That’s right, the place where the necromancer changes his job is the cemetery, also known as the burial ground.

My god, game designers and necromancers definitely have a grudge! !

Wang Yuan was full of black lines.

Warriors have camps, fighters have martial arts halls, archers have shooting ranges, assassins have killer guilds, and priests and paladins have churches.

Magicians, who are also magic professions, occupy the most expensive magic tower in the middle of the main city like nobles.

Only the place where the necromancer changes his job is in this dark, dirty and smelly cemetery.

Wang Yuan felt a deep sense of occupational discrimination.

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Even the two skeleton soldiers couldn’t help but start complaining.

"No wonder the Necromancer became the rarest profession in our era. Given these conditions, it's no wonder that no one chose this profession..."

"That's right. It's because no one chose the Necromancer that the Necromancer lineage is so thin that no one could awaken the Necromancer at that time."

"If there were more Necromancers, those dead heroes could be resurrected. With the strength of the Undead Legion, a Necromancer could defend a city."


A Necromancer could defend a city?

Wang Yuan couldn't help but get excited.

It seems that the game information is not deceiving. The Necromancer is really strong in the later stage.

No wonder it's so disgusting in the early stage.

After hearing what the two said, Wang Yuan felt much more balanced. The race of the game designer in Wang Yuan's mind also changed from canines to primates.

God will give great responsibilities to those who are capable of this task.

For a profession as strong as the Necromancer, it will definitely not be too smooth in the early stage.

However, from what the two said, Wang Yuan could learn that after the game merged with reality, humans who wanted to become professionals could not make their own choices like now, but had to rely on acquired blood awakening.

This blood should be related to the professions chosen by current players.

The more players who choose this profession, the more blood will be after the game merges with reality, and the higher the awakening rate.

The later the players choose this profession, the thinner the blood will be, and the lower the awakening rate will be.

It is precisely because the setting of the necromancer is too pitfall that there are too few players playing necromancers now, so by the generation more than a hundred years later, the necromancer has become a legendary profession.

"It's all because of those stupid big guilds!"

Wang Yuan curled his lips in dissatisfaction.

Although the setting that summoning skeletons requires corpses is disgusting, the game company still has corpse refresh points.

The reason why ordinary necromancers like Wang Yuan cannot summon skeletons is because those big guilds occupy the corpse refresh points and do not allow necromancers other than them to get close.

So most necromancers have never seen what their skeletons look like and choose to delete their accounts and start over.

Wang Yuan had a stubborn temper, so he persisted, and then summoned Dabai and Xiaobai in the church basement.

"Adventurer, are you here to change your job?"

When he arrived at the cemetery, a gloomy voice suddenly sounded in Wang Yuan's ears.

Looking up, he saw a middle-aged man with pale skin and a gray cloak standing in front of him.

The middle-aged man had a thin face and no blood on his face, just like a zombie that came out of the cemetery.

On his head was his own name-Gravekeeper Wayne (Necromancer Professional Instructor).

"Yes! I am!"

Wang Yuan nodded.

Anyway, he was not here for tourism, so who would come here for nothing.

"Please choose your profession." Wayne said: "Necromancers are divided into two professions: Necromancer and Necromancer Summoner. The former mainly uses curse magic to strengthen their own cultivation, and the latter mainly uses summoning to strengthen the undead army..."

"Necromancer!" Wang Yuan thought without hesitation.

Although the curse magic of the necromancer is not weak, the heroic history book in his hand exists for the undead army, not to mention that there are two sons of the plane, Dabai and Xiaobai, as his younger brothers, so he naturally has to choose the summoning route.

"May the great Lasma protect you forever!"

Wayne raised the staff in his hand, and a black light enveloped Wang Yuan.


However, at this moment, the black light suddenly penetrated into Wang Yuan's body uncontrollably and disappeared without a trace.


Wayne's cold face immediately showed a surprised expression: "You actually have a strong power of death."

"The power of death?"

Wang Yuan looked puzzled.

"That's right, you are the hero chosen by the hero Sarge, the son of destiny with the heroic history book... I'm sorry that I can't change your job for you due to my limited ability." Wayne nodded and restored his calm expression.

"Can't change your job? What should I do?" Wang Yuan frowned.

"It's not that I can't change your job, it's that I can't change your job for you." Wayne said.

"Who can?" Wang Yuan asked again.

"Haha!" Wayne laughed and ignored Wang Yuan.


Wang Yuan was silent.

If you don't know where to change jobs, won't it be a waste?

"Is our Brother Niu mentally ill? He knows not to help others for free, so why is he so rude when he asks for help?"

Xiao Bai's puzzled voice sounded in his ears.

"Our Brother Niu is such a shameless guy, he is lenient with himself and strict with others!" Da Bai echoed on the side.


Wang Yuan pondered for a moment, and took out a copper coin from his pocket and said, "Brother, please help me."

"Oh, it's OK, he's quite perceptive."

"He's just shameless, not stupid, but can he get a job done with a copper coin?"

When the two skeletons saw Wang Yuan take out the copper coin, they started whispering again.

"Hmph! Are you insulting me?" Wayne snorted coldly.

"You took the wrong one, it's a silver coin, a silver coin!" Wang Yuan quickly took out another silver coin.

"I, Wayne, will not be bribed so easily." Wayne was disdainful.


Wang Yuan pondered for a moment and asked, "Tell me, what are the conditions?"

"One gold coin!"

"Didn't you say you wouldn't be bribed so easily?" Wang Yuan was furious.

"One gold coin is not a small amount, how can it be considered easy!" Wayne showed a treacherous smile.

"Okay! Good! You're awesome!" Wang Yuan was speechless for a while.

At present, this Wayne is still very close to the style of the game company, and the main character is a money-grubbing person.

"Go to the church's cemetery of heroes, there is someone there who can help you." After taking the gold coin, Wayne said something.


With Wayne's guidance, Wang Yuan soon came to the cemetery behind the church. There stood an NPC who was thinner, whiter, and more like a zombie than Wayne.

Among a group of light NPCs, this necromancer in a gray cloak was particularly conspicuous.

"I am Zul, the high priest of Lasma, and also a necromancer."

Seeing Wang Yuan coming to his side, Zul looked Wang Yuan up and down and said, "My child, I heard that you have a heroic history book and are the son of destiny recognized by the hero Sarger. I think I can help you complete the job transfer!"

"Zul? Is he Zul?"

"The great necromancer Zul who relied on his own strength to block the Warcraft army in Thunder Bluff for 16 years?"

"I didn't expect to see the legendary hero here!!"

Hearing Zul's introduction, the two skeletons became agitated and exclaimed inexplicably.


At this moment, Zul was suddenly stunned, his eyes fell on the two skeletons, and finally said to Wang Yuan earnestly: "Child, the first rule of the Necromancer Code is that you cannot summon undead creatures with souls."

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