The Supreme God Zenxin Daogu once said.

If you want people to follow you wholeheartedly, you must understand their needs.

And his needs come from his level.

Those skeleton soldiers without thoughts belong to the lowest creatures. As long as they are given life, they will work hard for you.

Social elites like Dabai and others have nothing more than money, cars, and houses, which are converted into equipment and gold coins in the game world. As long as they are satisfied in this aspect, they will be loyal to you.

As for people like Bal who have been in high positions for a long time, they no longer have the needs of ordinary people. What he needs is nothing more than the word "respect".

One is the respect of others for him, and the other is his respect for others.

To deal with such people, money and equipment are useless, and you must use both kindness and force.

First, let him feel your strength, be able to fear and respect you, and then let him feel your respect for him, so that he will be willing to become your partner.

It doesn't matter what he is asked to do. The key is whether he feels your respect for him from you.

The main reason why Bal was made the general manager was that it was definitely not a good thing for the human traitor Flar to stay here, and it was also a matter of course to let Bal replace him.

As Wang Yuan's undead, Bal should follow Wang Yuan like other skeletons, obey Wang Yuan's orders and become Wang Yuan's minions and thugs.

However, Wang Yuan gave Bal relative freedom. Not only did he not have to follow Wang Yuan, but he also had the power to manage the guild's residence.

You know, Wang Yuan has the soul imprint, and he can actually enslave Bal directly, but he treats him so sincerely, and Bal's mood at this time can naturally be imagined.

It can't be said that it's so weird like Li Kui bowing his head when he met Song Jiang, at least at this time Bal really regarded Wang Yuan as a friend.

It's normal logic for the weak to respect you. Who can resist the strong who controls your destiny to respect you? Even Zhuge Liang, such a powerful person, couldn't resist three visits to his thatched cottage.

It was as if the readers controlled the fate of the author, but they also gave the author rewards, votes, likes and recommendations every day, so the author was naturally moved.

After collecting the corpse of the corpse king, Wang Yuan took Bal and the three skeletons back to the meeting hall.

Bal, who had just taken over, quickly became familiar with the duties of the guild master.

As the person in charge of the guild, the guild master needs to manage all the work of the guild.

The main responsibility is to issue various guild tasks to guild players to develop the guild and build guild bases.

Guild players can obtain guild contribution by completing guild tasks, thereby improving the guild level, as well as the level of the guild base, strengthening guild buildings, etc.

"Mr. President, do you want to start building the guild base now?"

After understanding his accusation, Bal quickly applied to Wang Yuan.

"Start!" Wang Yuan directly chose to confirm.

"You can now open the guild construction interface to see which specific building to upgrade." Bal said.

"Oh... let me see!"

Wang Yuan casually opened the guild base interface.

Guild name: Great Strength Makes Miracles

Guild Station: Thunder Bluff

Council Hall (Level 1), Upgrade Requirements: Stone*100, Wood 100

Forge (Level 1), Upgrade Requirements: Council Hall (Level 2), Stone 50

Alchemy Room (Level 1), Upgrade Requirements: Council Hall (Level 2), Wood 50

Tailor Shop (Level 1), Upgrade Requirements: Council Hall (Level 2), Wood 50

Well (Level 1), Upgrade Requirements: Council Hall (Level 2), Stone 50

Kitchen (Level 1), Upgrade Requirements: Council Hall (Level 2), Wood 50


" Um... where can I get the stone and wood?" Seeing the material requirements on the guild interface, Wang Yuan couldn't help but frowned and said, "Will the players have to do this?"

"That's right!"

Barr said, "The meeting hall is the most important building in the guild's residence. If you want to upgrade the meeting hall, just tell me, and I can issue a guild task and let the guild players collect materials. I will also record a guild contribution for them accordingly."


Wang Yuan shook his head quickly and said, "Not very good..."

Wang Yuan knew Shui Linglong and Renzhe Wudi too well.

This group of guys are typical idlers. If they are asked to go to the big group, play dungeons, and do tasks, they don't care about working for you. If they are really asked to do such a tedious guild task, they will directly choose to explode on the spot.

Otherwise, with the strength of these guys, it would be easy for them to join any big guild.

Why bother to hang out in this small guild with you.

They can cooperate with Wang Yuan to establish a guild, and they just want to find a sense of belonging with friends who play together.

No one cares whether there is a guild or not.

Wang Yuan is also such a person. The reason why he wants to develop a guild base is to deal with the upcoming doomsday.

Although everyone is a friend, Wang Yuan is really embarrassed to ask everyone to do guild tasks such as collecting materials.

Besides, there is a limit on the number of guild tasks per day. How many materials can the eight people of "Great Power Work Miracles" get in a day? It will take at least several weeks to upgrade a meeting hall.

This is also the reason why large guilds need so many players. The more people there are, the more tasks they can do, and the faster the guild can be upgraded.

"Your Excellency, the President, seems to be very resistant to completing tasks?" Baldo was shrewd and saw Wang Yuan's dilemma at a glance.


Wang Yuan nodded: "None of my friends are qualified to do guild tasks."

"Ha ha!"

Barr laughed and said: "That's easy to handle, the mission is dead, the people are alive, our Thunder Bluff is full of stone and wood, you also have skeleton soldiers, this kind of basic work can be done with just one command. "

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Hearing Barr's words, Wang Yuan was shocked: "Can we leave it to the skeleton soldiers?"

At this time, Wang Yuan suddenly felt that his decision to let Bald serve as the guild manager was absolutely right!

You know, the guild manager assigned by the system will only issue tasks according to the requirements of the president... without any suggestions.

Barr not only has higher management intelligence, but can even come up with better solutions for himself.

"That's right!"

Baldao: "As a Nine-Star Archmage, I am also a high-level NPC. I am fully capable of this, but..."

"But what?"

"But you have to give me the highest authority of the Construction Guild." Bald said.

[System prompt: You have obtained the highest management authority for the construction of the guild’s residence. 】

As soon as Barr finished speaking, Wang Yuan chose "full trusteeship" without saying a word.

Wang Yuan then summoned another hundred skeleton soldiers and gave them to Barr: "From now on, these skeleton soldiers are under your command."

"President..." Barr looked at the skeleton soldier in front of him with a daze in his eyes.

He never expected that Wang Yuan would trust him to this extent.

"Stop talking so much nonsense, the construction of the guild will be your business from now on!" Wang Yuan waved his hand.

There is no need for a suspect, not to mention that Barr and himself have soul marks, and Wang Yuan has absolute confidence in controlling him.

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