In addition, what surprised Wang Yuan the most was that the judgment of this girl's [Frost Nova] was actually higher than the warrior's charge!

This is outrageous!

As we all know, before level 30, charge is a hard control skill, which is the highest judgment skill of the warrior and the highest judgment skill of all professions.

The only thing that can compete with it is the warrior's other hard control skill shield attack.

[Frost Nova] is just a soft control, the effect is to slow down, and it takes three stacks to trigger the strong control "freeze".

The judgment of the two skills is a full two levels apart.

Using [Frost Nova] to interrupt the charge is simply ignoring the system settings.

It can be seen that this woman is not only high-level, but also may have advanced equipment.

Even Dabai, who has the soul of an elite mage behind Wang Yuan, couldn't help but praise him: "Oh! The little girl has a good grasp of the timing!"

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"Well, very impressive!" Xiaobai touched his chin and agreed.

"She looks good too..." Ma Saner never focuses on the main point of the problem.

"Okay! It's quite good for a girl to have this level. This is the first time I've seen such a powerful woman!" Chun Ge also sighed when he saw this.

"That's because you haven't seen more powerful ones!" Ma Saner said.

"More powerful? How powerful?" Chun Ge was a little skeptical when he heard this.

"Haha! I'll know when I see you! I can twist your head off."

Wang Yuan: "..."


While Wang Yuan was surprised, the magician had already turned around and was about to continue running...


Just then, a ball of fire flew past Wang Yuan and hit the magician's face directly.


The magician was shocked and pulled with both hands.


A blue barrier blocked in front of him.


The fireball exploded.

The barrier shattered, and the magician was blown back a few steps.

The pursuers behind followed and surrounded him.

Wang Yuan looked back and saw a paladin wearing white armor and shining with blue light, holding a golden scepter and coming from behind. The paladin was followed by a warrior and a mage.

The warrior was wearing black armor and emitting blue light all over his body.

The mage was wearing a gray robe, which also emitted a dazzling blue light.

The three walked past Wang Yuan without even looking at him, as if they didn't even see Wang Yuan.

Seeing these three people, Wang Yuan couldn't help but frown.

According to the equipment setting of "Dawn Break", only silver-level equipment can emit blue light effects.

In the current game, only dungeons can produce silver equipment with a certain probability, and only the elite groups of high-level guilds and some expert player teams have the ability to pass dungeons.

So the silver equipment is in the hands of those big guilds, and most ordinary players can't even get a set of bronze equipment.

And these three guys, each of them has a set of silver equipment, and some even have a gold-level equipment.

It can be seen that these guys are obviously players from top guilds.

I don't know how this girl offended these people from the big guild. Could it be that she stole their equipment and was being sought for revenge? I know this, big guilds are not good things! !

Wang Yuan secretly guessed and put himself and the Black Dragon Society in.

Forget it! Who cares! Doing the task is important!

Of course, Wang Yuan is not a kind-hearted person, nor does he have the idea of ​​helping others or meddling in other people's affairs. Now he just wants to complete his task smoothly.

Although he admires this master, Wang Yuan has no intention of making trouble.

Seeing that the female mage has been surrounded, he also guessed the fate of the mage, so he stopped watching the fun and left directly to continue to do the task.

But at this moment, the paladin's words attracted Wang Yuan.

"The sea is boundless! I told you not to refuse a toast and drink a penalty. Now let's see where you can run!!"


Hearing the name of the sea, Wang Yuan couldn't help but tremble all over.

The sea is boundless, could it be... this mage is the sea that is boundless on the forum?

"Huh? The sea is boundless?"

However, at this moment, Chun Ge suddenly froze for a moment and said, "Could it be the sea that was the first to discover supernatural powers and changed his job before the end of the world?"

"No way? The sea is boundless is a woman?" Dabai and others were a little unbelievable.

According to future historical records, before the end of the world, the real world and the game world had an overlapping effect.

Some low-level demons came from the game world to the real world.

At the same time, the energy of the professionals in the game also leaked out in the overlap of time and space.

One of the players, called Dahai Wuliang, was the first and only human hero who discovered supernatural powers and successfully changed his job before the two worlds merged.

She had posted a post about supernatural powers on the forum, but it was deleted along with the news about those low-level monsters as a rumor. It is said that Dahai Wuliang himself was even called for criticism and education.

Unfortunately, no one knew why, after the world merged, this player seemed to disappear and there was no news.

Unexpectedly, everyone actually met the legendary first human hero here.


After hearing the conversation between several skeletons, Wang Yuan also got some information.

It turned out that this Dahai Wuliang was also a person who had left his name in the future history, and he was also the first professional in the human race.

I didn't expect that this first person in the human race would be blocked at the door now.

“Bah! I can run wherever I want! What’s your business?” He spat at the Paladin Dahai Wuliang and said with a look of dissatisfaction: “Yun Zhongjun! If you have the guts, just kill me!!”


The Paladin called Yun Zhongjun was not angry, but laughed and said: “Miss Hai, how can I bear to kill you? Our president is a person who loves talents. It’s a waste of your talent to be a casual player with all your skills. Why don’t you join us Huaxia Longteng? We will definitely give you the best resources. If you promise me, the account of robbing our BOSS before will be written off.”

“I just like to play alone! I don’t like those shitty guilds of yours!” Dahai Wuliang said: “Get out! Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude!”

“Haha! Miss Hai, you have to think about it! You know what level of guild our Huaxia Longteng is. We don’t want everyone. We will invite you only because we give you face. Do you really want to go against our Huaxia Longteng?” Yun Zhongjun said again.

"Damn! Are you so shameless?" Hearing Yun Zhongjun's words, Wang Yuan couldn't help curling his lips.

The Black Dragon Society is bad, at least on the surface. From top to bottom, they are all a group of simple-minded guys. They will fight if they don't obey, and they will accept being scolded! It doesn't matter if they have a bad reputation, they are just stubborn.

But the guy in front of him is disgusting. He is obviously doing the same thing as the Black Dragon Society, but he stands on the moral high ground, with a high-sounding look of "I respect you". In fact, the meaning of his words is very clear, that is, forcing others to join Huaxia Longteng.

Especially the condescending tone that I find you to give you face, if you don't join you, you are against us, which is really disgusting.

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