Let’s not talk about whether Skeleton King Leoric has a butt as a skeleton.

Anyway, the knife was stabbed in...

Shui Linglong appeared from behind Leoric, and the whole place was silent.

Wang Yuan could feel the cold breath emanating from Leoric from more than ten meters away.

It was quiet for three full seconds.

Leoric shouted.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝔰𝔥𝔲.𝔫𝔢𝔱


Then the fighting spirit on Leoric’s body turned dark gold.

His originally tall body shrank rapidly and shrank to the size of a normal person in an instant.

The bones on his body emitted a dark golden light, and the soul fire became more condensed.

“Haha, damn! I deflated him!”

Shui Linglong saw Leoric become smaller and shouted excitedly.

The others were also surprised.

What skill did Shui Linglong use to beat the BOSS like this?

However, Wang Yuan was shocked.

Because when Leoric became smaller, Wang Yuan heard the complaints of three skeletons.

"Fuck! How did this woman get out there?"

"Yay! Leoric was beaten to the third stage of transformation!!"

"Awesome! When we fought before, we had to fight to red blood before transforming, but the beautiful lady stabbed him out with a knife."


"Lingzi! Run!"

Wang Yuan immediately reminded loudly.

However, it was too late.

Leoric stretched his left foot back and kicked Shui Linglong in the stomach.

Assassins are not a profession with thick blood. If it were other assassins, they would have died on the spot after being kicked by Leoric.

But who is Shui Linglong? The number one RMB player in the world, a rich man who can be recorded in history books 120 years later.

It goes without saying how powerful her equipment is.

The armor and health bar of an assassin are thicker than that of a tank.

Leoric's kick didn't kill her, and her health bar didn't even turn red, but only lost one-third of her health.


Everyone was stunned by this woman's incredible ability to withstand beatings.

Sure enough, there are only professions that can't be against the sky, but there are no RMB players who can't be against the sky. An assassin was turned into a output tank by Shui Linglong, which is simply a sin.

Of course, Shui Linglong didn't feel good either. Leoric kicked her and she bent down.

Leoric turned around, and the long sword in his hand flashed a ray of light in the air, and the next moment he appeared next to Shui Linglong's head.


Just when Shui Linglong was about to be killed by a sword, suddenly an arrow with a white light flew over diagonally and shot at Shui Linglong.

The powerful impact knocked Shui Linglong to the ground.


Leoric's long sword brushed Shui Linglong's forehead.

Shui Linglong was sweating, and immediately rolled back and turned on stealth.

"Awesome!!" Everyone exclaimed when they saw this, and looked at Suibian Luanshe in surprise.

The arrow just now was a stroke of genius, using the force of the arrow's impact to help Shui Linglong complete the dodge action, and because of the team mode, Shui Linglong was not hurt.

Being able to shoot such an accurate and rescue arrow in that situation just now, not only does he have an extremely fast reaction speed, but his combat IQ is also incredible, which is simply amazing.

"It's not me, it's not me..."

Suibian Luanshe shook his head repeatedly.

"Hey! Is this still the arrogant and shameless kid I know?" Everyone was even more surprised.

At this moment, Leoric, whose sword missed, turned his head angrily, and looked fiercely at the skeleton archer Ma San next to Wang Yuan behind everyone! !

"Ant! You dare to challenge me?"

While speaking, Leoric flashed and turned into a stream of light. In an instant, he crossed a distance of more than ten meters and came to Wang Yuan.

"Fuck! What speed?"

"Nimma! Is this guy so fast?"

Seeing this scene, everyone was terrified.

Although Leoric was tall and brave, his speed was not particularly fast, about the same as that of a player.

But now Leoric has become a different person.

It is obvious that after this guy changed his form, he changed from the attack and defense mode to the speed mode.

"Protect Brother Niu!!"

Although they were surprised, everyone's master quality was still there. The brave warrior turned around and rushed towards Leoric again with a shield.

And Leoric had already raised his sword and stabbed Wang Yuan's throat.


Seeing that Wang Yuan was about to be pierced through the throat by a sword, suddenly a shield protected Wang Yuan.


Everyone looked at it and was stunned for a moment, some of them couldn't believe their eyes.

It's Wang Yuan's Skeleton Soldier!!

"How... How is it possible?"

The Brave Warrior was even more doubtful about his life.

As we all know, compared to the players, the Necromancer's Skeleton Soldier has a very low IQ, and the actions can only be completed under instructions, so the Skeleton Soldier is generally half a beat slower than the player.

More importantly, the Skeleton's early attributes are not strong... fragile and weak.

When going to dungeons and leveling up, the role of skeleton soldiers is just to be cannon fodder and mindless output. They can't complete the delicate operations with extremely low tolerance. Therefore, when going to dungeons to fight BOSS, the skeletons of necromancers are actually useless, and the elite group will not let the necromancer summon skeletons.

Because of this, after entering the dungeon, the three skeletons behind Wang Yuan were treated as decorations by everyone.

I never thought that this thing could also help when fighting BOSS.

However, facing Leoric's lightning-fast attack, Wang Yuan's skeleton soldiers actually successfully blocked it...

That's right, they blocked it! Not only was Wang Yuan safe and sound, but the skeletons didn't lose blood after blocking Leoric's attack.

You know, even the strong warrior Wushuang and the rich woman Shui Linglong would lose half their lives if they tried to solve Leoric's sword. How can these skeleton soldiers be worthy of it?


Little did they know that Xiaobai already had growth attributes, and with Wang Yuan's attribute bonus, he was wearing the set "Sean's Revenge" known as a novice artifact, and it was a shield-armored skeleton with defense as the main feature. His attack and defense attributes were even better than those of the nearly 20-level Brave Warrior.

After Leoric transformed, his speed increased significantly, but his attack and defense decreased. This sword still stabbed on the shield, so it naturally couldn't hurt Xiaobai.

But Xiaobai was not feeling well either. He took Leoric's sword hard, and the shield's protection value was directly reset to zero, and he almost lost durability.


After Xiaobai blocked Leoric's sword, he raised his right long sword.


The soul fire in Leoric's eyes jumped slightly, and his body moved back horizontally to avoid Xiaobai's long sword.


At this moment, Xiaobai took a step forward, and his left-handed shield slammed heavily on Leoric's head.


At the same time, a ball of fire exploded on Leoric's body.



Two huge blood loss numbers floated above Leoric's head.


The few brave warriors who were about to step forward to help were stunned when they saw this scene.

Muttering to himself: "He...he...can actually...kill the BOSS alone."

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