"Sword of the King?"

Wang Yuan frowned slightly and handed the bone jade staff in his hand to the Grim Reaper.

"Ah...Niu...Brother Niu...you..."

Looking at the staff handed over by Wang Yuan, the Grim Reaper was stunned for a moment, babbling and unable to speak.

"No...Brother Niu, is it really okay for you to spoil him like this?"

Others were so angry when they saw this, wishing they could snatch the staff away.

A gold-level staff, and it is also a top-grade attribute. Let's not talk about the value of it on the market. This thing is an irresistible temptation for anyone who needs it.

Wang Yuan himself still brought a novice stick, but he gave such a top-grade equipment to others.

This behavior is more shocking than Wang Yuan's single-handed challenge to the BOSS.

You know, in the game, the value of equipment is more important than life. How many friends have parted ways because of a piece of equipment, how many people have become enemies because of a piece of equipment, and there are many dogs who steal equipment in the live broadcast room in full view of the public.

Wang Yuan gave a piece of top-quality equipment to someone else. What kind of spirit is this?

Everyone was moved, admired, and a little unhappy.

What moved them was Wang Yuan's character, what they admired was Wang Yuan's behavior, and what was unhappy was that they were not a mage.

Especially the Grim Reaper, at this time, his expression really looked like the Grim Reaper, with tears rolling in his eyes: "Brother Niu... I won't say anything, your business is my business from now on."

"It's a small matter!"

Wang Yuan waved his hand and said: "In my current situation, there is no difference between being unarmed and carrying weapons."


When everyone heard Wang Yuan's words, they immediately felt that they had suffered a heavy blow.

But think about it carefully, isn't it? Wang Yuan is a necromancer, and all his skills are on the undead battle pet. The attribute of the staff to increase damage is indeed not very meaningful to Wang Yuan, but he is too straightforward.

The truth hurts everyone's self-esteem more than lies.


Wang Yuan continued to touch.

Everyone began to pray again.


At this time, Wang Yuan was suddenly stunned, with a helpless expression on his face.

"What's wrong? What did you find?" Everyone gathered around him.

"Isn't it a warrior weapon?"

"Bullshit! Looking at Brother Niu's expression, it's probably a cross!"

"Get lost, I think it's a staff..."

"God of Death, do you have some shame? Can't you just die for a while? Can't it be a bow?"

"As long as it's not a dagger, it's better than anything else..." Shui Linglong's expression was solemn.

However, before she finished speaking, Wang Yuan had already pulled out a dagger from Leoric's chest.

[Death Harvest]

Category: Dagger

Quality: Gold

Attack: 60

Magic: 37

Strength +13

Agility +14

Soul Mark: Passive skill, each attack on the target will add a layer of soul mark, up to ten layers.

Soul Harvest: Active skill, activate Soul Harvest, the soul mark will be converted into the holder's health, and each layer of soul mark will be converted 5%.

Soul Explosion: Active skill, activate Soul Explosion, soul mark will be converted into damage, each layer of soul mark converts damage to 5% of the target's health (invalid for BOSS).

Occupation requirement: Assassin

Level requirement: 15

Item description: The dagger made from the ribs of Skeleton King Leoric contains powerful soul energy and has the powerful power to kill the target.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!"

Shui Linglong is going crazy!

Four daggers... After a dungeon, I went from one knife to four knives... and each dagger is top-notch, with its own unique attributes. How can I choose? Even if I dual-wield, I can only bring two.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!"

Others almost collapsed!

This dungeon is for Sister Kuan alone, right? She keeps exploding daggers. Isn't this a typical waste of resources?

Even if Sister Kuan is a level 15 Xinyue member, she can't be taken care of like this. Is it true that the rumor that the explosion rate is high when you charge money is true?

"You... Oh..."

Wang Yuan is almost speechless.

I don't know how to evaluate Shui Linglong's luck.

If you say she's good, they're all daggers. If you say she's bad, every dagger is top-grade.

I'm still holding a small broken stick.

"It's okay, Lingzi. You should also dual-wield your feet in the future!" Renzhe Wudi comforted him.

"Can feet dual-wield?" Shui Linglong was silly and cute.


"Then what nonsense are you talking about?"

"Can't you see that I'm jealous of you?"

"Get lost! Bitch!"

The two started a new round of mutual slander and insults.

"Brother Niu, can't you touch a warrior's equipment?" Yongzhe Wushuang wanted to cry but had no tears.

No, Skeleton King is a warrior after all, why is it not a mage outfit or an assassin outfit, is this guy so shameless?

"Bow is fine!" I'm looking forward to shooting randomly.

"I want Angel Wings!" Hope started to make unreasonable demands, and no one was too lazy to pay attention to this guy.

"Let me see..."

Wang Yuan touched it again casually.


A flash of light passed by. A piece of armor appeared in Wang Yuan's hand.

[Holy Armor of the Dead]

Category: Armor (Plate Armor)

Armor: 60

Magic Resistance: 60

Physique +15

Spirit +15

Guardian of the Dead: Passive skill, HP bonus 15%

Dead Redeemer: Passive skill, HP recovery increased by 20%

Dead Undead: Passive skill, when HP is zero, the undead state will be activated, which lasts for 15 seconds, and the player will die after the undead state ends. Cooldown time 3600 seconds.

Occupation requirements: Warrior, Paladin

Level requirements: 15

Item description: The close-fitting armor of the Skeleton King Leoric, which was once blessed by the undead magic and has the ability to transcend life and death.


"Good guy!! This is the Berserker artifact!!"

Wang Yuan couldn't help but be surprised.

As we all know, the second turn of weapon slash is Berserker. Berserker has a blood burst skill. When the blood burst is activated, blood will continue to be lost. The lower the blood volume, the higher the attribute bonus.

So the Berserker's favorite thing is to chop people while taking drugs.

The blood recovery bonus of this armor directly improves the Berserker's survivability while standing and shooting. Finally, the undead undead feature directly sublimates this equipment.

The lower the health of the Berserker, the higher the attribute. Theoretically, the attribute is the strongest when the health is empty.

It can survive for 15 seconds after the health is zero, which is equivalent to giving the Berserker 15 seconds of maximum output time.

The first two attributes are only ordinary for warrior equipment, and the last attribute instantly turns this armor into a magic weapon.

Seeing the attributes of the armor, everyone was stunned at first, and then the Warrior Wushuang jumped up directly, saved Wang Yuan and kissed him wildly: "I'm mad! Brother Niu! You are really my brother."

"Hit! Beat him to death!"

Wang Yuan was furious and commanded the three skeletons to take the Warrior Wushuang off his body and press him to the ground, and then punched and kicked this guy, and the others also took the opportunity to kick him twice to relieve their hatred.

At the same time, Wang Yuan pulled out a long sword from Leoric's body.


As the long sword was pulled out, a dark golden light burst out instantly.

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