Online game: Are all the skeletons I summoned children of the plane?

Chapter 15 You are a good person, coming here just to die

"No! Sneak attack!!"

Dabai and Xiaobai, two strong men who fought in the sea of ​​corpses and blood, had extremely sensitive reactions. The moment he heard the sound of wind behind him, Xiaobai turned around and raised his shield in his hand without even thinking.

"Tuk!" a soft sound.

An arrow was stopped by Xiaobai Shield.

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At the same time, a message flashed before Wang Yuan's eyes.

[You are attacked by the team of the player "Bald Dragon". You have 180 seconds to defend yourself. Killing the opponent during the legitimate defense period will not increase the PK value. 】


Wang Yuan turned back sharply.

I saw a group of players surrounding me from behind.

The bald leader looked familiar. He was looking at me with a ferocious expression, and he had the ID "Bald Dragon" on his head!

In "Breaking Dawn", when players actively initiate PK, their names will be automatically displayed. Personal information can be hidden only by bringing props or equipment that hides the identity.

The bald dragon is followed by six players.

They are an archer, two mages, a priest, and two warriors. They are fully equipped and have complete professional equipment. At first glance, they are experienced veterans.

"Mad! It's a robber party!"

"It seems that there are scum in every era!"

The two skeletons exchanged glances and immediately realized what was going on. The beating soul fire suddenly burst out with a murderous aura that made Wang Yuan feel a chill down his back.

In the future era, during the hundred-year war between humans and monsters, the thing they hate most is not the monsters, but those who take the opportunity to stab their compatriots in the back and make a fortune.

Robbery Party is one of them.

The first article of the Doomsday Law clearly stipulates that when professionals encounter robbers, they must kill them without mercy and leave no grass behind.

As elites in the profession, seeing these robbers, the two skeleton soldiers instinctively became murderous.

"Haha, buddy, we meet again!"

The bald dragon looked at Wang Yuan in front of him and smiled very obscenely.

"Is it you? What's the matter?"

Wang Yuan frowned slightly and recognized the guy in front of him. He immediately realized that he was showing off his wealth, so he thought of it and gave the order to his skeleton soldiers: "Get ready to fight!"

"It's nothing, I just want to borrow some equipment because you are so generous, brother!" The bald dragon glanced at the weapons in Dabai and Xiaobai's hands, with greed in his eyes.

I have already made a plan in my mind. The weapons of the warrior will be mine, the weapons of the mage will be given to the boss, and the money from the explosion will be distributed to others. It is perfect.

"What if I don't borrow it?" Wang Yuan asked.

"Haha? He said he wouldn't borrow it!" Upon hearing this, the bald dragon turned and laughed at the people behind him.

The others also laughed, and couldn't help but laugh wildly: "Is this guy stupid? I was polite to him but he still took it seriously!"

"Hey, are you okay with your brain? Our boss means that if you keep the equipment and money, I will spare your life! Do you understand this time?"


Wang Yuan touched his chin thoughtfully and said, "So you are robbing."

"That's right! Brother, your summary is correct!" The bald dragon said: "I don't like to fight and kill, and you have to gain PK points. You should take off your equipment yourself, so as not to let us do it."

"Then you're pretty cool."

Wang Yuan smiled and said: "Since you have come to die on your own, I will help you."



Hearing Wang Yuan's words, Bald Dragon and the others were suddenly startled, and then their laughter became even more exaggerated.

"Did you hear that, he said he was going to kill us!!"

"Three of their tenth-level trumpets actually want to kill eight of us!!"

"Ha ha!"

The game has just launched, and players are still in the initial stage without equipment or skills. Player PVP, level and number of players are everything.

In the eyes of Bald Long and others, Wang Yuan's side is just three level 10 trumpets, while there are eight people on their side, and the lowest level ones are all level 15.

No matter the level or the number of people, it is a crushing level.

Wang Yuan actually shouted that he wanted to kill them all. Everyone heard the funniest joke.

However, at this moment, Wang Yuan narrowed his eyes and gave an order to Dabai and Xiaobai: "Go ahead, leave no one behind!"

"Brother Niu, good job!"

"I appreciate you more and more!"

The two skeletons received the order and launched an attack without saying a word.

The big white staff was raised.


A ball of fire flew towards the bald dragon at the front.

"Damn it! He really dares to do it!!"

The bald dragon was shocked and quickly raised his shield in defense.

But the moment the bald dragon raised its shield, Xiaobai had already charged to the side of the bald dragon and hit it hard.


The bald dragon was pushed up into the air, and its blocking action was interrupted.


At the same time as the block was interrupted, Baymax's fireball hit the bald dragon's face without any reservation.



Two huge health numbers, one red and one blue, floated on the head of the bald dragon.

The bald dragon's health bar dropped by half.

Before the bald dragon landed, Xiaobai slashed horizontally with the long sword in his hand, and struck the bald dragon's leg with a [Chop].


The bald dragon was chopped down with a sword and fell to the ground on all fours. Then Xiaobai took advantage of the situation and struck down with a [heavy blow], inserting a sword into the throat of the bald dragon.

From the time Wang Yuan gave the order to Xiao Bai using [Heavy Attack] to end the battle, it took less than three seconds, and the bald dragon turned into a corpse on the spot.

Even everyone hadn't reacted to what was going on.


Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

Everyone was a teammate of the same guild, and they naturally knew each other's strength.

As their boss, the bald dragon was naturally the strongest among them.

And as a warrior, the bald dragon's equipment was also the best in the team. Not only was his attack and defense high, but his health was also high, making him the core of the team.

But at this time, he didn't even last a round and was killed on the spot.

What the hell!

Even Wang Yuan couldn't help but sigh, worthy of being a real tough guy who had killed people and monsters on the battlefield, compared to ordinary players, he was simply not in the same dimension.

The two cooperated perfectly, and their moves were simple and rough, which was unheard of by a otaku like Wang Yuan.

"Damn it, dare to kill me!! Kill them!"

On the other side, when the bald dragon reacted, he had already returned to the resurrection point, and immediately gave his men an attack order in anger.

The Black Dragon Society rushed towards Dabai and Xiaobai.

The next moment, the two warriors rushed in front of the two.

Seeing that Xiaobai was about to be knocked away.


I heard Dabai chuckle and move in front of Xiaobai, smashing the staff in his hand.


A ball of dazzling flames spread 360 degrees around with Dabai as the center, and collided with the two warriors who were charging over.


The two warriors were pushed away directly.

Xiaobai jumped forward and stabbed the two warriors in the throat accurately, hitting the vital points.

The two warriors had no time to dodge and turned into two corpses.

Xiaobai landed and raised his shield.


The fireball of the opposing mage and the arrow flying towards Dabai hit the shield and exploded.

The powerful impact blew Xiaobai back half a step.

At the same time, Dabai's fireball also fell on the opposing mage.

With a loud bang, the opposing mage was burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, and died.

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