid that he was already at the limit, and it seemed that the monster would also lose too much blood and die?

However, the main questions that Lin Sheng wanted to ask had already been asked, and he wanted to walk up to Hahn and give him a good time with the Shadow Dagger, but when he thought that Hahn should still have four skills that had not been used, he stopped in the distance.

Hahn's answer to the question of why he killed Lin Sheng made Lin Sheng think of the side effects of the "killing state".

Perhaps, just as entering the "killing state" will subconsciously use killing to solve any problem, Hahn's monsters are always in a killing state, or just when they see a human, they will automatically trigger the killing state.

No matter which one it is, although Hahn has all the questions at the moment, he definitely wants to kill Lin Sheng, there is no doubt about it.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Sheng put away his Shadow Dagger and decided to use another skill he had just acquired.

"Darts. Lin Sheng thought silently in his heart, and after using the dart skill, a dart flowing with gray light appeared in his hand, which seemed to contain a stream of energy, giving Lin Sheng the feeling of "Red Mang One Arrow".

"Foxfire. "The strength of the third-level fox fire has increased in all aspects, especially Lin Sheng's subtle control of the fox fire, which has reached the point of perfection, and the dark blue fox fire is now covered on the dart, but it seems to have crossed a layer of dark blue for it, and the flames have not leaked out at all.

"It's time to finish. Lin Sheng's eyes froze, and the dart in his hand was thrown out along the feeling, instantly hitting Hahn's head.

There was no bloody scene, Hahn did not scream, and the sound of the dart hitting was almost nonexistent, and in just an instant, Hahn disappeared, leaving only some fragments of light, which were absorbed by Lin Sheng.

"The player kills the boss Hahn, and the experience is +3000

" "The first baron monster was killed by the player 'Lin Sheng', and the merit list and merit store are officially opened.

""The player kills the Baron monster and has +100 merit" "

The player has full XP and is automatically upgraded to level 12. "

Players get the equipment 'Noble Sword'.

"The player obtains the item 'Baron's Certificate'. "

Players get the item 'Random Skill Book (Level 20)'. "


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